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Monday, January 30, 2012

Feds: ‘Poor’ Consume Like The Rich | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Feds: ‘Poor’ Consume Like The Rich | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner: "Forget the image of Appalachia or rundown ghettos: A collection of federal household consumption surveys collected by pollster Scott Rasmussen finds that 74 percent of the poor own a car or truck, 70 percent have a VCR, 64 percent have a DVD, 63 percent have cable or satellite, 53 percent have a video game system, 50 percent have a computer, 30 percent have two or more cars and 23 percent use TiVo."

I don't have a DVD, a VCR, cable, or even a TV. No game console, no TiVo. So where's my check?

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need - latimes.com

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need - latimes.com: "Over the last year, the Obama administration has aggressively pushed a $433-million plan to buy an experimental smallpox drug, despite uncertainty over whether it is needed or will work.

Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor."


"Obama’s behavior yesterday is even more disturbing than Nixon’s. Nixon at least respected the judicial branch enough to have his attorney’s show up in court and follow procedure. Nixon’s fight in the courts followed existing law. Nixon acknowledged the authority of the judicial branch even while he fought it. Obama, on the other hand, essentially said yesterday that the judicial branch has no power over him. He ordered his attorneys to stay away from the hearing. He didn’t petition a higher court in a legitimate attempt to stay the hearing. Instead he showed complete contempt for the entire judicial branch and for the rule of law. Rather than respecting the legal process, Obama went around the courts and tried to put political pressure directly on the Georgia Secretary of State. When that failed, he simply ignored the judicial branch completely."

Very disturbing.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) | Mail Online

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) | Mail Online: "‘We’re now well into the second decade of the pause,’ said Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. ‘If we don’t see convincing evidence of global warming by 2015, it will start to become clear whether the models are bunk. And, if they are, the implications for some scientists could be very serious.’"

As they should be.

No, taxes shouldn’t be a “fairness” issue « Hot Air

No, taxes shouldn’t be a “fairness” issue « Hot Air: "The real question is whether our citizenry has the maturity and largeness of mind to accept the idea of government that is not chartered to be our Mom, knowing all our business and ordering us to share the toys. Such a government would have, for starters, a lot less to do. It would cost us less, and be less exploitable by demagogues and special interests. That would be OK with me – I can go the rest of my life without knowing what Bill Gates’ income is, or Warren Buffett’s, or Warren Buffett’s secretary’s."

Good point.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Articles: Buffett's Bunk

Articles: Buffett's Bunk: "Now that Mitt Romney has released his tax returns, his effective federal tax rate of approximately 15% is being trumpeted by those on the left as "Exhibit A" in support of Warren Buffett's assertion, in his recent op-ed piece in the New York Times, that his federal tax rate of 17.4% is 18.6 percentage points less than the average rate paid by the workers in his office. In actuality, Buffett's assertion is a gross and deliberate misrepresentation of the facts and simply cannot go unchallenged."

It's interesting how those who want the government to force *other people* to do something generally base their argument on lies.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Liberal Lunacy — Emerging Corruption

Liberal Lunacy — Emerging Corruption: "Feeling sorry for the Obamas is not at the top of my list of political priorities. Listening to them feel sorry for themselves while dining on steak and lobster, vacationing in expensive and exotic places, and demanding that “millionaires and billionaires” should pay more taxes is as pathetic as it gets."

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Articles: On the Intellectual Inferiority of Liberalism

Articles: On the Intellectual Inferiority of Liberalism: "I see smart and educated people clinging to a wrecked belief system like that Italian tourist ship that just flipped on its side. The genuine liberalism of Harry Truman, JFK, and Walter Lippmann is dead as a doornail. Instead we have the left radicalism of Obama, who grew up on the hard, hard Stalinist left. Obama is called a liberal, but he is an authoritarian anti-Constitutionalist with major totalitarian tendencies. Obama is certainly not a Cold War liberal like JFK, Hubert Humphrey, LBJ. If the Cold War were raging today Obama would be pro-Soviet."

Direct hit!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Articles: Barack Obama: The World's Most Powerful Person

Articles: Barack Obama: The World's Most Powerful Person: "a cursory look back at Obama's first three years is helpful not only in understanding how Obama chose to wield his authority, but also in looking forward for clues as to how this Chicago machinist will continue to muscle weaker players abroad and at home in order to achieve his grand vision of "Change We Can Believe In.""

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Articles: It Was 'A Wonderful Life'

Articles: It Was 'A Wonderful Life': "There is probably no more iconic piece of cinematic Americana than Frank Capra's 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life. Even today, families enjoy the folksy warmth of small-town America at Christmas as seen in the golly-gee world of the Bailey family, living their all-American lives in Bedford Falls, NY. And indeed, Americans should watch this timeless classic often but, I suggest, more to remind themselves of just how our modern-day financial problems were born and what cavalier habits bred them."

Excellent dismantling!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Keystone XL: Voting for the Stone Age - Forbes

Keystone XL: Voting for the Stone Age - Forbes: "I find the contrast between the California High Speed Rail line and the Keystone XL pipeline to be simply amazing. In the case of the rail line, the Obama administration continues to try to perform CPR on an infrastructure project that makes no sense, is way to costly, and will likely bankrupt the state of California with all the taxpayer money required. In the case of the pipeline, the Obama administration killed a private infrastructure project that is widely supported, covers its own costs, and requires no taxpayer money."

Right said.

Friday, January 20, 2012

DoJ figure taking the 5th in Fast & Furious probe « Hot Air

DoJ figure taking the 5th in Fast & Furious probe « Hot Air: "It’s every citizen’s right to take the Fifth Amendment in court and Congressional hearings when testifying. When the sitting chief of a criminal investigation division for a US Attorney’s office does it, though, it certainly calls into question what in blazes the Department of Justice has been doing, especially with Operation Fast and Furious:"

The stench is getting worse.

Holder, Breuer connected to players in foreclosure fraud? « Hot Air

Holder, Breuer connected to players in foreclosure fraud? « Hot Air: "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a Who’s Who of big banks and other companies at the center of alleged foreclosure fraud, a Reuters inquiry shows."

Of course they were...

Michelle Malkin » The Land of Obama Make-Believe

Michelle Malkin » The Land of Obama Make-Believe: "Where did President Obama go after killing off thousands of Keystone XL pipeline construction and manufacturing jobs? Why, Disney World, of course. Sabotaging work is hard work for Goofy and his pals."

Nice shot!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits - The Hill's Floor Action

Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits - The Hill's Floor Action: "The Democrats, worried about higher gas prices, want to set up a board that would apply a "windfall profit tax" as high as 100 percent on the sale of oil and gas, according to their legislation. The bill provides no specific guidance for how the board would determine what constitutes a reasonable profit. "

Right. So a bunch of bozos who can't pass a budget in 3 years and who are spending like drunken sailors are going to determine what "reasonable profit" represents?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's Time To Gut, Not Cut, The Federal Government - Forbes

It's Time To Gut, Not Cut, The Federal Government - Forbes: "More basic, however, is the fact that one man’s waste is another man’s priority. The basic purpose of the national government today is to allow everyone to live off of everyone else. The intent is to give away trillions of dollars. What matters most is giving it away, not giving it away efficiently."

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Now's the Time to Start Cutting Wasteful Government Programs - Forbes

Now's the Time to Start Cutting Wasteful Government Programs - Forbes: "Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) is a rarity on Capitol Hill, a scourge of the wasteful foolishness which emanates from the Potomac. In his view “perhaps there was no bigger waste of the taxpayers’ money in 2011 than Congress itself.” Lots of people talk about “waste,” but few do anything about it. Sen. Coburn identified 100 really dumb projects and collected them in the “2011 Wastebook: A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful and Low Priority Government Spending of 2011.” It is a great place to start cutting unnecessary government."

Gut, don't cut.

Another subsidized solar company lays off most of its employees « Hot Air

Another subsidized solar company lays off most of its employees « Hot Air: "With barely a mention of Solyndra or other White House scandals at last night’s debate, it’s easy to see why the president assumed he’d be able to practice crony capitalism unchecked by the media or even his GOP rivals — and practice it he has. The federal government hasn’t been the only governmental entity to stuff money in the pipe dream of affordable and efficient solar energy, though. Today brings news of an Ohio-state-government-subsidized solar company laying off most of its workforce:"

Not only is this money being wasted, it is also being funneled to fraudsters.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Articles: How Obama Betrays Martin Luther's King's Dream

Articles: How Obama Betrays Martin Luther's King's Dream: "Obama seems inclined to make his choices for judges based on skin color. This came back to bite him recently. The ABA's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary delivered very harsh verdicts on Obama's federal judicial nominees (rejecting them as unqualified at triple the rate of both George Bush and Bill Clinton's nominees). Fourteen nominees were rated as unqualified to serve as federal judges. Thirteen of them were women, Hispanics or African-Americans. The ABA is famously liberal; clearly Obama was not picking nominees based on merit."

No comment required.

Articles: The Left's War on Voter Fraud Reform

Articles: The Left's War on Voter Fraud Reform: "Although Democrats insist that little or no voter fraud is occurring, at least 55 former Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) employees or associates have been convicted of some form of voter fraud in 11 states, according to the Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum."

The big lie, told often enough...

Voter Fraud | Dead | New Hampshire | The Daily Caller

Voter Fraud | Dead | New Hampshire | The Daily Caller: "Video footage provided exclusively to The Daily Caller shows election workers in New Hampshire giving out ballots in the names of dead voters at multiple voting precincts during the state’s primary election on Tuesday."

3rd world, here we come...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Articles: How's That Government Meddling Workin' Out for Ya'?

Articles: How's That Government Meddling Workin' Out for Ya'?: "Back in the heyday of the old Soviet Union an agricultural commissar from the Ukraine was summoned to the Agricultural Ministry in Moscow to report on the year's potato crop. "Ah, Comrade Minister," said the commissar, beaming, "If all the potatoes harvested this year were put into a single pile, it would reach to the feet of God."
"What!" exclaimed the minister, "you know that in Communism there is no God."
"Also," sighed the commissar, "in the Ukraine is no potatoes.""

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Palin blasts Obama's Dog

George Lucas: Hollywood Wouldn't Back My Film About Tuskegee Airmen Due to All Black Cast | NewsBusters.org

George Lucas: Hollywood Wouldn't Back My Film About Tuskegee Airmen Due to All Black Cast | NewsBusters.org: "“I wanted to make it inspirational for teenaged boys. I wanted to show that they have heroes, they’re real American heroes, they’re patriots that helped to make the country what it is today. And it’s not Glory where you have a lot of white officers running these guys into cannon fodder. It’s like a real, they were real heroes.”"

See... Racist Tea-Partiers in Hollywood.

Uhh Mr. President, About That Venue… | Jammie Wearing Fools

Uhh Mr. President, About That Venue… | Jammie Wearing Fools: "One thing I will give this SCOAMF of an administration credit for is nobody does irony better then these guys. First there was the decision to hold their convention in a right-to-work state, thereby angering their union bosses. They are still jumping through hoops to appease the red-faced, fist-shaking little trolls in the union halls."

Read this withering analysis!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A 100 million dollar Climate DOE Project – Is This Money Well Spent? | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

A 100 million dollar Climate DOE Project – Is This Money Well Spent? | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "Decision makers already have all the information regarding the climate system that is needed to make policy decisions. If the 100 million dollars are being used for this purpose, in my view, it is a waste of funds."

To this shall nothing be added nor taken away.

What's that about "follow the money".

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Articles: The Answer That Would Have Won the Nomination

Articles: The Answer That Would Have Won the Nomination: "What a great question. Let me make sure I state my position on this critical issue unequivocally so that there can be no mistake, because I can't imagine any American finding anything else more significant than this: we'd first pop in a copy of the Bette Midler classic Beaches, then we'd take time to independently journal about our reaction to its message. Then, after a good cry, we'd grab the acoustic guitar and sing a round of "We are the World" before calling it an evening."

Conclusion of an excellent answer to the absurd "gay couple in your living room" debate question.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Robert Brown: What we don’t know about energy flow « Tallbloke's Talkshop

Robert Brown: What we don’t know about energy flow « Tallbloke's Talkshop: "Finally, we don’t know how to build a faithful global climate model, in part because we need answers to many of these questions before we can do so! Until we can, we’re just building nonlinear function fitters that do OK at interpolation, and are lousy at extrapolation."

Excellent summary of a great article.

Articles: The Promise of ObamaCare: Hospice for the Healthy

Articles: The Promise of ObamaCare: Hospice for the Healthy: "In Great Britain, where the medicine has been administered by the government for nearly three-quarters of a century, a pattern has emerged that should be troubling to even the most deadened senses of decency. A recent audit by the Royal College of Physicians has revealed that in one hospital group alone, more than 50% of the patients who were put on a palliative care protocol known as the "Liverpool Care Pathway" (LCP) have had those decisions made solely by the attending physicians, without consult or notification of the patients family. In another group of hospitals, only 1 in 3 were informed of the life-ending decision."

Hey, let's have us some government-administered medicine!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Congratulations to General Motors: Worst Car Stock of 2011; Chevy Volt a ‘Worst Product Flop of 2011′ Winner — Less Government

Congratulations to General Motors: Worst Car Stock of 2011; Chevy Volt a ‘Worst Product Flop of 2011′ Winner — Less Government: "General Motors stock (NYSE: GM) finished 2011 down 46.1% – the absolute worst car or car-related product stock on the board. Besting (so to speak) the second worst by 4.5%.

And GM’s unprofitable, unpopular, combustible electric Chevy Volt was a ‘Worst Product Flop of 2011’ winner. Oh, and GM is moving electric vehicle development (and production?) to China – which sort of undermines the jobs “created or saved” reason for the $50 billion GM bailout."

But your health care will get better...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Er, that’s the reason the founders gave you the veto, champ. One section in an otherwise vital bill perhaps might be understandable, but griping that seventeen violate the Constitution and/or separation of powers and then signing the bill is a splendid demonstration of sheer impotence, as well as hypocrisy … two of Obama’s signature characteristics."

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Articles: By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him: Obama's Subversive Appointments

Articles: By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him: Obama's Subversive Appointments: "If you vote for Barack Obama because of his charm, his urbanity, his soaring rhetoric that seems to endorse traditional American values, and presume that a man of such fine qualities must be open and honest in his agenda...well, you've been conned."

Many of us know this, but read the article nonetheless.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Articles: Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!

Articles: Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!: "Time is becoming short. We're reaching a tipping point -- not of the earth's climate, but of the financial schemes that permanently divert funds from productive activities into wasteful ones, all in the name of "saving the climate." The results are evident: higher levels of spending, deficits, or taxes; higher prices for energy and electricity and therefore for all manufactured goods; less productive activity; less employment; and more misery.
It seems odd that all of this is essentially based on a fake -- the data that seem to show a (nonexistent) warming. It will be difficult to overturn this notion, but we must keep trying."

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WaPo: Two “green” subsidies we won’t miss in 2012 « Hot Air

WaPo: Two “green” subsidies we won’t miss in 2012 « Hot Air: "We’re killing coal, gasoline, and electricity at the same time while demanding EVs that we won’t be able to economically buy or sell or even charge under current hostile regulatory policies. It’s not just one bad investment that we need to change, but a whole series of irrational policies that hamper American energy production and consumer choice. And that’s due to one bad investment in particular from which voters can divest themselves in November."

Good point.

Articles: Americans Elect: Obama's Third-Party Tar Pit

Articles: Americans Elect: Obama's Third-Party Tar Pit: "One hopes that increasingly likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney (whose Republican candidacy, it must be said, would be a good fit against the Americans Elect threat) is more of a street-fighter than his polite and reasonable demeanor suggests. And that his troops long ago noticed Americans Elect, and are well-prepared to deal with this Machiavellian fraud. If not, 2012 is going to be a long and painful year."

Pay attention!!