Backroom Messina demands transparency from others | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner: "You might know of Jim Messina for his service in the White House -- he was the guy who offered jobs to people to get them to back out of Democratic primaries. He was the backroom guy trying (not very successfully in the case we know of) to affect political outcomes behind closed doors.
Messina is now President Obama's reelection campaign manager, and he got in a little back-and-forth with the Koch Brothers recently. He wrote a fundraising letter accusing them of "jacking up" gas prices for profit. They wrote back a scathing reply which called out the Obama White House for singling out and smearing private citizens for the crime of participating in the political process -- something this White House has been doing ever since the President of the United States trashed the secured creditors of Chrysler in a major nationally televised speech."
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Stimulus-Backed Solar Company Lays Off 70 Percent of Workforce
Stimulus-Backed Solar Company Lays Off 70 Percent of Workforce: "President Obama used a weekly address in July 2010 to tout his stimulus package’s support for the solar industry. One of the companies he mentioned specifically, Abound Solar, just announced that it will lay off 70 percent of its workforce.
Abound would “creat[e] more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs,” Obama claimed, and would be integral to the administration’s quest to “create whole new industries and hundreds of thousands of new jobs in America.”
But a year and a half later, the company’s staff numbers only 120. It announced Tuesday that it would lay off 180 full time and 100 part time employees, halt solar panel production, and delay the construction of a manufacturing plant in Indiana"
Abound would “creat[e] more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs,” Obama claimed, and would be integral to the administration’s quest to “create whole new industries and hundreds of thousands of new jobs in America.”
But a year and a half later, the company’s staff numbers only 120. It announced Tuesday that it would lay off 180 full time and 100 part time employees, halt solar panel production, and delay the construction of a manufacturing plant in Indiana"
Down a rat hole.
Obama: I’ll veto bill that will provide water to California’s Central Valley « Hot Air
Obama: I’ll veto bill that will provide water to California’s Central Valley « Hot Air: "I’ve called the judicially-imposed drought in California’s Central Valley “the Dust Bowl Congress created” through its creation of the Endangered Species Act, invoked in this case by the Delta smelt, a fish that’s not suitable for eating. Once a breadbasket for the nation, the cutoff of irrigation water to the Central Valley has destroyed agriculture and tens of thousands of jobs as a tradeoff for the endangered fish. Now, however, voices of sanity in Congress have begun to speak on the man-made economic and agricultural disaster, as Rep. Devin Nunes builds support for his Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Reliability Act:"
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Eric Holder | Loses Cool | House Hearing | Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller
Eric Holder | Loses Cool | House Hearing | Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller: "At least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as was Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. The identities of the Mexican victims are unknown. Allegations have surfaced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata was also killed with Fast and Furious weapons. Many members of Congress have demanded Holder’s resignation or firing over the scandal, arguing that he either should have known about it, or did know about it and is trying to cover up the evidence. They also point to how nobody has been held accountable for the operation more than a full year after the DOJ provided false information to Congress, and even longer since Terry was murdered."
I think Holder needs to be indicted.
Charles Koch Foundation Confronts the New York Times for Misleading Readers |
Charles Koch Foundation Confronts the New York Times for Misleading Readers | "One might expect the Times to have some chagrin about its reporting that was based on material obtained by fraud, motivated by an ulterior ideological agenda, and suspect in its authenticity. Yet even though that source lied, cheated, and stole – and refuses to answer any further question from the Times or anyone – reporter Andrew Revkin nonetheless found room to praise him, writing, “It’s enormously creditable that Peter Gleick has owned up to his terrible error in judgment.” Readers would be right to wonder if the Times itself is able to own up to mistakes on this story."
They're not willing to admit even to themselves that it was a mistake.
They're not willing to admit even to themselves that it was a mistake.
Articles: Some 'Splainin' to do in Chicago
Articles: Some 'Splainin' to do in Chicago: "On February 27, a Chicagoland website, Illinois PayToPlay, cited the star witness in the Operation Gambit trials of the early '90s, Robert Cooley, as a primary source for the news that Daniel Frawley says he gave $400,000 in cash to Tony Rezko, who then passed it on to Barack Obama. "
No big surprise...
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "“The President is so far on the wrong side of the American people that he’s now praising the company’s decision to start going around him,” Boehner said in a statement to ABC News."
Smartest guy in the room.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Judge in case of atheist attacked by Muslim: It was right on the edge of being “ethnic intimidation” « Hot Air
Judge in case of atheist attacked by Muslim: It was right on the edge of being “ethnic intimidation” « Hot Air: " He’s saying that mocking Mohammed is intimidating to Muslim bystanders, not unlike putting on a white hood and robe around someone who’s black. That’s a perfect Orwellian inversion of reality: The reason people get nervous when Islam is satirized or insulted is because they fear a violent reaction by Muslims, not against them."
This is going the wrong way...
Articles: Exclusive Interview: Infidel Victim of Pennsylvania Sharia Judge Reveals Inside Details of Case
Articles: Exclusive Interview: Infidel Victim of Pennsylvania Sharia Judge Reveals Inside Details of Case: "Last week, an American judge in Pennsylvania, Judge Mark Martin, ruled on the case and sided with the Muslim, and said that the victim would have been put to death in Muslim societies for his "crime."
Martin told Perce: "Having had the benefit of having spent over two and a half years in predominantly Muslim countries I think I know a little bit about the faith of Islam. ... In many Arabic-speaking countries something like this is definitely against the law there. In their society in fact it can be punishable by death and it frequently is in their society.""
Martin told Perce: "Having had the benefit of having spent over two and a half years in predominantly Muslim countries I think I know a little bit about the faith of Islam. ... In many Arabic-speaking countries something like this is definitely against the law there. In their society in fact it can be punishable by death and it frequently is in their society.""
Read the rather disturbing article.
Articles: Fakegate Opens a Door
Articles: Fakegate Opens a Door: "If the current situation involving Peter Gleick looks eerily similar to the Watergate burglar story, is it not a good idea to start peeling back more layers of this mess, since there are indications that there has never been any validity to the portrayal of skeptic climate scientists as untrustworthy shills of the fossil fuel industry? Do this current controversy and all the problems surrounding it not reveal that we have potentially just the opposite problem -- the appearance of a White House-driven enviro-activist collaborative effort to confuse the public into believing there is no legitimate criticism of the idea of man-caused global warming?"
Monday, February 27, 2012
Panetta believes Israel may strike Iran this spring: reports | Reuters
Panetta believes Israel may strike Iran this spring: reports | Reuters: "The Washington Post first reported that Panetta was concerned about the increased likelihood Israel would launch an attack over the next few months. CNN said it confirmed the report, citing a senior Obama administration official, who declined to be identified."
Great. Our foolish and ideologically blinded, anti-semite so-called Secretary of Defense leaks Israel's plans for defense. Reprehensible, disgusting.
Articles: So Now It's the Lacrosse Murder
Articles: So Now It's the Lacrosse Murder: "But we will not care; the story will be familiar; it will not require thought on our part; it can be digested as easily as American Idol, or just another episode of the latest crime show. The most important thing is that, facts or not, it will be entertaining. And isn't that what the media is all about?"
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Articles: Spreading the Wealth Around Gets Personal
Articles: Spreading the Wealth Around Gets Personal: "The great playwright George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." The food stamp recipients who exercise little (if any) responsibility have already forfeited their liberty to the government by being dependent upon food stamps. They must do exactly what the government says in order to continue to receive food stamps. But what will they do when the government no longer can sustain its present largesse?"
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Mr. Worthing: The Funding Imbalance
Mr. Worthing: The Funding Imbalance: "The Climate Works Foundation, though, is of special interest as it was in 2008, awarded $460,800,000 from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, a grant-making organisation with assets of $7.2 billion, which disbursed $353,400,000 in grants in 2011. It has made another grant to Climate Works only last week of $100 million – bringing the total grants to this organisation to just short of $600 million.
Where such huge funding is devoted to global warming advocacy, and policy development, there must indeed be a distortion of the democratic process, especially where politicians are also being paid. These organisations must come clean about the sources of their money, and provide exact details of how much is paid to which organisations, for what purposes."
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Where such huge funding is devoted to global warming advocacy, and policy development, there must indeed be a distortion of the democratic process, especially where politicians are also being paid. These organisations must come clean about the sources of their money, and provide exact details of how much is paid to which organisations, for what purposes."
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The Skeptics Case | Watts Up With That?
The Skeptics Case | Watts Up With That?: "We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best and latest data. Fortunately the climate models got all their major predictions wrong. Why? Every serious skeptical scientist has been consistently saying essentially the same thing for over 20 years, yet most people have never heard the message – here it is, put simply enough for any lay reader willing to pay attention."
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It’s official: Shepard Fairey is a fraud | The Daily Caller
It’s official: Shepard Fairey is a fraud | The Daily Caller: "The street artist Shepard Fairey, whose “Hope” campaign poster of Barack Obama became an enduring symbol of his last presidential campaign, pleaded guilty Friday to a charge stemming from his misconduct in trying to bolster claims in a lawsuit over which photograph had been used as a basis for the poster."
This is somehow very fitting.
PETA | Killing Animals | Animal Rights Campaign | The Daily Caller
PETA | Killing Animals | Animal Rights Campaign | The Daily Caller: "Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95 percent of the pets in its care in 2011."
So is liberalism about the principle, or is it about controlling others?
The end of redevelopment in … California? « Hot Air
The end of redevelopment in … California? « Hot Air: "California now joins Arizona as the only other state with no redevelopment agencies to hijack private property from its owners for political payoffs. No matter what the reasons, perhaps the Golden State can provide an example of political reform for the other 48 states still providing politicians with the means to run cronyist machines on the backs of taxpayers."
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Per person cost of federal high-risk medical plan doubles - The Washington Post
Per person cost of federal high-risk medical plan doubles - The Washington Post: "Medical costs for enrollees in the health-care law’s high-risk insurance pools are expected to more than double initial predictions, the Obama administration said Thursday in a report on the new program."
You have just got to be kidding me. Does this mean other parts of Obamacare could possibly be flawed, too?
For Geithner, math is hard « Hot Air
For Geithner, math is hard « Hot Air: "In this detailed, fact-driven piece, Geithner points out how terribly unfair it is for U.S. energy companies to get away with paying such low taxes while raking in massive profits and living large on government subsidies."
Oops. Not really.
Fakegate Illustrates Global Warming Alarmists' Deceit and Desperation - Forbes
Fakegate Illustrates Global Warming Alarmists' Deceit and Desperation - Forbes: "The real story in this Fakegate scandal is how the global warming movement is desperate, delusional and collapsing as global warming fails to live up to alarmist predictions. People with sound science on their side do not need to forge documents to validate their arguments or make the other side look bad. Also, people who are so desperate as to forge documents in an attempt to frame their rivals are clearly not above forging scientific data, studies and facts to similarly further their cause."
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Friday, February 24, 2012
Dem pollster warns that voters will scoff at claims of recovery « Hot Air
Dem pollster warns that voters will scoff at claims of recovery « Hot Air: "That creates a conundrum for Obama. Incumbents have to have a positive reason for a second term in office, especially Presidents. If he can’t claim to have improved the economy or America’s standing in the world, exactly what basis can he use to ask for another four years? The only argument Obama is likely to have is that Republican meanies will be so much worse, extreme, etc etc etc — which more or less describes the messaging that Greenberg recommends.
In other words, buckle your seatbelts, because it’s going to be a very bumpy ride."
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In other words, buckle your seatbelts, because it’s going to be a very bumpy ride."
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Articles: Obama Has Already Lost, and He Doesn't Even Know It
Articles: Obama Has Already Lost, and He Doesn't Even Know It: "Democrats want us to believe that Obama has been a tremendous success. He promised to redistribute our wealth, and he has begun. He promised to transform our health care system, and he passed ObamaCare. He promised that his energy policies would dramatically increase energy costs, and they have. He promised to appoint justices who think like he does to the Supreme Court, and he has. He promised to pull American troops out of Iraq, regardless of the situation on the ground, and he has. He made many promises that he is trying to keep, but we just didn't listen closely enough or didn't believe that he meant what he said. Now that American voters have finally woken up, their opinion is that they don't like the country's new direction and would like to repeal much of what Obama has done!
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To close tax loopholes, Obama would open new ones - Yahoo! Finance
To close tax loopholes, Obama would open new ones - Yahoo! Finance: "President Barack Obama wants to close dozens of loopholes that let some companies pay little or nothing in taxes. But he also wants to open new ones for manufacturers and companies that invest in clean energy.
To some analysts, the new loopholes risk upending the level playing field Obama says he wants to create.
Some also fear that companies could game the system to grab the new tax breaks."
To some analysts, the new loopholes risk upending the level playing field Obama says he wants to create.
Some also fear that companies could game the system to grab the new tax breaks."
Couldn't happen.
Obama: The bail-out is dead. Long live the bail-out. The loophole is dead. Long live the loophole.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Omitted variable fraud: vast evidence for solar climate driver rates one oblique sentence in AR5 | Watts Up With That?
Omitted variable fraud: vast evidence for solar climate driver rates one oblique sentence in AR5 | Watts Up With That?: "My training is in economics where we are very familiar with what statisticians call “the omitted variable problem” (or when it is intentional, “omitted variable fraud”). Whenever an explanatory variable is omitted from a statistical analysis, its explanatory power gets misattributed to any correlated variables that are included. This problem is manifest at the very highest level of AR5, and is built into each step of its analysis."
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Is The Federal Reserve Doing A Good Job? - Mr. Conservative
Is The Federal Reserve Doing A Good Job? - Mr. Conservative: "Have you noticed that very few people in the mainstream media ever directly criticize the Federal Reserve? But why should that be the case? Criticizing top politicians from both major political parties has become a national pastime. Most Americans love to throw mud at either the Republicans or the Democrats. But we are told that the Federal Reserve is “above politics” and that it is absolutely vital that the Fed remain “independent”. The reality is that the Federal Reserve has more control over the performance of the U.S. economy than the president even does, and yet most Americans never spend much time thinking about the Fed at all. It is almost as if someone has instructed us to “ignore the man behind the curtain” and most of us just blindly obey. With the economy in such a mess and with the national debt exploding so dramatically, isn’t it about time that we had a national conversation about the performance of the Federal Reserve? Isn’t it about time that we evaluated whether the Federal Reserve is doing a good job or not?"
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Why Obama’s corporate tax plan is a total bust « The Enterprise Blog
Why Obama’s corporate tax plan is a total bust « The Enterprise Blog: "The current U.S. economic recovery is arguably the worst in modern American history. Incomes are flat, housing is moribund, and the past three years have seen the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. Yet President Barack Obama—with the backing of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner—has the temerity to propose a corporate tax reform plan that would actually raise the tax burden on American business by $250 billion over a decade (and de facto on workers, too) without lowering rates to an internationally competitive level. This is a terrible, terrible plan:"
Truly amazing.
Is stealing OK? Alarmist climate scientists don’t know – “in tumult!” « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Is stealing OK? Alarmist climate scientists don’t know – “in tumult!” « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax: "Whoops. Suzanne Goldenberg unwittingly exposes how empty the Ethics Vault is in establishment climate science. Peter Gleick used a false identity to steal documents, and released them without permission and without an effort to redact private irrelevant details. So let’s ask climate scientists if stealing, deception and breaching privacy is OK. It’s a yes or no choice, is it a/ heroic, or b/ misguided? We’d hope a ten year old could get this one, but Goldenberg tells us that its thrown “the scientific community into tumult, with fierce debates…”. Oh."
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Did the FCC try to drive a LightSquared competitor into bankruptcy? « Hot Air
Did the FCC try to drive a LightSquared competitor into bankruptcy? « Hot Air: "This is crony capitalism at its most bald: picking winners and losers through the use of regulatory intervention and favoritism. The loser in this case was Open Range, which filed for bankruptcy in October 2011, a year after the Obama administration and the FCC stuck it to them and GlobalStar. The White House instead favored a venture in which Obama himself was an early investor and whose backers were friends and donors to his campaign — and which had no chance of winning on the merits thanks to their insistence on using satellite-communications spectrum rather than spending the money buying terrestrial-communications spectrum."
Gee, what's wrong with the economy?
Discount! Only $1 to win dinner with Barack | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Discount! Only $1 to win dinner with Barack | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner: "After emailing supporters 10 times in December asking for a three dollar donation in exchange for a chance to win dinner with the President, the Obama re-election campaign has now cut the price to only a buck."
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
LightSquared | FCC Regulation | Wireless Broadband | The Daily Caller
LightSquared | FCC Regulation | Wireless Broadband | The Daily Caller: "Documents and copies of communications obtained by The Daily Caller indicate that the Federal Communications Commission propped up broadband company LightSquared with favorable regulatory decisions and other special treatment, while driving its competition out of business."
Crony capitalism again.
Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner
Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner: "Critics and even some in his own party say the vacations present a bad image at a time when many Americans are struggling to get by during the recession."
No, it's not a bad image. It's bad people.
Bob Janjuah: "Markets Are So Rigged By Policy Makers That I Have No Meaningful Insights To Offer" | ZeroHedge
Bob Janjuah: "Markets Are So Rigged By Policy Makers That I Have No Meaningful Insights To Offer" | ZeroHedge: " Personally I am absolutely certain that the kind of totalitarianism being pushed on us by our leaders will – if allowed to persist and fester – end with consequences which are way beyond anything the printing presses of our central banks could ever hope to contain. Communism failed badly. Why then are we arguably trying to resurrect a version of it, particularly in Europe? Are the banks so powerful that we are all beholden to them and the biggest nonsense of all – that defaults should never happen (unless said defaults are trivial or largely meaningless)?"
Very unnerving, but I have to say I largely agree with the observations.
Articles: The Problem With Intellectuals
Articles: The Problem With Intellectuals: "Be that all as it may, almost the first thing we learn about intellectuals when we examine them a bit more closely is that they are not historically important. They didn't for example fight the American Revolution or write the Constitution. They also had little or maybe nothing at all to do with the Industrial Revolution or with English Common Law (except recently in its corruption). Left-Wing Liberal intellectuals didn't write Shakespeare, paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, or teach us how to can peas."
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Barack Obama | Do All Day | New Yorker | The Daily Caller
Barack Obama | Do All Day | New Yorker | The Daily Caller: "The President’s decision-making method–at least as described in the piece–seems to consist mainly of checking boxes on memos his aides have written for him."
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Articles: How Obama Makes Decisions
Articles: How Obama Makes Decisions: "Indeed, a good rule of thumb to judge Obama is to take his boast, reverse it, and then apply it to Obama. He seems out of his depth when discussing policy, so he avoids press conferences and becomes irate during the rare times a non-fawning journalist poses a challenging question to him. Or he is just reduced to "gibberish," as Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson described his answer to ABC News's Jake Tapper over a question regarding his broken promise to reduce debt ."
Who knew that this idiot would be a disaster? Well, actually, anyone who did their homework could see it coming...
Ocean heat content and Earth’s radiation imbalance by Douglass & Knox.
Another body-blow to the AGW alarmists.
Ocean heat content and Earth’s radiation imbalance.
Ocean heat content and Earth’s radiation imbalance.
Is the recent value of flux imbalance −0.034 ± 0.06 W/m2 consistent with what is expected from various climate forcings?...
Therefore, the CO2 forcing feedback would have to be negative to obtain agreement, whereas the models apparently have positive feedback.
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "And a lot of those men and women who we celebrate on Veterans Day and Memorial Day come back and find that, when it comes to finding a job or getting the kind of care that they need, we’re not always there the way we need to be."
Sure they do.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Contraception Misdirection - Mark Steyn - National Review Online
Contraception Misdirection - Mark Steyn - National Review Online: " “It’s as if we passed a law requiring mosques to sell bacon and then, when people objected, responded by saying ‘What’s wrong with bacon? You’re trying to ban bacon!!!!’”"
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Occupy your homes produces predictable result « Hot Air
Occupy your homes produces predictable result « Hot Air: "The house is now in such a condition that the owner sees it as being fit for nothing other than being condemned. Even if he could get the mortgage situation straightened out, he couldn’t move his family back in. The property is destroyed."
A fitting metaphor for the entire movement.
“Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.” | The American Jingoist
“Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.” | The American Jingoist: "In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Joshua Muravchik notes that, “70% of Mr. Soros’s fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year. They were dying and disappearing all around him, and their numbers no doubt included many whom he knew personally. Yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect.”"
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What if They are Wrong? |
What if They are Wrong? | "Because the theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) depends on a feedback mechanism between increase in CO2 and an increase in atmospheric water – a mechanism about which there is considerable, scientifically justified doubt – it is possible that CO2 has effectively no influence on global climate."
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When Did Honesty Become Optional? — Emerging Corruption
When Did Honesty Become Optional? — Emerging Corruption: "We talk a lot today about how we must act to save our country. To be sure, this action is incredibly necessary. We the People have allowed government to fall into the hands of nefarious men and women; partisans and opportunists; men and women more loyal to their political parties than to their constituents. We have an opportunity to right this wrong by enlightening ourselves to the many truths of the matters, by educating ourselves on the philosophies of the Charters of Freedom and then engaging in the process of electoral decision making and properly discharging our constitutional duties to governmental oversight."
It's worthwhile to read this.
Fantastic -- mental illness disability when unemployment benefits run out
We're getting hosed!
People whose unemployment benefit run out suddenly come down with mental illness and go on disability.
People whose unemployment benefit run out suddenly come down with mental illness and go on disability.
Articles: Obama Perverts Ex-Im Bank into Competitor for Domestic Banks
Articles: Obama Perverts Ex-Im Bank into Competitor for Domestic Banks: "Acting without any legal authority, President Obama has overridden the federal charter of the Export-Import Bank, and turned it into a competitor for domestic loan business, in utter defiance of the law. Hardly anyone has noticed or seems to care. "
You should. It's another ploy to destroy the US economy and increase the hold of government on the private sector. See "fascism".
Words from SRV
Like a train that stops at every stationInspiring words from Stevie Ray Vaughan.
We all deal with trials and tribulations
Fear hangs the fellow that ties up his years
Entangled in yellow and cries all his tears
Changes come before we can grow
Learn to see them before we're too old
Don't just take me for tryin' to be heavy
Understand, it's time to get ready for the storm
Saturday, February 18, 2012
What if they are wrong? | Climate Etc.
What if they are wrong? | Climate Etc.: "Suppose it turns out that CO2 has essentially nothing to do with the earth’s climate. How will the history of this colossal mistake be written?"
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Obama and Other People's Money | Karl Rove
Obama and Other People's Money | Karl Rove: "Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said that the problem with socialism is that eventually you "run out of other people's money." And it's not just tax dollars she was talking about, as the Obama presidency has shown."
The consequences will be far-reaching, and devastating.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Map: The Climate Change Scare Machine — the perpetual self-feeding cycle of alarm « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Map: The Climate Change Scare Machine — the perpetual self-feeding cycle of alarm « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax: "Two professors of sociology think they can explain why “Climate Deniers” are winning. But Riley E. Dunlap and Aaron M. McCright start from the wrong assumption and miss the bleeding obvious: the theory was wrong, the evidence has changed, and thousands of volunteers have exposed it.
The real question sociologists will be studying for years to come is: how was an exaggerated scare, based on so little evidence, poor reasoning and petty namecalling, kept alive for two whole decades?"
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The real question sociologists will be studying for years to come is: how was an exaggerated scare, based on so little evidence, poor reasoning and petty namecalling, kept alive for two whole decades?"
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Fakegate: the smog blog exposes irrational rage, innumeracy, and heartland’s efficient success. « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Fakegate: the smog blog exposes irrational rage, innumeracy, and heartland’s efficient success. « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax: "The believers of man-made-weather-disasters are wetting themselves with excitement. It painful to watch grown men drool.
Poor things, they were really wounded by Climategate, and they’ve been waiting, praying that some day someone would level the playing field and show that skeptics were just as petty, shameless, and money-grubbing as their team turned out to be (not to mention hypocritical, deceptive and incompetent). In their dreams.
Instead the hyped non-denier-gate shows just how incredibly successful the Heartland Institute is. Look at the numbers. The skeptics have managed to turn the propaganda around against a tide of money, and it is really some achievement."
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Poor things, they were really wounded by Climategate, and they’ve been waiting, praying that some day someone would level the playing field and show that skeptics were just as petty, shameless, and money-grubbing as their team turned out to be (not to mention hypocritical, deceptive and incompetent). In their dreams.
Instead the hyped non-denier-gate shows just how incredibly successful the Heartland Institute is. Look at the numbers. The skeptics have managed to turn the propaganda around against a tide of money, and it is really some achievement."
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Obama's War on School Vouchers -
Obama's War on School Vouchers - "In his State of the Union address last month, President Obama spoke about the importance of kids staying in school and even urged states to raise the dropout age to 18. So it's passing strange that his new $3.8 trillion budget provides no new money for a school voucher program in Washington, D.C., that is producing significantly higher graduation rates than the D.C. public school average."
Nobody can possibly believe what this guy says anymore.
An NRC Study “A National Strategy for Advancing Climate Modeling” – A Missed Opportunity | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
An NRC Study “A National Strategy for Advancing Climate Modeling” – A Missed Opportunity | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "This is an impressive list of scientists. But they clearly have a vested interest in continuing to focus on the top-down global climate model approach to assessing risks that society and the environment may face in the coming decades. They have failed to consider the issue from the perspective of the stakeholders."
Another climate bureaucracy failure.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Video: House committee voting tomorrow to subpoena WH officials over Solyndra « Hot Air
Video: House committee voting tomorrow to subpoena WH officials over Solyndra « Hot Air: "It’s not just the fact that the Obama administration made a bad call on the green-tech stimulus loan, an effort authorized by Congress. Upton and his committee want to know why the DoE approved that loan over the objections of its own auditors, how it managed to get a sweetheart interest rate despite its known financial problems, and most importantly why the DoE broke the law by subordinating the taxpayer stake in Solyndra to that of Obama bundler George Kaiser.
So far, the White House has offered precious little of the transparency they loudly proclaim when it comes to Congressional oversight, especially on Solyndra and Operation Fast and Furious. Don’t expect that to change before tomorrow."
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So far, the White House has offered precious little of the transparency they loudly proclaim when it comes to Congressional oversight, especially on Solyndra and Operation Fast and Furious. Don’t expect that to change before tomorrow."
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Obama Caught Pulling Fast One On '60 Mins' - President Obama - Fox Nation
Obama Caught Pulling Fast One On '60 Mins' - President Obama - Fox Nation: "Doing the math: President Obama's plan to tax the rich will hardly make a dent in the deficit
According to the Congressional Budget Office, over the next 10 years the Obama budget will produce a deficit of $10.900 billion, or 5.3% of GDP on average.
According to the left's own calculations and as reported by the New York Times, Obama's plan to raise taxes on the rich will generate $700 billion in additional revenue over the next decade, or just a pathetic 0.3% of GDP.
In other words, the plan to raise taxes on the rich will only cover one out of fifteen dollars of deficit spending. Where is President Obama going to get the other fourteen out of fifteen?"
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According to the Congressional Budget Office, over the next 10 years the Obama budget will produce a deficit of $10.900 billion, or 5.3% of GDP on average.
According to the left's own calculations and as reported by the New York Times, Obama's plan to raise taxes on the rich will generate $700 billion in additional revenue over the next decade, or just a pathetic 0.3% of GDP.
In other words, the plan to raise taxes on the rich will only cover one out of fifteen dollars of deficit spending. Where is President Obama going to get the other fourteen out of fifteen?"
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Why I'm rooting for Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs
Why I'm rooting for Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs: "I'm presuming what you really want is stuff like: smaller government; a genuine – as opposed to an illusory, QE-driven – economic recovery; sensible environmentalism (ie conservation but not eco-fascism); liberty; an end of crony capitalism; a diminution of the power of Wall Street; a resurgence of American greatness; a renewed sense of confidence and purpose.
You're not going to get any of that from a Romney administration."
You're not going to get any of that from a Romney administration."
Sadly, it's probably true. Romney will be like Gorbachev, presiding over the death throes of the Union.
Affirmative Disaster | The Weekly Standard
Affirmative Disaster | The Weekly Standard: "A growing body of empirical evidence is undermining the claim that racial preferences in college benefit their recipients. Students who are admitted to schools for which they are inadequately prepared in fact learn less than they would in a student body that matches their own academic level. As an ongoing controversy at Duke University demonstrates, however, such pesky details may have no effect on the longevity of the preference regime. "
It's sad when something so obvious has to be subject to 'research', which is then attacked, not for the research or its methods, but for being "hurtful".
Articles: The Rising Fever of Despotism
Articles: The Rising Fever of Despotism: "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. "
From the Declaration of Independence.
Michelle Malkin » Obama Wishes He Knew Full Extent of Economic Crisis When He Took Office
Michelle Malkin » Obama Wishes He Knew Full Extent of Economic Crisis When He Took Office: "Either we were and/or are still in a crisis worse than the Great Depression, or Obama’s only hope in November is that voters have incredibly short memories."
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Venture capitalists play key role in Obama’s Energy Department - The Washington Post
Venture capitalists play key role in Obama’s Energy Department - The Washington Post: "During the next three years, the department provided $2.4 billion in public funding to clean-energy companies in which Wagle’s former firm, Vantage Point Venture Partners, had invested, a Washington Post analysis found. Overall, the Post found that $3.9 billion in federal grants and financing flowed to 21 companies backed by firms with connections to five Obama administration staffers and advisers."
Crony capitalism. Hate to say it, but it's what the Nazis did...
WaPo finds nearly $4 billion in green-tech stimulus funds went to WH-connected firms « Hot Air
WaPo finds nearly $4 billion in green-tech stimulus funds went to WH-connected firms « Hot Air: "During the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama pledged to flush lobbyists out of the halls of power and bring “hope and change” to Washington. Obama also pledged not to hire lobbyists in his administration, signed an executive order to that effect, and then issued dozens of waivers to his own rule. Not only did Obama start his administration by reneging on his lobbyist pledge, insiders in his administration conducted informal lobbying on behalf of companies to whom they were connected — and manged to snag nearly $4 billion in federal funding in the green-tech stimulus, the Washington Post reports:"
Hope & Change.
OMB director undercuts legal case for Obamacare | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
OMB director undercuts legal case for Obamacare | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner: "This has always been a tricky argument for the Obama administration, because admitting that the mandate is a tax means that Obama violated his pledge not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000. In September 2009, Obama told ABC's George Stephanapoulos that the mandate was not a tax. But by the following June, his administration was arguing in court that it was.
Now the administration is making both arguments simultaneously. Before Congress, Zients is arguing that it is not a tax. But before the Supreme Court next month, the administration will argue that it is, in fact, a tax."
Now the administration is making both arguments simultaneously. Before Congress, Zients is arguing that it is not a tax. But before the Supreme Court next month, the administration will argue that it is, in fact, a tax."
The mind boggles.
Krauthammer: Since The New Deal There Has Been A Population "Very Happy To Live Off The Teat Of The Giant State" | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: Since The New Deal There Has Been A Population "Very Happy To Live Off The Teat Of The Giant State" | RealClearPolitics: ""I think ever since the New Deal there has been a segment of the population that is very happy to live off the teat of the giant State. And there's always been a segment of the population who wants to be independent," the syndicated columnist told FOX News' Bill O'Reilly."
Kraut observes the obvious.
Obama On Change: I've Made It Easier To Navigate Government Websites | RealClearPolitics
Obama On Change: I've Made It Easier To Navigate Government Websites | RealClearPolitics: "Obama says he hasn't been able to change Washington the way he campaigned for, but he did say he has "made a lot of progress" with government websites.
Obama told the local affiliate that he has made using the internet more effective so if someone needs a government service, "they don’t have to navigate through 50 websites, they can go to one website. So on those fronts we’ve done a lot. We’ve made a lot of progress.""
Obama told the local affiliate that he has made using the internet more effective so if someone needs a government service, "they don’t have to navigate through 50 websites, they can go to one website. So on those fronts we’ve done a lot. We’ve made a lot of progress.""
So what could you expect for only a few trillion borrowed dollars?
Do Latest Solar Studies Confirm Upcoming Global Cooling? | Watts Up With That?
Do Latest Solar Studies Confirm Upcoming Global Cooling? | Watts Up With That?: "Since we are now in the equivalent lagged year[2012-9=2003] and will next experience the solar effects of the decline of solar cycle #23 [the solar period of 2000 to 2008 ], we can expect cooler weather for at least 6 years plus another nine years after the next warming effect of the solar active period of cycle #24 [ maximum around 2013 to 2014.] So I see no significant warming for 20 years at least [2030 earliest]. This is what ocean cycles like PDO predict and what the 60 year climate cycle predicts but now we may possibly have one of many hypothesis of how the sun does all this."
Cooling coming.
Germany in skeptical turmoil on both Climate and Solar/Windfarms | Watts Up With That?
Germany in skeptical turmoil on both Climate and Solar/Windfarms | Watts Up With That?: "Construction of the offshore wind parks is now progressing rapidly. But there’s just one problem: the huge high voltage power transmission lines needed to bring their power to Germany’s industrial heartland to the south are missing! More than 3000 km of these lines are needed, but are nowhere near in sight. The government forgot about those too!"
Yeah, so what's the surprise? Fools.
Payroll tax cut won't cover Obama gas price rise | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Payroll tax cut won't cover Obama gas price rise | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner: "Forget all the happy talk about how Americans, flush with their $1,000 payroll tax cut set to be extended by Congress, will be hitting the mall to spend, spend, spend. That cool grand won't even cover the surge in gas prices under President Obama and will have to be nearly doubled if summer predictions of $5 regular come true."
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Preschooler's Homemade Lunch Replaced With Nuggets | Fox News
Preschooler's Homemade Lunch Replaced With Nuggets | Fox News: "The West Hoke Elementary School student was in her More at Four classroom when a state agent who was inspecting lunch boxes decided that her packed lunch — which consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips — “did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines,” the Journal reports."
Must we have government oversee every little thing we do?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Today House Republicans Are Set To Approve Barack Obama’s Latest Stimulus Plan | RedState
Today House Republicans Are Set To Approve Barack Obama’s Latest Stimulus Plan | RedState: "Accounting gimmicks — they’re not just for socializing the American healthcare industry any more."
Astonishing and sickening.
» Fast and Furious: Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu Says Holder Has Perjured Himself - Big Government
» Fast and Furious: Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu Says Holder Has Perjured Himself - Big Government: "As a police officer before I was a sheriff, when somebody I’m talking to starts to change their story — that’s a clue they’re not telling the truth. So, this guy (Holder) is in charge of the Department of Justice, still — to this day — from Dec. 15, 2010, so it’s been over a year and there’s still been no accountability, we still don’t know who’s approved this program. How can that be?"
Darrell Issa | Eric Holder | Contempt of Congress | The Daily Caller
Darrell Issa | Eric Holder | Contempt of Congress | The Daily Caller: "On Tuesday Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House committee on Oversight and Government Reform, took a major step toward holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to provide subpoenaed documents and other information about Operation Fast and Furious."
OMB chief: The sequester is so important to us that we replaced it, or something « Hot Air
OMB chief: The sequester is so important to us that we replaced it, or something « Hot Air: " “The President is not proposing that the sequester go away. The sequester is a very important force and function for us to do deficit reduction. So the sequester will be replaced with a balanced approach to deficit reduction. The sequester itself is bad policy.” "
This type of double-talk can only mean one thing: They're stealing your money, and your children's money and their children's money. Bastards.
A California lesson in progressive income taxation « Hot Air
A California lesson in progressive income taxation « Hot Air: "Only those who lack sense or are ideologically committed to class warfare would fail to learn the clear lesson from California’s example."
Obama's 2013 Budget Proposal Is A Monument To Irresponsibility -
Obama's 2013 Budget Proposal Is A Monument To Irresponsibility - "Financial Ruin: What do you call a budget that boosts spending $227 billion, adds $329 billion to an already huge deficit, and does nothing to fix the entitlement crisis? If you're President Obama, it's called "fiscal responsibility.""
War with Eastasia.
ATF Official Links Fast and Furius To Obama Gun Control Plan - The Ulsterman Report
ATF Official Links Fast and Furius To Obama Gun Control Plan - The Ulsterman Report: "The ATF officials who supervised the gun walking out of Phoenix were telling the news media as early as 2008 that 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico came from the U.S. In other words, the same agency that was waging a public battle against gun smuggling was facilitating gun walking at the same time."
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The curious link between MMFA and the White House war on Fox « Hot Air
The curious link between MMFA and the White House war on Fox « Hot Air: "Apparently, the people at Media Matters take the term “investigative journalism” seriously — even if they misunderstand it. According to a September 2009 e-mail obtained by Tucker Carlson at the Daily Caller, Media Matters Director of Media Relations Karl Frisch proposed to founder David Brock and MMFA president Eric Burns that the organization conduct a campaign to “embarrass and discredit” Fox News, which Frisch called the “enemy” which the progressive movement needed after winning the presidency and control of Congress. Among the ideas Frisch proposed was hiring private investigators to dig up dirt on Fox News anchors and staff:"
To anybody who's paying attention, this should come as no surprise.
Loopholes Are Dead, Long Live Loopholes - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online
Loopholes Are Dead, Long Live Loopholes - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online: "Remember in the president’s State of the Union address how the line “no more bailouts, no more cop outs” was followed by proposals to do more bailouts? Well, President Obama continues this practice. His budget message derides “special-interest loopholes,” but then proceeds to provide more special-interest loopholes."
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Monday, February 13, 2012
American Catholicism’s Pact With the Devil -
American Catholicism’s Pact With the Devil - "You have to hand it to Barack Obama. He has unmasked in the most thoroughgoing way the despotic propensities of the administrative entitlements state and of the Democratic Party. And now he has done something similar to the hierarchy of the American Catholic Church. At the prospect that institutions associated with the Catholic Church would be required to offer to their employees health insurance covering contraception and abortifacients, the bishops, priests, and nuns scream bloody murder. But they raise no objection at all to the fact that Catholic employers and corporations, large and small, owned wholly or partially by Roman Catholics will be required to do the same. The freedom of the church as an institution to distance itself from that which its doctrines decry as morally wrong is considered sacrosanct. The liberty of its members – not to mention the liberty belonging to the adherents of other Christian sects, to Jews, Muslims, and non-believers – to do the same they are perfectly willing to sacrifice."
Excellent point.
The Global Warming Hoax is Now Killing People — Emerging Corruption
The Global Warming Hoax is Now Killing People — Emerging Corruption: "The Ottawa Citizen published an Agence France Presse article on Friday reporting that “Thick ice closed vast swaths of the Danube on Thursday, crippling shipping on Europe’s busiest waterway, as the death toll from bitter cold across the continent rose…as it has every day for nearly two weeks.” The report noted that “Navigation was impossible or restricted in Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, as ice covered the river or formed dangerous floes in shipping lanes.”"
The planet has a fever!!
Media Matters | Sources | David Brock | The Daily Caller
Media Matters | Sources | David Brock | The Daily Caller: "“He had more security than a Third World dictator,” one employee said, explaining that Brock’s bodyguards would rarely leave his side, even accompanying him to his home in an affluent Washington neighborhood each night where they “stood post” to protect him. “What movement leader has a detail?” asked someone who saw it."
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Mark Levin calls it a cesspool. Rightly so.
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Mark Levin calls it a cesspool. Rightly so.
New Obama budget chief strangely ignorant of budget process on Capitol Hill « Hot Air
New Obama budget chief strangely ignorant of budget process on Capitol Hill « Hot Air: "When a President appoints someone to run the Office of Management and Budget, one might believe that a few prerequisites come with the job. Certainly something more than a basic understanding of math would be in order, although considering Barack Obama’s four straight trillion-dollar-plus budget deficits, that may be more of a guideline than a requirement. Having enough knowledge of civics to understand how a budget gets passed on Capitol Hill would usually be considered a baseline expectation for an OMB director, but apparently in the Land of Hopenchange, such frivolities are overlooked in favor of, er … a really nice crease in one’s slacks, or something."
Fiscal responsibility is obviously not important.
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Not to be too cynical about this, but Obama last spoke with those Catholic officials months ago regarding his mandate. And no one at the White House bothered to contact them when it came time to offer this “accommodation,” as the bishops made clear on Friday after the Obama administration announced it. That sounds a lot like a cynical desire to punt a political football rather than figuring out exactly why the church objected to it in the first place. And that failure looks like the product of a cynical desire to impose the same mandate while making it look like a compromise."
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Archived-Articles: Saved by Christmas
Archived-Articles: Saved by Christmas: "Preparations are underway in the United States and the nations of Europe to celebrate Christmas first and foremost as a tribute to materialism. These increasingly agnostic and secular societies have chosen to ignore the existence of God and have instead placed more and more trust in man. The consequence of this misguided reliance and the reality of God's outstretched helping hand is embodied in the story of a young boy from the streets of a nameless city in an unknown country."
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Articles: Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots
Articles: Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots: "How many times will the American people have to be hit over the head before they understand that Barack Obama is the most corrupt, dictatorial, and ideologically driven president in American history? That his entire being and psyche are devoted to transforming the country not only into a socialist utopia, but into a nation permanently governed by a radical oligarchy?"
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Contraception mandate: MSM stuck in “narrative capture”? « Hot Air
Contraception mandate: MSM stuck in “narrative capture”? « Hot Air: "As Ed Morrissey pointed out yesterday, Obama has merely shifted the basis for the mandate. The insurance companies – I use that term loosely – will be required to provide “free” contraception services to the insured who work for Catholic employers. This means that the premiums paid by Catholic employers will fund contraception services. And the overall mandate to purchase the insurance will continue."
Friday, February 10, 2012
Barack Obama’s $25 Billion Dollar Campaign Laundering Fund (Insider Related) - The Ulsterman Report
Barack Obama’s $25 Billion Dollar Campaign Laundering Fund (Insider Related) - The Ulsterman Report: "So we have a former Obama campaign bundler and defense attorney of a Taliban terrorist, who also happens to be the brother in law of the California Attorney General whose state just received a multi-billion dollar housing bailout – the same man who might soon find himself being placed in the position of being the next Attorney General of the United States."
Corrupt to the core.
Government big and unaccountable, study shows | Washington Free Beacon
Government big and unaccountable, study shows | Washington Free Beacon: "A 2011 report by the Commission on Wartime Contracting found as much as $60 billion in U.S. taxpayer money has been lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), which does not require Senate confirmation, has been without a permanent inspector general for more than a year."
Take the money away!!
Buffett’s Bank of America | Washington Free Beacon
Buffett’s Bank of America | Washington Free Beacon: "Warren Buffett’s stake in Bank of America Corp. increased in value by $154 million after President Obama and the U.S. Justice Department announced a $25 billion foreclosure abuse settlement with the five largest U.S. banks Thursday, records show."
King Crony of Omaha.
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, by Lyle Rossiter, Jr., MD
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, by Lyle Rossiter, Jr., MD: "Our current economic, social, and political crises are the consequences of rule breaking; they are the wages of secular sins. In its monumental lack of restraint, its colossal sense of entitlement, its stunning mendacity, its callous indifference to destructive policies, its assault on the foundations of freedom, modern liberalism is a rule breaking juggernaut of global proportions. In all corners of the planet, the indulgence of unrestrained impulses is destroying the ethical and moral discipline essential to ordered liberty."
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Unlawful demands by EPA threaten Texas power outages, economy, state's rights - San Antonio Headlines |
Unlawful demands by EPA threaten Texas power outages, economy, state's rights - San Antonio Headlines | "When Texans learned last year that the EPA began playing games with their own deadline that requires lower emissions with air pollution rules, experts discovered this would lead to the inevitable closing of Texas energy plants, lay off thousands of workers and create blackouts."
Our government at work.
New Paper That Further Documents A Muted Atmospheric Water Vapor Trend – “Surface Water Vapor Pressure And Temperature Trends In North America during 1948-2010″ By Isaac and Van Wijngaarden 2012 | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
New Paper That Further Documents A Muted Atmospheric Water Vapor Trend – “Surface Water Vapor Pressure And Temperature Trends In North America during 1948-2010″ By Isaac and Van Wijngaarden 2012 | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "The new Isaac and van Wijngaarden 2012 paper adds to these studies and is yet another documentation of the inability of the multi-decadal global model predictions of the IPCC to skillfully predict even such a basic component of the climate system as the long term water vapor feedback."
But the science is settled!
But the science is settled!
Henninger: Transformers -
Henninger: Transformers - "The Catholic Church has stumbled into the central battle of the 2012 presidential campaign: What are the limits to Barack Obama's transformative presidency? The Catholic left has just learned one answer: When Mr. Obama says, "Everyone plays by the same set of rules," it means they conform to his rules. What else could it mean?
Anyone who signs up for more of this deal by assuming that it will never force them to fall into line is getting what they deserve."
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Anyone who signs up for more of this deal by assuming that it will never force them to fall into line is getting what they deserve."
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Thursday, February 9, 2012
Washington Footing the Cell Phone Bill for Millions of Low Income Americans - Yahoo! News
Washington Footing the Cell Phone Bill for Millions of Low Income Americans - Yahoo! News: "Last year, a federal program paid out $1.6 billion to cover free cell phones and the monthly bills of 12.5 million wireless accounts. The program, overseen by the FCC and intended to help low-income Americans, is popular for obvious reasons, with participation rising steeply since 2008, when the government paid $772 million for phones and monthly bills. But observers complain that the program suffers from poor oversight, in which phones go to people who don't qualify, and hundreds of thousands of those who do qualify have more than one phone."
Using money borrowed from China.
Obama: ‘I deserve a second term’ « The Greenroom
Obama: ‘I deserve a second term’ « The Greenroom: "It would be fascinating to hear a frank accounting from the president of why, in spite of these and numerous other false starts and errors, he thinks he is entitled to a second term."
Yes, it would.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Outrage Subdued After DJ Goes On Racially Charged Rant On GOP Congressional Candidate | Fox News
Outrage Subdued After DJ Goes On Racially Charged Rant On GOP Congressional Candidate | Fox News: "In a profanity-laced tirade, a Memphis DJ last week used an on-air interview to berate a local Republican congressional candidate -- calling her a "token negro" who is doing the bidding of "white folk."
DJ Thaddeus Matthews called Charlotte Bergmann, who is black, "stupid." He referred to her as a "curly-haired nigga." When she walked out of the interview, he refused to shake her hand, saying he didn't want to get her "whiteness" on him.
The outrage? The fury? In Memphis, you can hear the crickets. "
DJ Thaddeus Matthews called Charlotte Bergmann, who is black, "stupid." He referred to her as a "curly-haired nigga." When she walked out of the interview, he refused to shake her hand, saying he didn't want to get her "whiteness" on him.
The outrage? The fury? In Memphis, you can hear the crickets. "
Well, at least he didn't call her a Nappy-Headed Ho, even in jest. He would have been fired.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
RealClearPolitics - Democrats' Hypocrisy on Race -- When Will People Wake Up?
RealClearPolitics - Democrats' Hypocrisy on Race -- When Will People Wake Up?: "Democrats are in trouble. Most Americans reject their left-wing agenda: bigger government; the refusal to address the need for entitlement reform; high taxes; anti-business regulation; anti-choice in education; pro-amnesty/porous borders; appointment of social-agenda-driven liberal judges; job-killing "climate change" hysteria; and the naive and dangerous strength-through-peace approach to foreign policy.
What tool does the Democratic Party often resort to in order to win elections? The race card.
As recently as 1960, the GOP attracted 32 percent of the black vote. Without the now-monolithic black Democratic vote, the Democratic Party could not survive. So it recruits and retains black voters by calling white Republicans "racists" -- and by calling black Republicans "sellouts.""
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What tool does the Democratic Party often resort to in order to win elections? The race card.
As recently as 1960, the GOP attracted 32 percent of the black vote. Without the now-monolithic black Democratic vote, the Democratic Party could not survive. So it recruits and retains black voters by calling white Republicans "racists" -- and by calling black Republicans "sellouts.""
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Articles: The Civil Rights Movement's Wrong Turn
Articles: The Civil Rights Movement's Wrong Turn: "This February, let's acknowledge several forgotten heroes from black history. We ought to laud those who actually strove for what the laundered historical ledger pronounces as the all-encompassing intent of the civil rights movement: laws affording equal protection regardless of race."
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Monday, February 6, 2012
Michelle Malkin » How to Make a Liberal Politician Stand Up Against Intrusive Government
Michelle Malkin » How to Make a Liberal Politician Stand Up Against Intrusive Government: "“What I choose to ingest even though I may be on food stamps, that’s at my discretion. I don’t need government telling me what I can and cannot purchase,” said Rep. Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed, a Pompano Beach Democrat who voted in committee against the bill (SB 1658). She said the bill is demeaning and invasive and she worries the education campaign would imply to “minorities and low-income folks that they’re not intelligent enough to make selections on the foods they want.”"
It must be sooo confusing to be a progressive.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Justice Department | Bribery | Corruption | Financial-Crime Suspects | The Daily Caller
Justice Department | Bribery | Corruption | Financial-Crime Suspects | The Daily Caller: "A U.S. Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives who were indicted under court seal within the past 13 months, but never arrested or prosecuted."
It keeps getting worse...
It keeps getting worse...
The persecution of Lord Black by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion
The persecution of Lord Black by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion: "As Conrad Black has painfully learned, the tune in our Manichean legal theater is called by the progressive vanguard—the media, the academy, and, in particular, the Lawyer Left. A Matter of Principle is Black’s often gripping memoir of his nightmarish trek through America’s justice system and business governance culture—a system that can work grave injustice, a culture that is all government and no business.1 The nightmare endures: Lord Black of Crossharbour, international newspaper mogul, British peer, distinguished presidential biographer, and for most of his life a lover of the United States, sits for a few more months in a federal prison—convicted, he compellingly argues, of crimes he did not commit."
Mark Steyn: Komen has its awareness raised | komen, planned, parenthood - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Mark Steyn: Komen has its awareness raised | komen, planned, parenthood - Opinion - The Orange County Register: "As Sen. Obama said during the 2008 campaign, words matter. Modern "liberalism" is strikingly illiberal; the high priests of "tolerance" are increasingly intolerant of even the mildest dissent; and those who profess to "celebrate diversity" coerce ever more ruthlessly a narrow homogeneity. Thus, the Obama administration's insistence that Catholic institutions must be compelled to provide free contraception, sterilization and abortifacients. This has less to do with any utilitarian benefit a condomless janitor at a Catholic school might derive from Obamacare, and more to do with the liberal muscle of Big Tolerance enforcing one-size-fits-all diversity."
Always love Steyn.
Always love Steyn.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Calculating from the end of the recession, the net job creation from those 31 months is only 1.407 million, a wan 45,390 net jobs a month, far below the pace needed to keep up with population growth. Calculating for the entirety of his presidency, we’re actually in the hole 937,000 jobs. Obama tried to cherry-pick the worst month in order to claim the most credit he could possible for job growth, and managed to get both the month and the math wrong anyway."
The Smartest President Ever!
NOAA Climate Survey – A Biased Approach To Assess NOAA Employees’s View Of Climate Science | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
NOAA Climate Survey – A Biased Approach To Assess NOAA Employees’s View Of Climate Science | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "I was alerted by Marc Morano to a survey that NOAA is sending out to its employees. "
Tribal loyalty test.
Articles: ACLU Fights Sunshine in Wisconsin Recall
Articles: ACLU Fights Sunshine in Wisconsin Recall: "Judging by the ACLU's double standard, secrecy is warranted if exposure might reveal voter fraud. On the other hand, if exposure puts marriage supporters at risk for harassment by radical activists...well, then, that's okay."
Post 9-11 – World of Fear – Living on Edge! — Emerging Corruption
Post 9-11 – World of Fear – Living on Edge! — Emerging Corruption: "There are just too many young men and women alive today, who were born after 1990, who have grown up under the Patriot Act, who actually don’t know anything different. They think that strip searches at airports, pat downs, and a myriad of other more than just mere inconveniences are all perfectly normal! That’s the real danger in all of this. That soon, another generation of Americans will have grown up, who will never know what it was really like to be free!"
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Thursday, February 2, 2012
Terrifying new book about climate change | Watts Up With That?
Terrifying new book about climate change | Watts Up With That?: "In order to weaken and eventually destroy the existing industrialized nations, we must devise an ecological “crisis” so severe that only voluntary economic suicide can solve it; and if this first crisis doesn’t materialize as planned, then devise another, and another, even if they flatly contradict our previous claims."
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Barack Obama | Do All Day | New Yorker | The Daily Caller
Barack Obama | Do All Day | New Yorker | The Daily Caller: "Toward the end of his piece, Lizza writes “[p]redictions that Obama would usher in a new era of post-partisan consensus politics now seem not just naive but delusional.” What you mean “now”? They seemed naive and delusional then, given the looming health care battle. Lizza’s whole argument depends on the reader deluding himself about that."
Good read.
Justice Department | Bribery | Corruption | Financial-Crime Suspects | The Daily Caller
Justice Department | Bribery | Corruption | Financial-Crime Suspects | The Daily Caller: "A U.S. Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives who were indicted under court seal within the past 13 months, but never arrested or prosecuted."
Obama donors? What are the odds?
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