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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact: Greenspan - CNBC

Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact: Greenspan - CNBC

What can you expect for a measly $1 trillion?

Articles: American Leftism: An Infantile Disorder

Articles: American Leftism: An Infantile Disorder: "During the terrible winter of 1918 in St. Petersburg, as the population of the city starved and froze, dying by the thousands, Larissa Reissner, the Madame Defarge of the Bolshevik Revolution, took champagne baths; did she believe that such an extravagance marred the purity of her revolutionary robes? To the contrary: 'That's what we fought for, didn't we?' she opined with touching candor. Michelle Obama, who combines an awful taste in clothes with the enormousness and extreme costliness of her wardrobe, would doubtless agree with the Russian revolutionary if she had an inkling of her existence."

Another great shot!

Articles: American Leftism: An Infantile Disorder

Articles: American Leftism: An Infantile Disorder: "So confident were they that when the stimulus failed to revive the economy, they refused to believe the bad news. To own up to their defeat would have been tantamount to a betrayal of their cherished creed and, worse still, an acknowledgement that their adversaries, those benighted 'knuckle-draggers,' were right -- an intolerable affront to their self-esteem. And so, even in the teeth of a looming electoral disaster, they continue talking of more of the same: more Keynesian stimulus, more money-printing, more 'greening' of the economy, more taxes. In short, they are prepared to double down on the failed plan which works like a charm in a progressive's dream, but never in the real world."

Excellent diagnosis.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Michelle Malkin » AmeriCorps’s favorite scandal-plagued mayor: Friend of the Obamas Kevin Johnson

Michelle Malkin » AmeriCorps’s favorite scandal-plagued mayor: Friend of the Obamas Kevin Johnson: "Even more troubling, Johnson continues to reap government tax dollars for youth programs while he remains dogged by questions about his predatory behavior with teenage girls. A little-noticed section of the joint November 2009 report by GOP Sen. Charles Grassley and GOP Rep. Darrell Issa on Walpin’s firing revealed that the AmeriCorps inspector general’s investigator “became aware of allegations of inappropriate contact between Johnson and three female St. HOPE students.” Their stories mirror a similar incident involving Johnson (then 29 and playing for the Phoenix Suns) and a 16-year-old girl dating back to 1995."

Pays to be a corruptocrat.

The Failure of Al Gore: Part One | Via Meadia

The Failure of Al Gore: Part One | Via Meadia

How inconvenient.

Uh oh: White House caught lying about Petraeus’s withdrawal recommendations? « Hot Air

Uh oh: White House caught lying about Petraeus’s withdrawal recommendations? « Hot Air

OMG!! The White House? Lying?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New York Times Is All Hot Air On Shale Gas - Christopher Helman - Fuel - Forbes

New York Times Is All Hot Air On Shale Gas - Christopher Helman - Fuel - Forbes

NYT hates natural gas because it will deliver what the environmentalists want -- cheap, clean energy -- thus killing their dreams of windmills and solar panels and the "green jobs revolution".

Economic Freedom Made Simple

Watch this video.

Nicely done,indeed.

Articles: President Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright

Articles: President Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright: "The claim that Obama is the smartest man to ever hold presidential office is absurd and a reflection on the state of our media who insist on propping up this man-child. Obama's obsession with keeping his college records and personal past secret is prima facie evidence that the claim is untrue. His knowledge base and dismal performance on the world stage is even more damning.
Instead of having a superior intellect, we likely have the most ignorant, ideological, brainwashed dupe this country has ever elected to high office. The man's intellectual development never progressed beyond the stage of all-night freshman bull sessions where all the world's problems were solved (with help from adequate amounts of beer of course)."

Media Scrambles to Mock Bachmann Error While Ignoring Obama’s Horrific Mistake During Speech to American Soldiers | Socyberty

Media Scrambles to Mock Bachmann Error While Ignoring Obama’s Horrific Mistake During Speech to American Soldiers | Socyberty

Right said.

Articles: Warmist Cargo Cult Science Returns

Articles: Warmist Cargo Cult Science Returns

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Articles: When It's OK for Liberals to Demonize the 'Other'

Articles: When It's OK for Liberals to Demonize the 'Other'


Articles: Obama's Mickey Mouse Administration

Articles: Obama's Mickey Mouse Administration

Interesting point:

The most awkward of the outstanding questions about the BP spill is the issue of the "missing oil." Why is it that the government cannot admit what the Little Dutch Boy knew, that oil and gas flowing through the closed blind shear ram in the blowout preventer (BOP) "must soon enlarge the hole"? Each of those additional alternate collection paths reduces the backpressure on the blowout preventer thereby increasing the flow rate and the associated erosion inside the BOP. The "missing oil" is not missing; it is an overestimate of the flow rate by a government intent on maximizing the punitive fines it seeks to impose on BOP by using a measured flow late in the time line and backdating it to when the BOP was not so eroded. The government estimates do not take into account this erosion. The concerns of citizens (particularly children) worried about a million barrels of "missing oil" returning to haunt them like the bogeyman hiding under their bed is merely an "inconvenient truth" to this administration.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Editorial: Was Fast And Furious A Gun-Control Plot? - Investors.com

Editorial: Was Fast And Furious A Gun-Control Plot? - Investors.com

I have a sneaking suspicion this may be the case.

CBO long-term budget outlook: The future’s not looking so hot « Hot Air

CBO long-term budget outlook: The future’s not looking so hot « Hot Air

Hope & Change = Gross Irresponsibility

MILLOY: Supremes retreat from climate panic - Washington Times

MILLOY: Supremes retreat from climate panic - Washington Times

Global Warming Meltdown

NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself - FoxNews.com

NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself - FoxNews.com

Follow the money. Clearly he's on the payroll of "Big Oil" is the claim we've heard so often.

AZ Sheriff: Why More Troops at Korean Border Than U.S. Border? | CNSnews.com

AZ Sheriff: Why More Troops at Korean Border Than U.S. Border? | CNSnews.com

Excellent point!

The Ulsterman Report: Congressman Issa Under Attack by Obama Media | Socyberty

The Ulsterman Report: Congressman Issa Under Attack by Obama Media | Socyberty

Send Rep. Issa a not of support!

Articles: Obama Era Economic Stagnation Explained by Lemonade and Cookies

Articles: Obama Era Economic Stagnation Explained by Lemonade and Cookies

Good article and comments.

Articles: Questioning Michele Bachmann's Foster Parent Claims

Articles: Questioning Michele Bachmann's Foster Parent Claims

Nice shot at liberal shallowness.

Articles: Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents Ever

Articles: Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents Ever


Monday, June 20, 2011

The Whack-Jobs Whack More Energy Jobs - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

The Whack-Jobs Whack More Energy Jobs - John Ransom - Townhall Finance


Study shows EPA regs will cost, not create, jobs « Hot Air

Study shows EPA regs will cost, not create, jobs « Hot Air

What's a million or so job-years sacrificed on the altar of Gaia?

Combover Man Declares it's Cool to Like Obama

Axelrod | Obama | Cool | RealClearPolitics

Irony in action.

Time for government attorneys to stand up to Obama | Hugh Hewitt | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Time for government attorneys to stand up to Obama | Hugh Hewitt | Columnists | Washington Examiner

The law is for suckas.

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Andrew Breitbart at the Right Online Conference 2011

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Andrew Breitbart at the Right Online Conference 2011

Good video.

Changing Tides: Research Center Under Fire for 'Adjusted' Sea-Level Data - FoxNews.com

Changing Tides: Research Center Under Fire for 'Adjusted' Sea-Level Data - FoxNews.com

Hide the decline.

Barbarians Within the Gate — Emerging Corruption

Barbarians Within the Gate — Emerging Corruption

More than a little disturbing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


This is a very worthwhile article.

It is an attitude that is also useful; It permits those who possess it to combine willful blindness with feelings of moral superiority. The one allows us to put our heads in the sand and pretend away a danger we'd rather not confront; the other allows us to commend ourselves for being so wonderfully tolerant and accepting. "It's just those intolerant boobs among us that rant about Islamic enemies.  We know and are better than that. We don't recognize enemies so we don't have them. We're Kantians." We'll also be dead if we don't change our behavior.  [snip]
The "it's not them; it's us" view is accurate only to the extent one disengages oneself from the "us."  And this is what is done, isn't it?  The willfully blind morally superior being detaches himself from the group even as he admits a kind of distant association with it. It's not me and mine; it's the "them" within the "us" that create all the problems.
"We're good over here."