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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Feedback about feedbacks and suchlike fooleries | Watts Up With That?

Feedback about feedbacks and suchlike fooleries | Watts Up With That?: "The final chapter will add that there is a real danger that the UN, using advisors from the European Union, will succeed in exploiting the fraudulent science peddled by the climate/environment axis as a Trojan horse to extinguish democracy in those countries which, unlike the nations of Europe, are still fortunate enough to have it; that the world’s freedom is consequently at immediate and grave risk from the vaunting ambition of a grasping, talent-free, scientifically-illiterate ruling elite of world-government wannabes everywhere; but that – as the recent history of the bureaucratic-centralist and now-failed EU has demonstrated – the power-mad adidacts are doomed, and they will be brought low by the ineluctable futility of their attempts to tinker with the laws of physics and of economics.

The army of light and truth, however few we be, will quietly triumph over the forces of darkness in the end: for, whether they like it or not, the unalterable truth cannot indefinitely be confused, concealed, or contradicted. We did not make the laws of science: therefore, it is beyond our power to repeal them."


Shocking. Another electric car recall. « Hot Air

Shocking. Another electric car recall. « Hot Air: "It’s a tough call to say which carries more irony here: the fact that they named their car “Karma” or the name of the company itself. (For those not familiar, the Urban Dictionary definition of “fisking” notes: The word is derived from articles written by Robert Fisk that were easily refuted, and refers to a point-by-point debunking of lies and/or idiocies. )"

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Articles: Barack Obama's Always 'Helpful' Never 'Hurtful' Lies

Articles: Barack Obama's Always 'Helpful' Never 'Hurtful' Lies: "In the end, Obama's 20/20 Christmas confession that he really is a lazy liar either validates people like Joe Wilson, who knew it all along, or is a devious attempt to appear candid and self-deprecating. Of all people, the President should know that lying to avoid being hurtful in a hollow attempt to be helpful accomplishes nothing. Nevertheless, just in time for the next election cycle the President's dishonesty again brings to mind John McCain's original still-unanswered question: "Who is the real Barack Obama?""

Very good question.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Articles: The Paradox of Merit Pay

Articles: The Paradox of Merit Pay: "The ideological premise of education departments is that knowledge, per se, is not a worthy goal of education; instead, these departments focus on process skills, however dubious. Therefore, they could hardly disseminate knowledge themselves and then follow up such lessons with objective and rigorous assessments. That would simply be hypocritical. Instead, ed school is mostly constructivist sloganeering (students "make meaning," teachers are just "guides," etc.), with the simple requirement that students repeat the slogans. Group work and cooperative learning are championed as the enlightened teaching methods. This accounts for the inflated GPAs which Briggs documents in his research.
This type of teacher preparation can never be rigorous. Furthermore, students willing to embrace and repeat this kind of sloganeering are a self-selecting group who place less value on academic rigor and more on ideological conformity. This is the very demographic group which will eventually repopulate the current crop of education professors, making the possibility of change even more unlikely."

Excellent diagnosis of the problem.

Obama to add signing statement to defense authorization opposing McCain-Levin amendment « Hot Air

Obama to add signing statement to defense authorization opposing McCain-Levin amendment « Hot Air: "It’s not for the first time, either — and not even the first time for a defense authorization bill. Under fire from civil libertarians on his left, Barack Obama will add a signing statement objecting to the McCain-Levin amendment on the jurisdiction of terror suspects captured in or out of the US. Attorney General Eric Holder announced the decision in an interview with the Wall Street Journal:"

Well, what what would you expect?

Articles: Tebow and the Left's Religious Bigotry

Articles: Tebow and the Left's Religious Bigotry: "For years, liberals have publicly denounced as "irrational hatred" the disagreement and moral disapproval conservatives have articulated towards various belief systems. That's why this Tebow situation offers a teachable moment that conservatives should not let pass by. While resisting the urge to condone and embrace destructive beliefs and behavior is not irrational or hateful, impugning millions of faithful Christians by suggesting that they will torch mosques and exile immigrants just because a football player leads his team to victory is both.
What causes it? Given that Tebow has preached no sermon, written no scathing op-ed blasting the practice of abortion, taken no public stand on the issue of gay marriage, nor endorsed the eventual presidential nominee of the Republican Party, the only plausible explanation for such absurdity is that he dares to boldly utter the name of Christ, unreserved and unashamed. If that be not bigotry, the word has no meaning.
If liberals want a real reason to despise Tim Tebow, it should be because his mere presence in the national spotlight has pulled the veil off their seething and self-evident anti-Christian bigotry."

Very well said.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Power Plant Closures Due To Environmental Regulations To Take Toll On Towns | Fox News

Power Plant Closures Due To Environmental Regulations To Take Toll On Towns | Fox News: "No lights will go dark. But the Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that 14.7 gigawatts -- enough power for more than 11 million households -- will be retired from the power grid in the 2014-15 period when the rules take effect. One rule curbs air pollution in states downwind from dirty power plants. Another sets first standards for mercury and other toxic pollutants from smokestacks."

Another milestone in the plan to take us back to a much lower standard of living.

See, for example: this article on the relationship between energy and prosperity.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Articles: The Hitman Cometh: America to be 'War Zone'

Articles: The Hitman Cometh: America to be 'War Zone': "Several weeks ago, Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) advanced legislation in the Senate that would designate the continental United States as a "battlefield."  Under the provisions of the legislation, the military could then deploy within the US without any formal authorization under Posse Comitatus, which limits domestic deployment and guards against a police state.  No declaration of martial law is necessary.  Obama only need give the order, and then troops can march down American streets in search of "terrorists," real or hypothetical, since no real threat need be demonstrated.  In his first term, Obama authored an executive order that transferred the power of deploying troops domestically from state governors to a council of persons answerable only to himself. A recipe for despotism and the virtual end of freedom in America now exist when this order and current proposals are combined.  The horrific implications of converting America into an active warzone are obvious to any keen observer. "

Not good...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

LightSquared flunks again « Hot Air

LightSquared flunks again « Hot Air: "At this point, some people at the FCC and in the White House should start feeling a little … nervous. Yesterday afternoon, the Departments of Defense and Transportation released a joint statement stating that LightSquared is about as bad on navigational equipment as everyone knew it would be:"

But of course a big Obama donor stands to benefit, so...

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air:

What do you expect from a clown who relied on Corzine?

Video: Obama loves him some Jon Corzine « Hot Air

Video: Obama loves him some Jon Corzine « Hot Air:

Smartest man Joe Biden knows...

Records Reveal Contact Between Corzine And The Fed In MF Global's Final Days | Fox News

Records Reveal Contact Between Corzine And The Fed In MF Global's Final Days | Fox News: "Jack Gutt, a spokesman for Dudley, said the New York Fed had no comment. But sources with knowledge of the substance of these conversations told Fox News that Corzine already knew MF Global's collapse was imminent, and had reached out to Dudley for two reasons: first, to see if the Fed could help find a buyer for MF Global; and second, to assist the Fed in its efforts to minimize the fallout from what both men now realized was shaping up as a Wall Street catastrophe, the eighth largest bankruptcy in American history. "

Obama's go-to guy on economic matters.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Articles: Newt Catapults into Lead in Racism Race

Articles: Newt Catapults into Lead in Racism Race: "It would have been remarkable enough if Gingrich had merely articulated the "most racist statement" ever made about the Palestinians -- a venerable competition that includes such famous pronouncements as "Palestinian" Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi's utterance during the 1937 Peel Commission partition hearings -- to wit, "[t]here is no such country as Palestine! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented ... Our country was for centuries part of Syria!" Few thought that the sheer racism of this statement would ever be surpassed until Ahmed Shuqeiri (later chairman of the PLO) told the U.N. Security Council much more pithily that "[i]t is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria." "


Review & Outlook: Where the Tax Money Is - WSJ.com

Review & Outlook: Where the Tax Money Is - WSJ.com: "Say we take it up to the top 10%, or everyone with income over $114,000, including joint filers. That's five times Mr. Obama's 2% promise. The IRS data are broken down at $100,000, yet taxing all income above that level throws up only $3.4 trillion. "

The "tax the rich" canard revealed.

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class: "The real question going into to the 2012 election is whether middle-class voters will see through the marketing efforts of the Democratic Party and its media supporters to recognize that policies of prosperity, not redistribution and dependency, truly help the middle class."


Articles: JustiaGate: 'Natural Born' Supreme Court Citations Disappear

Articles: JustiaGate: 'Natural Born' Supreme Court Citations Disappear: "There has been a deliberate, targeted effort to minimize if not erase the legal importance of Minor v. Happersett in defining the term "Natural Born Citizen." Justia and PRO champion freedom of information yet at the same time hypocritically redacted the law to suit a political goal. Justia and Tim Stanley butchered these cases and, when caught, removed Wayback Machine's access to Justia's entire Supreme Court server. The only thing hidden now is the evidence of Justia's deliberate scrubbing, as the cases are available in the public domain."

Transparency, Soros style.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

America’s Communist President — Emerging Corruption

America’s Communist President — Emerging Corruption: "In a December 8 Washington Times commentary, Jeffrey T. Kuhner wrote, “There is only one problem with the White House’s narrative: It’s completely false. Mr. Obama is not a defender of the middle class but has been its mortal enemy. His policies have impoverished working-and-middle-class Americans.”
Other than the utterly brain-dead liberals for whom facts are meaningless, most Americans understand, as Kuhner pointed out, “His massive stimulus failed to restore economic recovery…his trillion-dollar deficits and skyrocketing debt have mortgaged the future of our children…Obamacare suffocates businesses, stifles job creation, and adds another unsustainable entitlement. It is creeping socialized medicine, which is wrecking the world’s finest health care system.”"

Good article.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Articles: Debt and Taxes: Settled Science

Articles: Debt and Taxes: Settled Science: "And if you want to imitate the low-debt countries of Scandinavia, raise taxes on the non-rich most, and cut government spending."


Monday, December 5, 2011

Articles: Chelsea Clinton's Baggage. No, Not Them.

Articles: Chelsea Clinton's Baggage. No, Not Them.: "The world is actually a very simple place. It just takes a long time to figure out all the connections, who people really are, and how things work. And, most important of all, who the Right People are. Because in Clinton World, there are still -- it would seem -- no Wrong People.
We're grateful to Chelsea Clinton for showing us the way."

Neither the apple, nor the bird shit, falls far from the tree.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Victory: McDonald’s outsmarts San Francisco on Happy Meal ban « Hot Air

Victory: McDonald’s outsmarts San Francisco on Happy Meal ban « Hot Air: "Today and tomorrow mark the last days that put-upon parents can satiate their youngsters by simply throwing down $2.18 for a Happy Meal toy. But, thanks to the new law taking effect on Dec. 1, this is no longer permitted. Now, in order to have the privilege of making a 10-cent charitable donation in exchange for the toy, you must buy the Happy Meal. Hilariously, it appears Mar et al., in their desire to keep McDonald’s from selling grease and fat to kids with the lure of a toy have now actually incentivized the purchase of that grease and fat — when, beforehand, a put-upon parent could get out cheaper and healthier with just the damn toy."

Let's get the government involved. Can't wait until they solve the "bullying problem".

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Future of the Obama Coalition - NYTimes.com

The Future of the Obama Coalition - NYTimes.com: "For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

Targeting the parasite class...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Behind Closed Doors: “Perpetuating Rubbish” « Climate Audit

Behind Closed Doors: “Perpetuating Rubbish” « Climate Audit: "The new emails show that Bradley thought that this series was, to use the technical term preferred by climate scientists, “crap” and should not be used in multiproxy studies – an issue raised by Bradley in connection with Mann et al (EOS 2003) – their attack on Soon and Baliunas 2003."

It's wrong, but suits our purposes....

An E-Mail Communication Between Phil Jones and Ben Santer Indicating Inappropriate Behavior By The US National Research Council | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

An E-Mail Communication Between Phil Jones and Ben Santer Indicating Inappropriate Behavior By The US National Research Council | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "The e-mail also documents an inappropriate communication between a member of the CCSP committee (Ben Santer) and a member of the NRC review committee (Phil Jones)."

Corruption in "climate science".

Second leak of climate emails: Political giants weigh in on bias, scientists bowing to financial pressure from sponsors | Mail Online

Second leak of climate emails: Political giants weigh in on bias, scientists bowing to financial pressure from sponsors | Mail Online: "'I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run,' wrote another."

Ya reckon?

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs:

Good read on the CLOUD experiment.

Caribou supposedly roasted by global warming found unharmed | Watts Up With That?

Caribou supposedly roasted by global warming found unharmed | Watts Up With That?: "“They believe the insidious impact of climate change, its tipping of natural balances and disruption of feeding habits, is decimating a species that has long numbered in the millions and supported human life in Earth’s most inhuman climate.”"

Or not...

Paleoclimate – Rotten to the core « the Air Vent

Paleoclimate – Rotten to the core « the Air Vent: "There is a lot to be said about Climategate 2 emails. Since I’ve focused so much of my time on dendroclimatology, much of the climate science I’ve studied is related to that subject. This is in no small part due to the influences of Steve McIntyre at Climate Audit. Often, we skeptics have made the point that trees are terrible thermometers and equally often I’ve wondered if these climatologists understand just how bad the hockey stick reconstructions are. When these issues are discussed here in the open, the believer groups usually stop by and claim that the multiple studies with same or similar results are somehow “verification” of their accuracy. The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth."

Great post!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How Obama's Alternative-Energy Programs Became Green Graft - The Daily Beast

How Obama's Alternative-Energy Programs Became Green Graft - The Daily Beast: "Friends indeed. These programs might be the greatest—and most expensive—example of crony capitalism in American history. Tens of billions of dollars went to firms controlled or owned by fundraisers, bundlers, and political allies, many of whom—surprise!—are now raising money for Obama again."


America Has Gotten Lazy « Ric's Rulez

America Has Gotten Lazy « Ric's Rulez: "What this is, is the opening shots in the inevitable decay of a Socialist economy. When productivity starts dropping and there are fewer resources available for redistribution, the leadership notes that the people aren’t working as hard as they used to. The obvious conclusion is that the people have gotten lazy, and the nomenklatura then start on a campaign to get people to work harder and more effectively. Look up some political posters from the USSR of the Twenties and Thirties for examples."

See the original. It's very good.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Articles: The Eloquence of Obama's Inaction

Articles: The Eloquence of Obama's Inaction: "Despite all his rhetoric, Obama has never spoken louder than what he hasn't said about what's going on all over America with the 'Occupy' movement. As the growing brand of miscreant activism devolves into a conglomeration of squalor, crime, sickness, death, and disrespect for all that is good, America's usually chatty and opinionated President is suddenly at a loss for words."

Nicely said, but liberals never seem to recognize their own hypocrisy.

Now we know what went wrong.

The administration called for advice economic and banking advice. Who did they call?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I need a bambulance... Finally had to look up the intersection. There's no stop and go.

View Larger Map

Ho, Ho, Holy Xmas Tree! Obama’s Gift to the Right

Ho, Ho, Holy Xmas Tree! Obama’s Gift to the Right: "Instead of dispassionately and evenly regulating the lending markets, government became a stakeholder for politically driven outcomes and skewed its regulatory practices to favor those outcomes. Those actions created such a severe distortion that they nearly destroyed the global economy when home prices started plunging in 2008 and the securities behind gazillions in home loans became all but worthless. Instead of learning from that lesson, the federal government continues to expand its interventions, this time in the Christmas tree market."

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Numbers Games - Thomas Sowell - Townhall Conservative

Numbers Games - Thomas Sowell - Townhall Conservative: "A University of Michigan study showed that most of the working people who were in the bottom 20 percent of income earners in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent at some point by 1991. Only 5 percent of those in the bottom quintile in 1975 were still there in 1991, while 29 percent of them were now in the top quintile."

Sage words from Sowell.

Corporate Collaborators - National Review Online

Corporate Collaborators - National Review Online: "I don’t mean just the placards with the same old portable quotes by Lenin et al., but also, say, the photograph in Forbes of Rachel, a 20-year-old “unemployed cosmetologist” with remarkably uncosmetological complexion, dressed in pink hair and nose ring as if it’s London, 1977, and she’s killing time at Camden Lock before the Pistols gig. Except that that’s three and a half decades ago, so it would be like the Sex Pistols dressing like the Andrews Sisters. Are America’s revolting youth so totally pathetically moribund they can’t even invent their own hideous fashion statements? "

The hits just keep on coming.

Corporate Collaborators - National Review Online

Corporate Collaborators - National Review Online:

I don’t “stand with the 99%,” and certainly not downwind of them. But I’m all for their “occupation” continuing on its merry way. It usefully clarifies the stakes. At first glance, an alliance of anarchists and government might appear to be somewhat paradoxical. But the formal convergence in Oakland makes explicit the movement’s aims: They’re anarchists for statism, wild free-spirited youth demanding more and more total government control of every aspect of life — just so long as it respects the fundamental human right to sloth. What’s happening in Oakland is a logical exercise in class solidarity: The government class enthusiastically backing the breakdown of civil order is making common cause with the leisured varsity class, the thuggish union class, and the criminal class in order to stick it to what’s left of the beleaguered productive class. It’s a grand alliance of all those societal interests that wish to enjoy in perpetuity a lifestyle they are not willing to earn. Only the criminal class is reasonably upfront about this. The rest — the lifetime legislators, the unions defending lavish and unsustainable benefits, the “scholars” whiling away a somnolent half decade at Complacency U — are obliged to dress it up a little with some hooey about “social justice” and whatnot.

Gotta love Steyn.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An Initial Look At The Hindcasts Of The NCAR CCSM4 Coupled Climate Model | Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations

An Initial Look At The Hindcasts Of The NCAR CCSM4 Coupled Climate Model | Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations: "No matter how well the NCAR CCSM4 can simulate certain aspects and processes of global climate, the fact that it cannot reproduce many portions of the instrument temperature record during the 20thCentury emphasizes failings that call into question its ability to project future global or regional climate change."

Global fail.

Union tries to fire trustee who asked to audit taxpayer funded account « Hot Air

Union tries to fire trustee who asked to audit taxpayer funded account « Hot Air:

Are labor unions simply organized crime? I think the answer is obvious.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Stupidity of "Buy American" - John Stossel - Townhall Conservative

The Stupidity of "Buy American" - John Stossel - Townhall Conservative: ""The person who tries to get you fired is not your friend," Henderson said."

This is slightly off the topic of the article (which is very good, despite the sadness of its necessity), but it's why I get annoyed when people want to "tax the rich". I work for someone who is rich and who may not continue to employ me if his return on investment is tanked by increased taxes.

Protests Go Violent, but Media Stay Syrupy - Brent Bozell - Townhall Conservative

Protests Go Violent, but Media Stay Syrupy - Brent Bozell - Townhall Conservative: "Does anyone recall tear gas and rock-throwing riots at Tea Party events? In the days before Obamacare passed in March 2010, the networks aired national stories condemning spitting and name-calling at congressmen. Never mind that it wasn't true. Suppose it was? It still pales in comparison with throwing rocks and small explosives. Yet the Tea Party was painted as a violent fringe, while the occupiers are a syrupy story of History Sleeps in Tents."

Great shot.
'via Blog this'

Occupy Wall Streeters complain they have been ‘occupied’ - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com

Occupy Wall Streeters complain they have been ‘occupied’ - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com: "So to summarize: The protesters consider the police enemies and hurl insults (and sometimes worse) at the men in blue. Yet, they demand that the cops take action to expel the unwanted element, who have precisely the same rights to the space as do the protesters themselves. If that scenario isn’t a microcosm of the Obama presidency, nothing is."


Democracy Versus Mob Rule - Page 1 - Thomas Sowell - Townhall Conservative

Democracy Versus Mob Rule - Page 1 - Thomas Sowell - Townhall Conservative: "Among the favorite sloppy words used by the shrill mobs in the streets is "Wall Street greed." But even if you think people in Wall Street, or anywhere else, are making more money than they deserve, "greed" is no explanation whatever.

"Greed" says how much you want. But you can become the greediest person on earth and that will not increase your pay in the slightest. It is what other people pay you that increases your income."

From the always coherent Thomas Sowell.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

JustiaGate - Portland Civil Rights | Examiner.com

JustiaGate - Portland Civil Rights | Examiner.com: "Someone was incredibly busy in June 2008 working on an illegal front invisible to the public; searching and altering Supreme Court Cases published at Justia.com which cite the only case in American history - Minor v. Happersett (1875) - to directly construe Article 2 Section 1's natural-born citizen clause in determining a citizenship issue as part of its holding and precedent. In this unanimous decision, the Supreme Court defined a "native or natural-born citizen" as a person born in the US to parents who were citizens; a definition which excludes from eligibility both Barack Obama and John McCain. "

Do you rely on "the Web" for information? Don't!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Ugliness All Started With Bork - NYTimes.com

The Ugliness All Started With Bork - NYTimes.com: "Mostly, though, the point remains this: The next time a liberal asks why Republicans are so intransigent, you might suggest that the answer lies in the mirror."

Wow. From the NYT.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Organizers vs. the Organized in Zuccotti Park -- Daily Intel

The Organizers vs. the Organized in Zuccotti Park -- Daily Intel: "And as I spoke to Michael Glaser, a 26-year-old Chicagoan helping lead winter preparation efforts, a physical fight broke out between a cleaner and a camper just feet from us.

“When cleanups happen, people get mad,” Glaser said. “This is its own city. Within every city there are people who freeload, who make people’s lives miserable. We just deal with it. We can’t kick them out.”"

Naive, stupid, feckless...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Late Night Lip Service - BernardGoldberg.com

Late Night Lip Service - BernardGoldberg.com: "Now I’m sure that David Letterman probably donates a good amount of money to specific charities each year. Yet, when put on the spot to direct additional money to “the needy”, he soundly rejected the notion. A week’s paycheck for David Letterman would have been far less money than the 5% annual tax hike that he supports and speaks of as if it’s chump change. But the answer was no.

This often seems to be the case with many wealthy people on the left… They loudly beat President Obama’s drum of higher taxes and income redistribution, but when given the opportunity to practice what they preach, they crawl under a rock."

It's their indignant self-righteousness that really gripes me.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Overrated | The Weekly Standard

Overrated | The Weekly Standard: " Allusions to him reached dimensions best seen as surreal: He was Reagan and Roosevelt; Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass; Martin Luther King and John Kennedy, and Moses and Jesus, as well as a feature in Gentleman’s Quarterly."


Overrated | The Weekly Standard

Overrated | The Weekly Standard: "The use of wedge issues is common in politics—issues carefully selected to unite one party while dividing the other—but it is rare to use them against one’s own party. It takes an unusual politician to achieve this objective. One who’s not very good at his craft. "


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Report: EPA regs will shut down 28 GW of energy production « Hot Air

Report: EPA regs will shut down 28 GW of energy production « Hot Air: "Now a new report from the Institute for Energy Research has identified an alarming number of additional plants which face a similar fate. The total cost to the power grid is a staggering 28 gigawatts of production."

So, when you get hit with a rolling blackout in the middle of next July's heat wave, at least be glad it's in the name of kindness to the planet, regardless of whether it's really doing any good.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly - The Washington Post

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly - The Washington Post: "The “anyone but Obama” crowd is getting larger and more strident in their opinions, while the president’s base is growing less and less strongly supportive of how he is doing the job."

Four years too late.

Michelle Obama’s taxpayer-funded spending is an embarrassment for the White House – Telegraph Blogs

Michelle Obama’s taxpayer-funded spending is an embarrassment for the White House – Telegraph Blogs: "80 per cent of US voters still think the country is in a recession, according to Gallup, and the First Lady’s lavish spending will surely go down badly in a nation that has taken a real hit economically under President Obama’s failed policies. It is hard to think of a presidency more out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans than the current one, and Mrs Obama’s actions will only serve to reinforce that impression. Could Michelle Obama prove a liability for the president as he seeks re-election in 2012? Based on this evidence, the answer is definitely yes."

Where have we seen this pattern? Oh, yes. Look at any African nation that suffered under a despot.

The Innocents Abroad - John Bolton - National Review Online

The Innocents Abroad - John Bolton - National Review Online: "Like Obama’s presidency generally, his national-security flaws combine ideology, naïveté, weakness, lack of leadership, intellectual laziness, and a near-religious faith in negotiation for its own sake."

But we got all that Hope and Change, so I guess it was worth it...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

House GOP calls for special prosecutor to probe Holder on perjury allegation « Hot Air

House GOP calls for special prosecutor to probe Holder on perjury allegation « Hot Air: "House Republicans aren’t buying the “dog ate my security briefings” excuse from Eric Holder. In a letter to President Obama today, House Judiciary Chair Lamar Smith (R-TX) requested a special prosecutor to investigate the Attorney General for perjury"

The beginning of the end.

The Ulsterman Report – White House Insider: Obama “Isolated…Ignorant” - The Ulsterman Report

The Ulsterman Report – White House Insider: Obama “Isolated…Ignorant” - The Ulsterman Report: "old you FnF was the real deal. All that other stuff is fuel to the fire, but FnF is where this administration has been caught. We’re talking murder here. Deadly political manipulation. A criminal enterprise orchestrated at the highest levels of government. "

So far he's been uncannily accurate. Rahmbo, Gibberish, he's called them. Soon it will be Holder. Then the walls fall in.

Monday, October 3, 2011

CBS News: Documents reveal that Holder received briefing on Fast & Furious in July 2010 « Hot Air

CBS News: Documents reveal that Holder received briefing on Fast & Furious in July 2010 « Hot Air: "Either Holder didn’t want to know more after reading that July 2010 briefing or he read it and simply didn’t recognize the gravity of what he was reading. Big, big trouble either way."

This really can't slide. Holder lied to Congress. Or he's completely inept. Either way, in any normal administration, he'd be done. We'll see...

Articles: Fundraising Falsehoods Should End Obama's Presidential Aspirations

Articles: Fundraising Falsehoods Should End Obama's Presidential Aspirations:

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» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government

» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government: "New photographs obtained exclusively by BigGovernment.com reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007."

I'm sure this is all benign...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Creating jobs: Regulatory tsunami impeding economic growth | SignOnSanDiego.com

Creating jobs: Regulatory tsunami impeding economic growth | SignOnSanDiego.com: "One of the greatest myths in American politics is that one person can create jobs. Sure, when the economy is strong, the person whose watch it is gets the credit. When the economy is struggling, they get the blame. But let’s be clear and honest, it’s not President Barack Obama who creates jobs. It’s not Harry Reid, the Democratic leader of the Senate. It’s not John Boehner, the Republican leader of the House."

'via Blog this'

Friday, September 30, 2011

Surprise! ObamaCare doesn’t lower health-insurance costs « Hot Air

Surprise! ObamaCare doesn’t lower health-insurance costs « Hot Air: "For the past two years, ObamaCare critics have repeatedly predicted this outcome. If the White House now can only provide guesswork as to why premiums are escalating faster than ever, it proves their incompetence at being the architects of a national controlled economy, and the folly of that venture at all."

And to this shall no more be added.

Articles: The Coming Obama Administration War on Doctors

Articles: The Coming Obama Administration War on Doctors: "It is ironic that doctors would find themselves targeted by the Obama administration. The American Medical Association endorsed ObamaCare, much to the dismay of a large portion of its members. Although the Association tried to walk back its support two years later, the AMA finds itself in the sights of the administration that got what it needed from the group, and Republicans who view the organization as providing the cover the bill needed at the critical time when it could have been killed. Suddenly doctors find themselves with few friends on either side of the aisle."

Backed the wrong horse because they didn't use their much-vaunted brains.

Government truly wants to help the poor? These charities show how « Hot Air

Government truly wants to help the poor? These charities show how « Hot Air: "The answer to poverty — or any social problem — is not to do more of what doesn’t work. It’s to do more of what does."

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Michelle Malkin » Adventures in liberal tolerance, part 999,901

Michelle Malkin » Adventures in liberal tolerance, part 999,901: "The most unreality-based, snortalicious complaint? That no one would tolerate disrespect of Bush.
So you want to compare offensive Obama signs to offensive Bush signs/displays (Bush assassination chic refresher course here). Really?"

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Obama’s Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett: The Point of Government Is to Give People a Livelihood so They Can Provide for Their Families | Video | TheBlaze.com

Obama’s Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett: The Point of Government Is to Give People a Livelihood so They Can Provide for Their Families | Video | TheBlaze.com: "We are working hard to lift people out of poverty and give them a better life, and a footing, and that’s what government is suppose to do."

I think that may be where there's a fundamental difference of opinion....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awful Unemployment Rate Left Out of More Than 3/4 of Job Stories

Awful Unemployment Rate Left Out of More Than 3/4 of Job Stories: "The Business & Media Institute analyzed 79 stories on the broadcast evening news programs that mentioned "job" or "jobs" between Sept. 1 and Sept. 26 and found only 18 (23 percent) of them actually mentioned the 9.1 percent rate or said that unemployment was above 9 percent. Stories about "job" approval, people doing their "job" and other non-economic references were not counted."

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--Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com

--Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com: "There are two possible explanations. The first is that the anti-gun Obama administration deliberately wanted American guns planted in Mexico in order to demonize American firearms dealers and gun owners. The operation was manufacturing “evidence” for the president’s false claim that we’re to blame for the appalling levels of Mexican drug-war violence."

I think that's probably it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Global Bust-Up - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Global Bust-Up - Mark Steyn - National Review Online: "As its own contribution to the end of the world as we know it, the Obama administration has just released a document called “Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future: The President’s Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction.” If you’re curious about the first part of the title — “Living Within Our Means” — Veronique de Rugy pointed out at National Review that under this plan debt held by the public will grow from just over $10 trillion to $17.7 trillion by 2021. In other words, the president’s definition of “Living Within Our Means” is to burn through the equivalent of the entire German, French, and British economies in new debt between now and the end of the decade."


Obama: ‘You Can’t Have a Modern Industrial Economy’ With Lower Taxes | CNSnews.com

Obama: ‘You Can’t Have a Modern Industrial Economy’ With Lower Taxes | CNSnews.com: "“He seems to be of the belief that economic growth comes from the government and therefore the government has to take more money to put it into economic growth and not leave it in the private sector,” he told CNSNews.com."

Good call, Captain Obvious!

Ford pulls bailout-criticism ad after pressure from Obama administration « Hot Air

Ford pulls bailout-criticism ad after pressure from Obama administration « Hot Air: "Remember the Ford ad that featured a new buyer telling “reporters” that he chose Ford because bailouts aren’t “what America is all about?” Hope you watched it while you could, because the video has been removed from YouTube, and the ad has been pulled by Ford, too."

Hugo would be proud...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Excellent. We’re paying millions to dead federal workers « Hot Air

Excellent. We’re paying millions to dead federal workers « Hot Air: "It’s no secret that, under the right circumstances, you can do pretty well for yourself if you land a job with the federal government. And if you stay there long enough, you can set yourself up for a nice, secure retirement situation until you die. But did you know the party doesn’t have to stop just because of a pesky detail such as reaching room temperature? You can keep right on cashing in!"

I pay..... dead people.

Judge questions honesty of Interior Department scientists | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Judge questions honesty of Interior Department scientists | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner: "Wanger and the Interior Department scientists cannot both be right. The judge's assessment of their testimony and his conclusion about the agency's conduct in the case raise profoundly serious questions about the integrity and honesty of all the federal officials involved in the delta smelt case. And if the judge is correct in that case, taxpayers should be wondering whether other government scientists have given impeachable testimony on behalf of questionable federal environmental policies.

Out of control.

Articles: Solyndra: Obama's Marble Boat

Articles: Solyndra: Obama's Marble Boat: "As the president stood before a bridge that ironically was ineligible to receive the additional funds he was seeking (another example of how bad the White House staffing is), others noted that Solyndra alone received more stimulus money than did 35 states the last time the Congress gave Obama trillions in walking-around money."

Massive corruption.

Articles: Tax Demagogues Are Lying Liars, in One Graph

Articles: Tax Demagogues Are Lying Liars, in One Graph:

Pay their fair share.
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Michelle Malkin » A new Chicago-based minority voter outreach program: What could go wrong?

Michelle Malkin » A new Chicago-based minority voter outreach program: What could go wrong?: "Operation Vote will function as a large, centralized department in the Chicago campaign office for reaching ethnic, religious and other voter groups. It will coordinate recruitment of an ethnic volunteer base and push out targeted messages online and through the media to groups such as blacks, Hispanics, Jews, women, seniors, young people, gays and Asian Americans."

Obama and ACORN.
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Missouri stimulus beneficiary hosting a $25,000-a-head fundraiser for Obama « Hot Air

Missouri stimulus beneficiary hosting a $25,000-a-head fundraiser for Obama « Hot Air: "Against the backdrop of the Solyndra bankruptcy, what might have seemed innocuous a few months ago seems more than a little sketchy now.

Tom Carnahan is at the helm of Wind Capital Group, an investment firm that received a $107 million federal tax credit to develop a wind power facility in his home state of Missouri. In October, he’s scheduled to host a $25,000-per-person fundraiser to aid Obama’s reelection effort."

Here's a surprise for you.

Investigate Valerie Jarrett Over Deepening Role in Solyndra Scandal | Floyd Reports

Investigate Valerie Jarrett Over Deepening Role in Solyndra Scandal | Floyd Reports: "Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago received one of five inaugural “Choice Neighborhoods Initiative” grants after promising to join with Preservation of Affordable Housing to fix up Grove Parc Plaza. Taxpayers are on the hook $30.5 million to fix up the federal housing tract formerly administered by Habitat, a real estate firm that gave Jarrett a soft landing after she lost stature in the mayor’s office. (Habitat is headed by Daniel Levin, the cousin of Sen. Carl Levin and Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan.) The company’s upkeep was so poor that The Boston Herald noted in 2008 nearly 100 of the complex’s 504 units had been “rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems.” Five years ago, federal inspectors rated the object of Jarrett’s stewardship an 11 on a scale of 1-to-100. Nonetheless, Habitat made more than $16 million as a protector of the downtrodden."

The corruption is sickening. Take the money away!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Return of the real Obama - The Washington Post

Return of the real Obama - The Washington Post: "The authentic Obama is a leveler, a committed social democrat, a staunch believer in the redistributionist state, a tribune, above all, of “fairness” — understood as government-imposed and government-enforced equality."

Good work by Kraut this morning.

Editorial: We're Sinking Under Obama's Policies - Investors.com

Editorial: We're Sinking Under Obama's Policies - Investors.com: "The head-scratching continues as stocks take another leg down. Why, they ask, must the market be so negative? With an economy buckling under leftist incompetence, what, we ask, is there to be positive about?"


Is Obama sinking American business? « Hot Air

Is Obama sinking American business? « Hot Air: "In short, when we most need a Hayek in the Oval Office, we have a hack instead."

Nice shot.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The math says Obama's speech was class warfare | Campaign 2012

The math says Obama's speech was class warfare | Campaign 2012: "To be sure, the wealthy can and should pay more in taxes than the poor. The point here is that they already do pay more -- a lot more. So when we discuss tax increases on the wealthy, we aren't really talking about whether we should be letting "millionaires and billionaires" slide on their obligations to society.

We are really talking about how disproportionately large their share of the tax burden has to become before liberals finally decide it's "fair.""


Credibility Deficit Widens with President’s Third “Budget” in Seven Months | Committee On The Budget

Credibility Deficit Widens with President’s Third “Budget” in Seven Months | Committee On The Budget: "In the span of seven months, President Obama has offered three different budget plans for the federal government. He offered an actual budget in February, a budget “framework” in April, and yet another tax-and-spend plan this past week (more spending in the “American Jobs Act”; more taxes in a new plan unveiled yesterday). Unfortunately, none of these approaches has provided the kind of leadership that America needs to lift the crushing burden of debt while promoting sustained economic growth."

If you care about the fiscal problems of our government, you should read this.

Articles: Science for Stupid Idiots

Articles: Science for Stupid Idiots: "Here's my thinking on a vaccine, before injecting one of my kids with one: what are the chances of harmful effects without the vaccine, and with the vaccine? I want two numbers. My nutty logic is that I want to minimize the chances of harmful effects on my child. To calculate that for a particular vaccine, I need those two numbers. An emotionless robot or computer would need those two numbers."

This is a very good article.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spending Lies

Always take a bureaucrat's claims that spending is falling with a grain of salt:

Michelle Malkin » LightSquared: Obama’s Dangerous Broadband Boondoggle

Michelle Malkin » LightSquared: Obama’s Dangerous Broadband Boondoggle: "As the House prepares to launch official investigations of both Solyndra and LightSquared, investigators need to look closely at exactly how the Obama FCC’s unusual January 2011 waiver for LightSquared promised the politically-connected company a stunning corporate windfall. The waiver gave the company a green light to use its initial satellite bandwidth license for “exclusive terrestrial purposes.” As the Telecom, Media and Finance Associates, Inc. blog explains, this meant that “the spectrum rights would be considered (and valued) as equivalent to terrestrial spectrum, allowing LightSquared to raise additional funds to build out its network. In fact that is exactly what LightSquared then proceeded to do, by raising $586M, secured against its spectrum assets, in February 2011.”
By the company’s own internal estimates and comparisons with other satellite spectrum transactions, the January 2011 waiver boosted the value of LightSquared’s spectrum assets by $10 billion more than two similarly situated mobile satellite service providers that had gone bankrupt. "

Crony capitalism = fascism.
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Articles: Will Scandal Drive Obama Off the 2012 Ticket?

Articles: Will Scandal Drive Obama Off the 2012 Ticket?: "The reality is that Obama is spent. His false magic is no longer. He has become a cartoon figure to many Americans and more foreigners. Familiarity has produced contempt. He is a fraud, a man who never was anything other than a carefully scripted and wonderfully executed marketing campaign."

Yep. Too bad this is being recognized now, and not 3 years ago.
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Rex Murphy: The media’s love affair with a disastrous president | Full Comment | National Post

Rex Murphy: The media’s love affair with a disastrous president | Full Comment | National Post: "To the degree the press neglected its function as watchdog and turned cupbearer to a Styrofoam demigod, it is a partner in the flaws and failures of what is turning out to be one of the most miserable performances in the modern history of the American presidency."


The American Spectator : Deep Corruption at the Obama Justice Department

The American Spectator : Deep Corruption at the Obama Justice Department: "Holder's team is out for raw political power unmoored from the law, of course -- but also for hard-leftist ideological ends that undermine the entire tradition of American jurisprudence and legal practice. They are a menace, and they must be stopped."


Obama's urgent jobs plan: Right now, 'right now' means sometime next month maybe - latimes.com

Obama's urgent jobs plan: Right now, 'right now' means sometime next month maybe - latimes.com: "Everybody remembers the urgency of President Obama's attitude toward the awful jobs situation.

Back in early August, Obama said the jobs situation was so urgent that he was going to give another speech about it -- in a month or so, in September after his vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

And then in September the president announced he would give his major jobs speech to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 7. But he neglected to check with congressional leaders first. And they suggested the 8th. So, since it was their House, the 8th it was."

President Irrelevant.
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Friday, September 16, 2011

Pending bankruptcy didn’t keep Solyndra from sending cash to lobbyists « Hot Air

Pending bankruptcy didn’t keep Solyndra from sending cash to lobbyists « Hot Air: "The New York Times figures out that Solyndra’s execs used a tested-and-true business method called Lobby For Dollars — and that they kept using this model even as the company disintegrated:"

Your tax money at work.
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You must prove your love for Obama, America | The Daily Caller

You must prove your love for Obama, America | The Daily Caller: "You know Obama loves you. You know how special you are to him. So why do you keep trying to hurt him? Why do you keep backtalking and trying to take his money? Do you think he wants to ruin the economy? You think he wants everybody out of work? You made him do that, America. And if you keep it up, there’s more where that came from."


Articles: Barack Whobama?

Articles: Barack Whobama?: "Since grandiose narcissism is the standard neurosis of the Left, we are now seeing the downside, when their ego trips run into reality. Narcissists don't act nice when reality turns on them. Humility is not in their vocabulary. If you've ever known any major narcissists you know what to expect."

Direct hit.
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General Reported He Was Pressured On Testimony About White House-Backed Project, Sources Say | Fox News

General Reported He Was Pressured On Testimony About White House-Backed Project, Sources Say | Fox News: "Gen. William Shelton, head of the Air Force Space Command, told House members in a classified briefing earlier this month that he was pressured to change prepared congressional testimony in a way that would favor a large company funded by Philip Falcone, a major Democratic donor, congressional sources told Fox News."

Crony capitalism.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New e-mails reveal: White House closely monitored Energy Department’s deliberations of Solyndra « Hot Air

New e-mails reveal: White House closely monitored Energy Department’s deliberations of Solyndra « Hot Air: "Remember: Solyndra’s financial difficulties were an open secret in the industry. Everyone knew they couldn’t maintain their cost structure; in fact, before you watch the clip below, read this Bloomberg story about how accountants at PricewaterhouseCoopers were warning of “substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern” fully two months before Obama had his big photo-op at Solyndra HQ. Everyone knew. Except, of course, for the Energy Department officials who sat in on the company’s meetings and the White House supervisors who monitored their deliberations. Somehow, when that gang put their heads together, they decided that throwing $500 million federal loan into a solar sinkhole was a smart, savvy idea.

This is going to be another big scandal going into 2012. Democrats are doomed.

New e-mails reveal: White House closely monitored Energy Department’s deliberations of Solyndra « Hot Air

New e-mails reveal: White House closely monitored Energy Department’s deliberations of Solyndra « Hot Air: "Remember: Solyndra’s financial difficulties were an open secret in the industry. Everyone knew they couldn’t maintain their cost structure; in fact, before you watch the clip below, read this Bloomberg story about how accountants at PricewaterhouseCoopers were warning of “substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern” fully two months before Obama had his big photo-op at Solyndra HQ. Everyone knew. Except, of course, for the Energy Department officials who sat in on the company’s meetings and the White House supervisors who monitored their deliberations. Somehow, when that gang put their heads together, they decided that throwing $500 million federal loan into a solar sinkhole was a smart, savvy idea.

This is going to be another big scandal going into 2012. Democrats are doomed.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Michelle Malkin » Fast and Furious update: More guns, more stonewall

Michelle Malkin » Fast and Furious update: More guns, more stonewall: "In case you missed it — and believe me, the Department of Injustice is hoping you missed it on this 9/11 memorial weekend — yet another violent crime (perpetrated by a suspected illegal alien )has been linked to Obama Fast and Furious guns."

Chipping away.

The Ulsterman Report: Democrats Pushing Panic Button | Socyberty

The Ulsterman Report: Democrats Pushing Panic Button | Socyberty: "For President Barack Hussein Obama, things have truly gone from bad to worse when none other than the liberal boiler plate known as the New York Times is putting out stories on how fearful Democratic Party leaders are becoming over the increasingly inept and out of touch current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And these worries are not just limited to the possibility of losing the White House – these same Democrats now fear election losses in Congressional and state governor races"

Inevitable and entirely predictable (and, in fact, predicted by many in 2008). The sad thing is how much damage has been done.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Ulsterman Report: Valerie Jarrett Admits No Obama Jobs Bill: UPDATED | Socyberty

The Ulsterman Report: Valerie Jarrett Admits No Obama Jobs Bill: UPDATED | Socyberty: "After a long period of silence, senior White House adviser and longtime Chicago-based Obama ally Valerie Jarrett emerges from the shadows to admit on national television the jobs bill President Obama demanded last week to be passed does not even exist."

Twilight zone...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Articles: Famous Economist Inadvertently Blurts Out the Truth About Keynesian Economics

Articles: Famous Economist Inadvertently Blurts Out the Truth About Keynesian Economics: "The final hell of Keynesian economics is inflation. It comes from printing money just like monopoly money. And quantitative easing is extremely controversial and has never been used on the scale that Ben Bernanke has been doing it in America. Every time more printed currency is put into circulation, the value of your income and your assets declines."

The glories of socialism!

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Revealed: Department of Energy officials sat in on Solyndra meetings « Hot Air

Revealed: Department of Energy officials sat in on Solyndra meetings « Hot Air: "It’s only fair. After all those visits Solyndra execs made to the White House, the least they could do was return the hospitality."

Scandal II.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


And these labor unions – the shift from private to governmental unionization…the inherent legacy costs of that scenario is simply unsustainable. The free market cannot withstand the attack. It is collapsing all about us now and too many are simply not paying attention. The only hope for our recovery – the only hope, is our ability to grow our way out of this. That growth, along with massive cuts in government spending, is the only way. Nations such as Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain …they have come to this understanding, but have only been able to do so with the assistance of other nations who in turn are printing their own deficit dollars in order to do so. That situation cannot be sustained can it? And certainly not without growth. Do you know the number of payroll jobs in 1999 was approximately 130 million? That is the same number as in 2011. Zero growth. This economic stagnation is leading to economic decapitation and it is coming sooner not later. It is happening NOW. If this nation does not elect leaders with the political will to do battle with the entitlement status quo, to do battle with the monster that is the Federal Reserve, we are finished. Done. President Obama does not have the political will to do so. Far from it. Nor does he have the understanding of just how dire the situation is. Far from it. More of the same will only lead to the mutual destruction of both political parties and the nation.

Read more: from Ulsterman.

New RNC Ad

In his own words.

Articles: Obama Green Jobs Con Job and the Ill Wind That Blows from Spain

Articles: Obama Green Jobs Con Job and the Ill Wind That Blows from Spain: "I recently had a chance to interview Gabriel Calzada, an economics professor from Spain, whose pioneering work on the interplay between green energy subsides and job creation has been widely cited. His conclusion, backed up by data and facts not blind hope, is that 2.2 jobs are lost for each one "created" by government promotion of green energy jobs. "

Keep this in mind when we hear about the "green jobs bonanza" tomorrow night.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Economy Is 'Continuing on the Upswing' | CNSnews.com

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Economy Is 'Continuing on the Upswing' | CNSnews.com: "Days after the Labor Department announced zero job growth for the month of August, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D.-Fla.), the chair of the Democratic National Committee, said the stimulus helped “turn the economy around” and is responsible for the “continuing upswing.”"

No wonder she's the DNC Chairman.

Gallup: Uninsured Have Increased Under Obama and Since Obamacare Was Enacted | CNSnews.com

Gallup: Uninsured Have Increased Under Obama and Since Obamacare Was Enacted | CNSnews.com: "The percentage of American adults who lack health insurance coverage has not only increased during the presidency of Barack Obama, but it has continued to increase since Obama signed his signature piece of legislation last year mandating that by 2014 every American carry health insurance, according to a Gallup survey released today."

Total failure.

Articles: The Warmists Strike Back

Articles: The Warmists Strike Back: "Oppose the warmists, and they will enact punishment upon you.

Their argument on the facts is moribund, so they play the man.

Why are three free-trade deals languishing on Obama’s desk? - The Washington Post

Why are three free-trade deals languishing on Obama’s desk? - The Washington Post: "The problem with our economy is not that government is doing too little but that it’s already doing far too much."


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth - Telegraph

If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth - Telegraph: "The hardest obstacle to overcome will be the idea that anyone who challenges the prevailing consensus of the past 50 years is irrational and irresponsible. That is what is being said about the Tea Partiers. In fact, what is irrational and irresponsible is the assumption that we can go on as we are."

Well said.

Now Obama's NLRB tells a church school it's not religious enough | Ken Klukowski | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Now Obama's NLRB tells a church school it's not religious enough | Ken Klukowski | Op Eds | Washington Examiner:


The Gibson Guitar Saga Gets Steadily Curiouser | Power Line

The Gibson Guitar Saga Gets Steadily Curiouser | Power Line: "It has come out that Juszkiewicz is a Republican donor, while the CEO of one of his principal competitors, C.F. Martin & Company, is a Democratic donor. Martin reportedly uses the same wood, but DOJ hasn’t raided them, leading to speculation that the Obama administration is sending a warning to Republican businessmen that they had better not oppose his re-election, lest they face criminal investigations. Normally such speculation would not be credible, but Eric Holder has politicized the Department of Justice to a point where such questions must be taken seriously."

Jack boots.

The definition of insanity: President Obama’s ‘jobs plan’ — Emerging Corruption

The definition of insanity: President Obama’s ‘jobs plan’ — Emerging Corruption: "Like trying to fix America’s debt problem by raising the debt ceiling and incurring even more debt. Which is “a failure of leadership” that “shift[s] the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” as Senator Barack Obama noted back in 2006 when he spoke out against raising the debt ceiling. But that didn’t stop Barack Obama, as president, from raising America’s debt ceiling not once, not twice, but three times while in the White House. Why? According to President Obama, “If we don’t come to an agreement [to raise the debt ceiling a third time], we could lose our country’s AAA credit rating.” So, what happened after he came to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling a third time? America immediately lost its AAA credit rating."

How things work in the "progressive" world.

Monday, August 29, 2011

DOJ | Eric Holder | Obama administration | The Daily Caller

DOJ | Eric Holder | Obama administration | The Daily Caller: "Based on their investigation, the researchers found that every single new hire — 70 in all — boasted far-left résumés. They found no conservative or apolitical new hires in the Voting Section (16 hires), the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (5 hires), the Special Litigation Section (23 hires), the Education Section (11 hires), or the Employment Section (15 hires)."

Stacking the DoJ

Friday, August 26, 2011

Are “Green Jobs” the Answer? - AskHeritage

Are “Green Jobs” the Answer? - AskHeritage: "Green jobs are about government subsidies, cronyism, and job cannibalism. They aren’t self-sustaining because they rely on giveaways of taxpayer money and they cannibalize existing jobs…
The green agenda soaks taxpayers. But it also packs a double wallop because taxpayers are first hit to pay for the subsidies, then everyone is hit by higher energy prices caused by energy taxes and regulations."

The "Green Jobs" bonanza.

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U.S. sued over Michelle’s secretive ‘family outing – Patriot Update

U.S. sued over Michelle’s secretive ‘family outing – Patriot Update: "Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit over the federal government’s refusal to disclose how much taxpayers spent to send Michelle Obama on a “family outing” that included a safari in Africa."

Why is the White House so reticent? Surely, were this a worthwhile investment, the cost to the taxpayer would seem small in relation to the benefit garnered thereby?

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Did CLOUD Just Rain on the Global Warming Parade? - Forbes

Did CLOUD Just Rain on the Global Warming Parade? - Forbes: "And thus the debate stood, until a Danish scientist named Henrik Svensmark suggested something outrageous — that cosmic rays might seed cloud formation. The implications, if true, had potentially enormous implications for the debate about natural causes of warming."

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Another Climate Forecast Paper Masquerading As A Robust Scientific Result | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

Another Climate Forecast Paper Masquerading As A Robust Scientific Result | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "They provide qualitative rationalizations to dismiss these areas of disagreement. Such inadequacies should have alerted the Editor who handled this paper that the study is not robust, as it is unable to even accurately simulate the current climate."

All to common in "climate science".
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Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times - WSJ.com

Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times - WSJ.com: "Federal agents swooped in on Gibson Guitar Wednesday, raiding factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville, seizing several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. The Feds are keeping mum, but in a statement yesterday Gibson's chairman and CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, defended his company's manufacturing policies, accusing the Justice Department of bullying the company. "The wood the government seized Wednesday is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier," he said, suggesting the Feds are using the aggressive enforcement of overly broad laws to make the company cry uncle."

Jobs, jobs jobs...
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Articles: The Tea Party, Right About Everything

Articles: The Tea Party, Right About Everything: "The false narrative is that the Tea Party is a bunch of stubborn nuts, if not outright racists. In truth, the Tea Party has been right about everything, while almost everyone else has been nuts, especially the "experts.""

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TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House and the Murder of SEAL Team Six

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House and the Murder of SEAL Team Six: "Important questions surround the murder of 30 U.S. special operations troops, which included 17 members of Navy SEAL Team Six."

Indeed they do.

CBO: Deficits will drop, thanks to measures that will never take effect « Hot Air

CBO: Deficits will drop, thanks to measures that will never take effect « Hot Air: "The CBO can only score what is in front of them, so their assessment today that budget deficits will decline sharply in the next few years has some rational basis in statutory law. In reality, they may as well be predicting Paul Krugman’s War of the Worlds economics. "

So the meme will be that "Obama's cutting the deficit.". Of course, nobody who relies on the actual deficit level for anything meaningful will buy into it.

Flashback: Obama calls adding $4 trillion to national debt “unpatriotic” « Hot Air

Flashback: Obama calls adding $4 trillion to national debt “unpatriotic” « Hot Air: "And what exactly has Obama done as President? Despite claiming that he has known that deficit reduction has been needed since the first day he took office, Obama has offered no deficit reduction proposals in his term as President. In fact, he has submitted budget proposals that have massively expanded deficit spending.

Just how patriotic is that? After all, if Obama can use the increase in the national debt to question Bush’s patriotism, doesn’t it follow that increasing deficit spending by 152% per month makes Obama 152% more “unpatriotic” than Bush?"

Excellent point.

Articles: Why Obama Can't Lead

Articles: Why Obama Can't Lead: "While in reality President Obama is the most powerful man in the world, his Chicago-forged sense of identity as a black political leader restricts him to complaining about why he can't effect meaningful change because of others, the excuse-du-jour now being the GOP House."

Articles: The Obama Bubble

Articles: The Obama Bubble: "Obama's valuation, as measured by his poll numbers, has fallen enough to hit the implicit stop-loss triggers set earlier by wary buy-side journalists. They no longer fear accusations of racism and they don't care whether the polling trend recovers slightly, because now it's clear that Obama, Inc. never will achieve its original hype."


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

S&P Board Fires CEO For Telling The Truth, To Be Replaced With COO Of Citibank | ZeroHedge

S&P Board Fires CEO For Telling The Truth, To Be Replaced With COO Of Citibank | ZeroHedge: So let us get this straight: in America when you dare to tell the truth, your career is over, while if you are a corrupt, lying, incompetent tax evader you not only get to be Treasury Secretary but likely will be on for life as long as you do the one duty you are entrusted with: pander to the interests of the Too Big To Fail financial institutions


National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News: The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

It's the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president.

So I guess it's going according to Obama's plan.

Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS

Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS: When blacks were only four generations out of slavery, their illegitimacy rate was about 23 percent (lower than the white illegitimacy rate is now). Then Democrats decided to help them! Barely two generations since LBJ's Great Society programs began, the black illegitimacy rate has tripled to 72 percent.

I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.

Articles: Obama's Real Energy Policy

Articles: Obama's Real Energy Policy: nowhere have I seen a coherent and objective study of the energy needs and policy of the United States, the world's largest consumer. As American consumption of energy stands at 27,000 terawatts, with $85-bbl oil, an economy on the verge of recession, and significant capacity going offline, it would be nice to have a policy that is not based upon smoke and mirrors


Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: Barack Obama wants immediate action on three trade deals that he says will create jobs in the US. Congress, Obama says, is dragging its heels on these bills and making it harder for the White House to create jobs. There’s only one problem with this argument, which ABC’s Devin Dwyer points out:

President Obama has touted three pending U.S. trade deals as measures that could immediately spur job growth, if only Congress would approve them to become law. The only problem: the White House has not yet formally sent the deals to Congress for a vote.

Totally disconnected.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Removing the obstacles to economic growth - The Washington Post

Removing the obstacles to economic growth - The Washington Post: Obama administration’s anti-business, hyper-regulatory, pro-tax agenda has fueled economic uncertainty and sent the message from the administration that “we want to make it harder to create jobs.”


Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion From Fed - Bloomberg

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion From Fed - Bloomberg: Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages. The largest borrower, Morgan Stanley (MS), got as much as $107.3 billion, while Citigroup took $99.5 billion and Bank of America $91.4 billion, according to a Bloomberg News compilation of data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, months of litigation and an act of Congress.

So who says there's not Government-Wall St. nexus?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time Magazine: Duncan should worry about his mess in Chicago before messing with Texas; Update: Funding comparison added « Hot Air

Time Magazine: Duncan should worry about his mess in Chicago before messing with Texas; Update: Funding comparison added « Hot Air: And Obama hand-picked the man who produced a 56% graduation rate result, and who started this argument without knowing the facts, as the man to run the federal government’s education bureaucracy.

So, how was this guy selected?

Surprise! HHS still granting ObamaCare waivers « Hot Air

Surprise! HHS still granting ObamaCare waivers « Hot Air: I’d guess that the lack of transparency means a great deal of brown-nosing is part of the process, as it always is when the Rule of Whim replaces the Rule of Law.

I guess it helps to be a FOO.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wasted Stimulus - Investors.com

Wasted Stimulus - Investors.com: Stimulus funds intended to boost the green economy haven't been well spent. The latest example of this is Monday's bankruptcy filing by Evergreen Solar Inc.

The Massachusetts company that the White House once said "is hoping to hire 90 to 100 people" thanks to stimulus money has $485.6 million in debt. Evergreen closed a factory in March, reports the Boston Herald, and cut 800 jobs. A Michigan plant is to be shut down, as well, causing the loss of even more jobs.

Evergreen isn't the only supposed conservation company that can't make it even when fronted with piles of taxpayer money. Green Vehicles of Salinas, Calif., which has burned through more than $500,000 in money "invested" by the city, folded last month without having produced anything of significance. The company promised it would employ about 70 and pay back Salinas taxpayers with $700,000 a year in city taxes.

The Green Economy. Gee, how could this have happened?

The NYT files: More than 13 errors in front-page piece about Issa « Hot Air

The NYT files: More than 13 errors in front-page piece about Issa « Hot Air: The congressman’s director of communications yesterday sent a letter to the NYT to request a full front-page retraction for its recent front-page piece. The letter explains that the three primary pieces of evidence to support the premise of the original article — which was that Issa uses his power as a congressman to benefit himself in appropriate ways — are flat-out wrong.

If they can't send the DoJ, they'll send their press cronies.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ann Coulter - August 17, 2011 - LIBERALS AREN'T FUNNY, THEY'RE A RIOT!

Ann Coulter - August 17, 2011 - LIBERALS AREN'T FUNNY, THEY'RE A RIOT!: They champion any mob that will increase their political power. Liberals promote welfare dependency, class warfare, endless government programs staffed with public sector workers, street protests, coddling criminals and physical attacks on their ideological opponents. This is how they create reliable Democratic voters.

Ann hits it on the head!

Job-Killing Uncertainty in the Obama Economy - YouTube

Job-Killing Uncertainty in the Obama Economy - YouTube:

So, the question (to which I think we already know the answer): Is this destruction of the economy deliberate?

DoJ now probing S&P over mortgage-bond ratings « Hot Air

DoJ now probing S&P over mortgage-bond ratings « Hot Air: S&P bond ratings have been in the news of late, haven’t they? The rating agency downgrade of American sovereign debt embarrassed the White House and touched off a firestorm of controversy across the political spectrum. Now, just coincidentally, the Department of Justice has decided to launch an investigation of S&P over the ratings it gave mortgage-backed securities during the lending bubble:

Embarrass the White House, and the DoJ comes after you. So we have our own Hugo Chavez now.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Articles: Turns Out Head Start's as Bad as It Always Was

Articles: Turns Out Head Start's as Bad as It Always Was: "The program began in 1965 by the Johnson administration with a budget of $96 million, or about $172 per child. With the additional $2.1 billion in the Obama administration's stimulus package added to the fiscal year 2012 Head Start budget of $8.1 billion, more than $10,000 is spent per child enrolled in the program -- far more than the $7,600 tuition and fees for the average four-year public university. All this for no measurable benefit."

This, of course, is the fate of much of our tax money.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Scientists Expose Inside Job Behind Endangered Species Scam - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance

Scientists Expose Inside Job Behind Endangered Species Scam - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance: "Combining Kintigh’s FBI skills with the scientists’ expertise, the team is exposing fatal flaws in the proposed rule that should bring every previous listing, and the entire process, into question."

Take away the money!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama Versus Obama | Hoover Institution

Obama Versus Obama | Hoover Institution: "In short, Barack Obama has lost credibility because on any given issue, his most recent declaration—delivered with the now familiar emphatic qualifiers, 'let’s be honest,' 'make no mistake about it,' 'let me be perfectly clear'—will be seen as contrary to what senator, candidate, or president Obama had earlier asserted. Presidents can get away with such opportunistic revision on one or maybe two key topics, but not on nearly all of them. The reason Obama is slipping in the polls is not due to the Tea Party, the Republicans in the House, House Speaker John Boehner, or Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell—but because of his own doppelganger, who at various times is the greatest critic of none other than the latest incarnation of Barack Obama."

Direct hit, Skipper.

Interesting Quote On Climate Model Prediction Skill By Steven Sherwood Of The University of New South Wales | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

Interesting Quote On Climate Model Prediction Skill By Steven Sherwood Of The University of New South Wales | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "The disconnect between what the multi-decadal climate models are predicting and the real world climate system should be obvious, but, apparently still is not to some in the media."

Gee, why is that?

British Rioters Explained

Now this guy can dish out a beating!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Articles: Enlightened Activist Scientists Dim Society

Articles: Enlightened Activist Scientists Dim Society: "Ultimately, activism in the name of science takes its expensive toll on society. Trillions of our dollars may soon be given away to the United Nations and others because of those who believe that, when it comes to the mysteries of nature, they are brilliant. But, rather than brilliant, the science luminaries have only at best a dim enlightenment. And, unfortunately for the rest of us, we will likely see the global politicians wastefully use the money to continue the entrenchment of their own power and as usual will ignore the planet's needy as more cash will be diverted to address future climate chimeras."

So very sad.

The only bright side, if you can call it that, is the sad irony that those who will be appropriating those trillions of dollars will be those same people who made them worthless.

Planet of the Apes, indeed.

Obama Speech - Awkward Silence - Veterans Jobs | Mediaite

Obama Speech - Awkward Silence - Veterans Jobs | Mediaite: "The President didn’t quite specify what he was waiting for as he stared out into the audience for the minute, though a number of things could have been delaying his cue– television cameras getting in order, his teleprompter loading up or simply a scheduling technicality. Either way, by the time a minute went by of the audience waiting expectantly for the President to say something, a man in the audience took matters into his own hands and shouted “awkward!” at the President."

Best speech by Obama ever. Too bad he ruined it by starting to speak...

Obama: Hey, my “singular focus” is on jobs! « Hot Air

Obama: Hey, my “singular focus” is on jobs! « Hot Air: "For all of this focus, Obama has yet to put forward his own plan to promote massive job growth, or any kind of private-sector growth at all. If that sounds familiar, it should; Obama failed to put forward any specific plan to deal with deficit reduction and the debt ceiling, and the only specific demand he made — tax hikes — would have stunted job growth. In fact, he’s still talking about tax hikes, which is a highly strange way to claim that job creation is one’s “singular focus.”"

Singular focus. Uhh, right.