Well said.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth - Telegraph
If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth - Telegraph: "The hardest obstacle to overcome will be the idea that anyone who challenges the prevailing consensus of the past 50 years is irrational and irresponsible. That is what is being said about the Tea Partiers. In fact, what is irrational and irresponsible is the assumption that we can go on as we are."
The Gibson Guitar Saga Gets Steadily Curiouser | Power Line
The Gibson Guitar Saga Gets Steadily Curiouser | Power Line: "It has come out that Juszkiewicz is a Republican donor, while the CEO of one of his principal competitors, C.F. Martin & Company, is a Democratic donor. Martin reportedly uses the same wood, but DOJ hasn’t raided them, leading to speculation that the Obama administration is sending a warning to Republican businessmen that they had better not oppose his re-election, lest they face criminal investigations. Normally such speculation would not be credible, but Eric Holder has politicized the Department of Justice to a point where such questions must be taken seriously."
Jack boots.
The definition of insanity: President Obama’s ‘jobs plan’ — Emerging Corruption
The definition of insanity: President Obama’s ‘jobs plan’ — Emerging Corruption: "Like trying to fix America’s debt problem by raising the debt ceiling and incurring even more debt. Which is “a failure of leadership” that “shift[s] the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” as Senator Barack Obama noted back in 2006 when he spoke out against raising the debt ceiling. But that didn’t stop Barack Obama, as president, from raising America’s debt ceiling not once, not twice, but three times while in the White House. Why? According to President Obama, “If we don’t come to an agreement [to raise the debt ceiling a third time], we could lose our country’s AAA credit rating.” So, what happened after he came to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling a third time? America immediately lost its AAA credit rating."
How things work in the "progressive" world.
Monday, August 29, 2011
DOJ | Eric Holder | Obama administration | The Daily Caller
DOJ | Eric Holder | Obama administration | The Daily Caller: "Based on their investigation, the researchers found that every single new hire — 70 in all — boasted far-left résumés. They found no conservative or apolitical new hires in the Voting Section (16 hires), the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (5 hires), the Special Litigation Section (23 hires), the Education Section (11 hires), or the Employment Section (15 hires)."
Stacking the DoJ
Friday, August 26, 2011
Are “Green Jobs” the Answer? - AskHeritage
Are “Green Jobs” the Answer? - AskHeritage: "Green jobs are about government subsidies, cronyism, and job cannibalism. They aren’t self-sustaining because they rely on giveaways of taxpayer money and they cannibalize existing jobs…
The green agenda soaks taxpayers. But it also packs a double wallop because taxpayers are first hit to pay for the subsidies, then everyone is hit by higher energy prices caused by energy taxes and regulations."
The green agenda soaks taxpayers. But it also packs a double wallop because taxpayers are first hit to pay for the subsidies, then everyone is hit by higher energy prices caused by energy taxes and regulations."
U.S. sued over Michelle’s secretive ‘family outing – Patriot Update
U.S. sued over Michelle’s secretive ‘family outing – Patriot Update: "Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit over the federal government’s refusal to disclose how much taxpayers spent to send Michelle Obama on a “family outing” that included a safari in Africa."
Why is the White House so reticent? Surely, were this a worthwhile investment, the cost to the taxpayer would seem small in relation to the benefit garnered thereby?
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
Did CLOUD Just Rain on the Global Warming Parade? - Forbes
Did CLOUD Just Rain on the Global Warming Parade? - Forbes: "And thus the debate stood, until a Danish scientist named Henrik Svensmark suggested something outrageous — that cosmic rays might seed cloud formation. The implications, if true, had potentially enormous implications for the debate about natural causes of warming."
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
Another Climate Forecast Paper Masquerading As A Robust Scientific Result | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Another Climate Forecast Paper Masquerading As A Robust Scientific Result | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "They provide qualitative rationalizations to dismiss these areas of disagreement. Such inadequacies should have alerted the Editor who handled this paper that the study is not robust, as it is unable to even accurately simulate the current climate."
All to common in "climate science".
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times - WSJ.com
Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times - WSJ.com: "Federal agents swooped in on Gibson Guitar Wednesday, raiding factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville, seizing several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. The Feds are keeping mum, but in a statement yesterday Gibson's chairman and CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, defended his company's manufacturing policies, accusing the Justice Department of bullying the company. "The wood the government seized Wednesday is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier," he said, suggesting the Feds are using the aggressive enforcement of overly broad laws to make the company cry uncle."
Jobs, jobs jobs...
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Articles: The Tea Party, Right About Everything
Articles: The Tea Party, Right About Everything: "The false narrative is that the Tea Party is a bunch of stubborn nuts, if not outright racists. In truth, the Tea Party has been right about everything, while almost everyone else has been nuts, especially the "experts.""
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House and the Murder of SEAL Team Six
TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House and the Murder of SEAL Team Six: "Important questions surround the murder of 30 U.S. special operations troops, which included 17 members of Navy SEAL Team Six."
Indeed they do.
CBO: Deficits will drop, thanks to measures that will never take effect « Hot Air
CBO: Deficits will drop, thanks to measures that will never take effect « Hot Air: "The CBO can only score what is in front of them, so their assessment today that budget deficits will decline sharply in the next few years has some rational basis in statutory law. In reality, they may as well be predicting Paul Krugman’s War of the Worlds economics. "
So the meme will be that "Obama's cutting the deficit.". Of course, nobody who relies on the actual deficit level for anything meaningful will buy into it.
Flashback: Obama calls adding $4 trillion to national debt “unpatriotic” « Hot Air
Flashback: Obama calls adding $4 trillion to national debt “unpatriotic” « Hot Air: "And what exactly has Obama done as President? Despite claiming that he has known that deficit reduction has been needed since the first day he took office, Obama has offered no deficit reduction proposals in his term as President. In fact, he has submitted budget proposals that have massively expanded deficit spending.
Just how patriotic is that? After all, if Obama can use the increase in the national debt to question Bush’s patriotism, doesn’t it follow that increasing deficit spending by 152% per month makes Obama 152% more “unpatriotic” than Bush?"
Just how patriotic is that? After all, if Obama can use the increase in the national debt to question Bush’s patriotism, doesn’t it follow that increasing deficit spending by 152% per month makes Obama 152% more “unpatriotic” than Bush?"
Excellent point.
Articles: Why Obama Can't Lead
Articles: Why Obama Can't Lead: "While in reality President Obama is the most powerful man in the world, his Chicago-forged sense of identity as a black political leader restricts him to complaining about why he can't effect meaningful change because of others, the excuse-du-jour now being the GOP House."
Articles: The Obama Bubble
Articles: The Obama Bubble: "Obama's valuation, as measured by his poll numbers, has fallen enough to hit the implicit stop-loss triggers set earlier by wary buy-side journalists. They no longer fear accusations of racism and they don't care whether the polling trend recovers slightly, because now it's clear that Obama, Inc. never will achieve its original hype."
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
S&P Board Fires CEO For Telling The Truth, To Be Replaced With COO Of Citibank | ZeroHedge
S&P Board Fires CEO For Telling The Truth, To Be Replaced With COO Of Citibank | ZeroHedge: So let us get this straight: in America when you dare to tell the truth, your career is over, while if you are a corrupt, lying, incompetent tax evader you not only get to be Treasury Secretary but likely will be on for life as long as you do the one duty you are entrusted with: pander to the interests of the Too Big To Fail financial institutions
National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News: The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.
It's the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president.
It's the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president.
So I guess it's going according to Obama's plan.
Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS
Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS: When blacks were only four generations out of slavery, their illegitimacy rate was about 23 percent (lower than the white illegitimacy rate is now). Then Democrats decided to help them! Barely two generations since LBJ's Great Society programs began, the black illegitimacy rate has tripled to 72 percent.
I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.
Articles: Obama's Real Energy Policy
Articles: Obama's Real Energy Policy: nowhere have I seen a coherent and objective study of the energy needs and policy of the United States, the world's largest consumer. As American consumption of energy stands at 27,000 terawatts, with $85-bbl oil, an economy on the verge of recession, and significant capacity going offline, it would be nice to have a policy that is not based upon smoke and mirrors
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: Barack Obama wants immediate action on three trade deals that he says will create jobs in the US. Congress, Obama says, is dragging its heels on these bills and making it harder for the White House to create jobs. There’s only one problem with this argument, which ABC’s Devin Dwyer points out:
President Obama has touted three pending U.S. trade deals as measures that could immediately spur job growth, if only Congress would approve them to become law. The only problem: the White House has not yet formally sent the deals to Congress for a vote.
President Obama has touted three pending U.S. trade deals as measures that could immediately spur job growth, if only Congress would approve them to become law. The only problem: the White House has not yet formally sent the deals to Congress for a vote.
Totally disconnected.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Removing the obstacles to economic growth - The Washington Post
Removing the obstacles to economic growth - The Washington Post: Obama administration’s anti-business, hyper-regulatory, pro-tax agenda has fueled economic uncertainty and sent the message from the administration that “we want to make it harder to create jobs.”
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion From Fed - Bloomberg
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion From Fed - Bloomberg: Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages. The largest borrower, Morgan Stanley (MS), got as much as $107.3 billion, while Citigroup took $99.5 billion and Bank of America $91.4 billion, according to a Bloomberg News compilation of data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, months of litigation and an act of Congress.
So who says there's not Government-Wall St. nexus?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Time Magazine: Duncan should worry about his mess in Chicago before messing with Texas; Update: Funding comparison added « Hot Air
Time Magazine: Duncan should worry about his mess in Chicago before messing with Texas; Update: Funding comparison added « Hot Air: And Obama hand-picked the man who produced a 56% graduation rate result, and who started this argument without knowing the facts, as the man to run the federal government’s education bureaucracy.
So, how was this guy selected?
Surprise! HHS still granting ObamaCare waivers « Hot Air
Surprise! HHS still granting ObamaCare waivers « Hot Air: I’d guess that the lack of transparency means a great deal of brown-nosing is part of the process, as it always is when the Rule of Whim replaces the Rule of Law.
I guess it helps to be a FOO.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wasted Stimulus - Investors.com
Wasted Stimulus - Investors.com: Stimulus funds intended to boost the green economy haven't been well spent. The latest example of this is Monday's bankruptcy filing by Evergreen Solar Inc.
The Massachusetts company that the White House once said "is hoping to hire 90 to 100 people" thanks to stimulus money has $485.6 million in debt. Evergreen closed a factory in March, reports the Boston Herald, and cut 800 jobs. A Michigan plant is to be shut down, as well, causing the loss of even more jobs.
Evergreen isn't the only supposed conservation company that can't make it even when fronted with piles of taxpayer money. Green Vehicles of Salinas, Calif., which has burned through more than $500,000 in money "invested" by the city, folded last month without having produced anything of significance. The company promised it would employ about 70 and pay back Salinas taxpayers with $700,000 a year in city taxes.
The Massachusetts company that the White House once said "is hoping to hire 90 to 100 people" thanks to stimulus money has $485.6 million in debt. Evergreen closed a factory in March, reports the Boston Herald, and cut 800 jobs. A Michigan plant is to be shut down, as well, causing the loss of even more jobs.
Evergreen isn't the only supposed conservation company that can't make it even when fronted with piles of taxpayer money. Green Vehicles of Salinas, Calif., which has burned through more than $500,000 in money "invested" by the city, folded last month without having produced anything of significance. The company promised it would employ about 70 and pay back Salinas taxpayers with $700,000 a year in city taxes.
The Green Economy. Gee, how could this have happened?
The NYT files: More than 13 errors in front-page piece about Issa « Hot Air
The NYT files: More than 13 errors in front-page piece about Issa « Hot Air: The congressman’s director of communications yesterday sent a letter to the NYT to request a full front-page retraction for its recent front-page piece. The letter explains that the three primary pieces of evidence to support the premise of the original article — which was that Issa uses his power as a congressman to benefit himself in appropriate ways — are flat-out wrong.
If they can't send the DoJ, they'll send their press cronies.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Ann Coulter - August 17, 2011 - LIBERALS AREN'T FUNNY, THEY'RE A RIOT!
Ann Coulter - August 17, 2011 - LIBERALS AREN'T FUNNY, THEY'RE A RIOT!: They champion any mob that will increase their political power. Liberals promote welfare dependency, class warfare, endless government programs staffed with public sector workers, street protests, coddling criminals and physical attacks on their ideological opponents. This is how they create reliable Democratic voters.
Ann hits it on the head!
Job-Killing Uncertainty in the Obama Economy - YouTube
Job-Killing Uncertainty in the Obama Economy - YouTube:
So, the question (to which I think we already know the answer): Is this destruction of the economy deliberate?
DoJ now probing S&P over mortgage-bond ratings « Hot Air
DoJ now probing S&P over mortgage-bond ratings « Hot Air: S&P bond ratings have been in the news of late, haven’t they? The rating agency downgrade of American sovereign debt embarrassed the White House and touched off a firestorm of controversy across the political spectrum. Now, just coincidentally, the Department of Justice has decided to launch an investigation of S&P over the ratings it gave mortgage-backed securities during the lending bubble:
Embarrass the White House, and the DoJ comes after you. So we have our own Hugo Chavez now.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Articles: Turns Out Head Start's as Bad as It Always Was
Articles: Turns Out Head Start's as Bad as It Always Was: "The program began in 1965 by the Johnson administration with a budget of $96 million, or about $172 per child. With the additional $2.1 billion in the Obama administration's stimulus package added to the fiscal year 2012 Head Start budget of $8.1 billion, more than $10,000 is spent per child enrolled in the program -- far more than the $7,600 tuition and fees for the average four-year public university. All this for no measurable benefit."
This, of course, is the fate of much of our tax money.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Scientists Expose Inside Job Behind Endangered Species Scam - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance
Scientists Expose Inside Job Behind Endangered Species Scam - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance: "Combining Kintigh’s FBI skills with the scientists’ expertise, the team is exposing fatal flaws in the proposed rule that should bring every previous listing, and the entire process, into question."
Take away the money!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Obama Versus Obama | Hoover Institution
Obama Versus Obama | Hoover Institution: "In short, Barack Obama has lost credibility because on any given issue, his most recent declaration—delivered with the now familiar emphatic qualifiers, 'let’s be honest,' 'make no mistake about it,' 'let me be perfectly clear'—will be seen as contrary to what senator, candidate, or president Obama had earlier asserted. Presidents can get away with such opportunistic revision on one or maybe two key topics, but not on nearly all of them. The reason Obama is slipping in the polls is not due to the Tea Party, the Republicans in the House, House Speaker John Boehner, or Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell—but because of his own doppelganger, who at various times is the greatest critic of none other than the latest incarnation of Barack Obama."
Direct hit, Skipper.
Interesting Quote On Climate Model Prediction Skill By Steven Sherwood Of The University of New South Wales | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Interesting Quote On Climate Model Prediction Skill By Steven Sherwood Of The University of New South Wales | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "The disconnect between what the multi-decadal climate models are predicting and the real world climate system should be obvious, but, apparently still is not to some in the media."
Gee, why is that?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Weekend Interview with Eric Cantor: Obama and the Narcissism of Big Differences - WSJ.com
The Weekend Interview with Eric Cantor: Obama and the Narcissism of Big Differences - WSJ.com: "By contrast, he says, 'Never was there ever an underlying economic argument' from Democrats. 'It was all about social justice. Honestly, one of them said to me, 'Some people just make too much money.''"
Here's why the economy is faltering. This is how the governing elite think.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Articles: Enlightened Activist Scientists Dim Society
Articles: Enlightened Activist Scientists Dim Society: "Ultimately, activism in the name of science takes its expensive toll on society. Trillions of our dollars may soon be given away to the United Nations and others because of those who believe that, when it comes to the mysteries of nature, they are brilliant. But, rather than brilliant, the science luminaries have only at best a dim enlightenment. And, unfortunately for the rest of us, we will likely see the global politicians wastefully use the money to continue the entrenchment of their own power and as usual will ignore the planet's needy as more cash will be diverted to address future climate chimeras."
So very sad.
The only bright side, if you can call it that, is the sad irony that those who will be appropriating those trillions of dollars will be those same people who made them worthless.
Planet of the Apes, indeed.
Obama Speech - Awkward Silence - Veterans Jobs | Mediaite
Obama Speech - Awkward Silence - Veterans Jobs | Mediaite: "The President didn’t quite specify what he was waiting for as he stared out into the audience for the minute, though a number of things could have been delaying his cue– television cameras getting in order, his teleprompter loading up or simply a scheduling technicality. Either way, by the time a minute went by of the audience waiting expectantly for the President to say something, a man in the audience took matters into his own hands and shouted “awkward!” at the President."
Best speech by Obama ever. Too bad he ruined it by starting to speak...
Obama: Hey, my “singular focus” is on jobs! « Hot Air
Obama: Hey, my “singular focus” is on jobs! « Hot Air: "For all of this focus, Obama has yet to put forward his own plan to promote massive job growth, or any kind of private-sector growth at all. If that sounds familiar, it should; Obama failed to put forward any specific plan to deal with deficit reduction and the debt ceiling, and the only specific demand he made — tax hikes — would have stunted job growth. In fact, he’s still talking about tax hikes, which is a highly strange way to claim that job creation is one’s “singular focus.”"
Singular focus. Uhh, right.
A few inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme « Hot Air
A few inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme « Hot Air: "Well, the data is easily retrievable from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (now that it’s finally back on line), so let’s take a look at seasonally-adjusted private-sector employment over the last twenty years. I’ve compiled the total number (seasonally adjusted) of private-sector jobs each month over the last 20 years and put them into this chart:"
Republicans caused job losses? Look at the chart.
Iraq begins negotiations to keep US troop presence « Hot Air
Iraq begins negotiations to keep US troop presence « Hot Air: "Now, where have I heard that strategy before? Oh, that’s right … John McCain. He cited the need to keep a bulwark against Iranian aggression in the region by maintaining a peacetime presence in Iraq, on the same model we have used in South Korea and Germany. How did the DNC react to McCain’s explanation of what amounted to strategic common sense? They produced an ad accusing McCain of cheering for “100 years of war,” which the New York Times immediately defended in its usual hacktastic fashion."
100 Years of War.
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Remember when Barack Obama told people that he needed to become President so that he could address “the fierce moral urgency of now?”"
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Articles: The Dirty Little Secret of Economics
Articles: The Dirty Little Secret of Economics: "But mainly governments continued their bad old ways of subsidizing the powerful and shoveling cheap credit at political favorites. It's the way of the warrior. You gather up a raiding party with the promise of spoils and plunder, and then after the election, er, raid, and a nice little bit of rapine, you distribute the spoils among your supporters. Unfortunately the policy of plunder and cheap credit leads to runs on banks, panics, crashes, and the inevitable recession during which the suckers are gently relieved of their bankrupt assets, and bottom-feeders build a new base for economic growth. "
Articles: Obama's Idiotic Infographic
Articles: Obama's Idiotic Infographic: "It is discouraging but not unexpected to see politicians manipulate financial statistics for political gain. More frightening is the thought that Obama might actually believe that his infographic is an accurate portrayal of our financial situation. Does the former community organizer have a clue?"
Does that require an answer?
Articles: Much More than a Third Rate Burglary
Articles: Much More than a Third Rate Burglary: "And if government officials are willing to lie and obfuscate, as I believe Agent Newell and others most likely have, to a congressional investigating committee; and if the Justice Department is willing to stonewall document subpoenas and refuse to produce subpoenaed witnesses, this administration is in full Watergate mode. What conclusion is to be drawn from their behavior other than that there are much bigger fish to be caught in Issa's net than a few overeager field operatives?
Are the big fish of the Obama administration ignoring the basic lesson of Watergate -- that it's the cover-up, not the crime, that can bring down a president? But then, in the present situation, we have illegal arms-smuggling, apparently to further a domestic political gun control agenda, which may have resulted in the deaths of Mexican citizens and two United States federal officers. Now that is a crime, a real and true crime, and most certainly a much more serious crime than a third-rate burglary."
Are the big fish of the Obama administration ignoring the basic lesson of Watergate -- that it's the cover-up, not the crime, that can bring down a president? But then, in the present situation, we have illegal arms-smuggling, apparently to further a domestic political gun control agenda, which may have resulted in the deaths of Mexican citizens and two United States federal officers. Now that is a crime, a real and true crime, and most certainly a much more serious crime than a third-rate burglary."
Articles: The American Animal Farm
Articles: The American Animal Farm: "Neither debt nor deficits are national security crises. Both are just two symptoms of civic decline, a bloodless coup in slow motion. The end may come slowly or catastrophically, but collapse seems inevitable. And the solution isn't Democrats or Republicans; both parties are now 'democratic' in name only. Neither major party represents the will nor the best interests of the people."
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Obama’s Wildly Inaccurate Claim about ‘Domestic Spending’ | The Weekly Standard
Obama’s Wildly Inaccurate Claim about ‘Domestic Spending’ | The Weekly Standard: "In his remarks on the debt ceiling deal, President Obama said, “The first part of this agreement will cut about $1 trillion in spending over the next 10 years....The result would be the lowest level of annual domestic spending since Dwight Eisenhower was president.” This claim is utterly false, as domestic spending has actually gone through the roof. How, then, can Obama make it? He simply chooses not to count any of the major categories of domestic spending — Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and (soon) Obamacare — as part of “domestic spending.”"
The punters, I guess, are presumed too stupid to get it.
Monday, August 1, 2011
White House Insider: "Everyone Stunned At How Little Barack Obama Understands" | Socyberty
White House Insider: "Everyone Stunned At How Little Barack Obama Understands" | Socyberty: "The one thing that almost everyone did agree with was how “idiotic”, “moronic”, “pathetic”, “self-serving”, “arrogant”, and “scary” President Obama’s role was during the process. Those are actual descriptions used against the president, and most of them came from Democrats. Everyone stunned over how little Barack Obama understands about anything. "
So who's surprised?
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