America unites in contempt for loathsome nanny-state mayor « Hot Air: "Consider this an hors d’oeuvre for the meal we’re going to have in a few weeks when the Supreme Court rules on ObamaCare and we spend a week revisiting the ever-less-hypothetical “broccoli mandate” hypothetical. "
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Why 2012 Is Not 2004 | Karl Rove
Why 2012 Is Not 2004 | Karl Rove: "Playing into the impression of Mr. Obama as an unusually weak chief executive is his practice of blaming the nation's challenges on everything from his predecessor to a tsunami in Japan to ATMs to the Arab Spring to airport check-in kiosks to Fox News to Super PACs to the Supreme Court. The blame game can work for maybe a year; after that, it is (rightly) seen as weak and whiny."
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Second video shows Planned Parenthood clinic advising on how to get a sex-selective abortion; Update: WH opposes sex-selective abortion ban bill « Hot Air
Second video shows Planned Parenthood clinic advising on how to get a sex-selective abortion; Update: WH opposes sex-selective abortion ban bill « Hot Air: "Let’s muse on Planned Parenthood’s statement just a bit, though. They condemn “sex selection motivated by gender bias.” On what other basis would “sex selection” take place other than gender bias? Why would two girls be so much less desirable than a boy and a girl that one has to take the drastic step of an abortion unless one is applying a gender bias? What other possible explanation could there be? And let’s face it — while the selection cuts both ways on occasion, the cultural biases in play would tend to greatly disfavor girls rather than boys in this equation, which is what we see worldwide when abortion is used in sex selection."
How's that war on women going?
How's that war on women going?
WaPo, White House Coordinate Attack on Romney's Record as Governor
WaPo, White House Coordinate Attack on Romney's Record as Governor: "This is obviously how the media obviously intends to win this election for Barack Obama. Earlier this week, in what in no way can be a coincidence, the whole of the MSM coordinated a mass attack on Romney's relationship with Donald Trump. The week prior, the whole of the media coordinated an attack on a private citizen's super PAC and by extension his and his family's businesses.
Journolist is alive and well. And it looks now as though our media overlords have invited the White House to join in on their corrupt reindeer games. "
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Journolist is alive and well. And it looks now as though our media overlords have invited the White House to join in on their corrupt reindeer games. "
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Blogger: State Agency Censored Online Health Food Advice Column « CBS Charlotte
Blogger: State Agency Censored Online Health Food Advice Column « CBS Charlotte: "Steven Cooksey says all he wanted to do was help other diabetics get healthy, but a North Carolina agency tried to censor his online healthy food advice column, saying he was not a licensed dietitian."
Polish prime minister: A statement of “regret” for what Obama said from a White House spokesman isn’t good enough; Update: Polish president sends letter « Hot Air
Polish prime minister: A statement of “regret” for what Obama said from a White House spokesman isn’t good enough; Update: Polish president sends letter « Hot Air: ": “The medal to Karski was to be part of the process of laying painful memories to rest. It was intended too to strengthen the US-Polish relations that the Obama administration has frayed in pursuit of its ‘reset’ with Russia. Instead, this administration bungled everything: past, present, and future.”"
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Obama's 'Extraordinary' Economic Recovery Actually 6.5 Million Jobs Below Average -
Obama's 'Extraordinary' Economic Recovery Actually 6.5 Million Jobs Below Average - "But the economic recovery that Obama has presided over has been far from extraordinary. It hasn't even been ordinary.
In fact, it's come in well below average on several key indicators compared with the previous 10 economic recoveries, dating back to 1949, according to an IBD analysis of various economic data."
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In fact, it's come in well below average on several key indicators compared with the previous 10 economic recoveries, dating back to 1949, according to an IBD analysis of various economic data."
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Why 'Polish Death Camp' Gaffe Matters: All Obama Foreign Policy is Domestic
Why 'Polish Death Camp' Gaffe Matters: All Obama Foreign Policy is Domestic: "But Obama is more than a leftist; he is also a Chicago politician. And big-city politicians of both parties discover that a cheap and easy way to rally voters from particular communities and interest groups--or at least to prevent a stronger vote for the opposite site--is to express public sympathy with whatever cause those constituencies hold dearest, even if those sympathies tend to contradict each other. Those politicians who care about being caught in the middle will be candid in expressing their own views, while remaining open to the views of others; those who believe they can get away with being all things to all people, or who see the whole exercise as just another way of feeding the voting machines, will fall into the trap that Obama has just sprung on himself."
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Republicans, Democrats agree: No one cares about Obama’s to-do list « Hot Air
Republicans, Democrats agree: No one cares about Obama’s to-do list « Hot Air: "We saw this happen at the state level in Minnesota a decade ago. Jesse Ventura became so detached from the governance of the state that Republicans and Democrats united to pass veto-proof budgets, effectively cutting the governor out of the loop and making him a figurehead. That won’t happen in Congress, especially not in an election year, but the lack of interest in Obama’s priorities among Democrats and Republicans alike show that the level of Obama’s irrelevance to governance is increasing, not decreasing."
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Romney Surrogate Sununu Destroys Trump-Obsessed Soledad O'Brien
Romney Surrogate Sununu Destroys Trump-Obsessed Soledad O'Brien: "And CNN wonders why its ratings are tanking. "
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Spain scuttles clean-energy subsidies; promptly watches the industry go down like a sinking ship « Hot Air
Spain scuttles clean-energy subsidies; promptly watches the industry go down like a sinking ship « Hot Air: "Environmentalists may argue that our worldwide fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure isn’t sustainable in the long term — even though the evidence for imminent climate-change and peak-oil crises are extremely dodgy, at best — but fiscal insolvency is demonstrably unsustainable in the long term. While some of the eurozone members’ clean-energy ‘investments’ may not be the root cause of their present crisis, they are wildly indicative of the type of no-holds-barred, feel-good spending binges that have brought them down this road. Europe just keeps on proffering examples of precisely what governments shouldn’t do, but alas, will the United States ever listen?"
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Articles: That Professor Obama Dog Won't Hunt Anymore
Articles: That Professor Obama Dog Won't Hunt Anymore: "The Obama campaign's days of telling us that what looks like bad news is really good news that we are just too dumb to comprehend are drawing to a close. Next they are going to try to convince us that Obama may not be a genius after all, but he can connect emotionally with us a lot better than that stiff Romney, and that is now what matters.
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Articles: Obama Will Not Win Re-election
Articles: Obama Will Not Win Re-election: "Now the country is near its Thatcher point, where there is no more money to buy votes and goodies will eventually be taken away rather than increased. This condition has serious implications for both political parties, but especially for the Democrats. The Democratic Party now exists and survives for one simple reason -- making dependency more attractive. It has become the party of plunder, taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive in an attempt to buy enough votes to remain relevant. "
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Former Harvard Admin Throws Warren Under the Bus
Former Harvard Admin Throws Warren Under the Bus: "Mr. Ray has now come forward and clarified the university's role in this controversy, insinuating he merely went along with information volunteered to him by Professor Warren. Ms. Warren, however, refuses comment, even though the allegations in this story include falsifying federal diversity compliance reports.
If there is some other explanation besides Warren herself claiming Native American heritage for Harvard's EEOC compliance, she needs to offer that information to the public. Otherwise, her silence can and will be perceived as a tacit admission that no other explanation exists."
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If there is some other explanation besides Warren herself claiming Native American heritage for Harvard's EEOC compliance, she needs to offer that information to the public. Otherwise, her silence can and will be perceived as a tacit admission that no other explanation exists."
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Saturday, May 26, 2012
AP (Indirectly) Rebukes Politifact Over Obama Spendthrift Claim
AP (Indirectly) Rebukes Politifact Over Obama Spendthrift Claim: "When left-wing AP and Washington Post fact-checkers, who have shown a willingness to shill for Obama more than once, can't carry this water, you know Obama's Palace Guards at Politifact have really stepped in it. "
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Friday, May 25, 2012
Obama’s EEOC Targets Restaurant For Using Pretty Baristas
Obama’s EEOC Targets Restaurant For Using Pretty Baristas: "The Obama Administration has targeted business on virtually every account, including letting businesses sell their product the most effective way possible. But the cynical question really is, why doesn’t Barack Obama target all the major businesses that feature nubile young women to sell their product -- like every major sports organization that uses cheerleaders -- and instead target a small business?
Pick on the little guy. That’s the Obama way. And he whines about bullies?"
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Pick on the little guy. That’s the Obama way. And he whines about bullies?"
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The Real World with Barack Obama - HUMAN EVENTS
The Real World with Barack Obama - HUMAN EVENTS: "Those of us who’ve spent time in the real world always blame the guy who ran things four years ago for our own failures. We can send our kids to private schools while condemning others to crappy public ones. We vacation in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard while preaching that everyone else should give up oil for wind."
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How Real Is Barack Obama’s ‘Real World’? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online
How Real Is Barack Obama’s ‘Real World’? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online: "President Barack Obama, who has spent almost all of his career and adult life in academia, law firms, and government, begins his criticism of Mitt Romney by declaring, “those of us who have spent time in the real world . . .”"
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Thursday, May 24, 2012
Donors losing enthusiasm for Obama « Hot Air
Donors losing enthusiasm for Obama « Hot Air: "Actually, it just means the masks have slipped. Obama is no longer a cipher or a blank screen on which to project one’s own fantasies, but an old-school New Leftist who resorts to class warfare when threatened. Small wonder, then, that the people who have succeeded in American business have begun to lose enthusiasm for the prospect of another four years of being demonized by the White House."
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CBS: The Bain attacks aren’t damaging Romney « Hot Air
CBS: The Bain attacks aren’t damaging Romney « Hot Air: "Remember, this was the big strategy for the Obama campaign — to cast Romney as a “vampire capitalist” and frighten people into voting for Obama. Instead, it’s just another reminder of the incompetence of the Obama administration on economics, and now on political strategy. This has been a laughable flop, and unless they have a Plan B, this campaign is about to run aground in an embarrassing fashion."
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Forget Bain, Obama’s public equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post
Forget Bain, Obama’s public equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post: "Amazingly, Obama has declared that all the projects received funding “based solely on their merits.” But as Hoover Institution scholar Peter Schweizer reported in his book, “Throw Them All Out,” fully 71 percent of the Obama Energy Department’s grants and loans went to “individuals who were bundlers, members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, or large donors to the Democratic Party.” Collectively, these Obama cronies raised $457,834 for his campaign, and they were in turn approved for grants or loans of nearly $11.35 billion. Obama said this week it’s not the president’s job “to make a lot of money for investors.” Well, he sure seems to have made a lot of (taxpayer) money for investors in his political machine."
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Sen. Reid Blocks Ban on $4 Billion Illegal Immigrant Tax Credit Loophole
Sen. Reid Blocks Ban on $4 Billion Illegal Immigrant Tax Credit Loophole: "The $4 billion wasted on the illegal immigrant tax credit loophole is “roughly the same amount the President proposes to raise annually by instituting the new Warren Buffett Tax,” says Sen. Sessions. The Alabama senator also notes that it's the amount needed to fund the shortfall in the highway bill and nearly all of the student loan bill. "
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Will Obama Pull an LBJ and Drop Out?
Will Obama Pull an LBJ and Drop Out?: "Obama, by contrast, just lost 40% of the Democrat vote to a guy in prison, an unknown lawyer, and, well, a ghost, essentially. Losing 40% of the vote to "uncommitted" from your own party ought to make one rethink their campaign. "
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To Explain Obama's KY, AR Humiliation, Dems Declare Their Own Racist
To Explain Obama's KY, AR Humiliation, Dems Declare Their Own Racist: "Furthermore, in 2008 Obama won both North Carolina and New Hampshire and has been embarrassed with his showings in both this year. Maybe a smarter place to look for Obama's base problems would be his flat-footed and failed attack on Bain Capital, where the three most prominent Democrats who publicly defied the President -- Cory Booker, Harold Ford Jr., and Artur Davis -- are all black."
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Pakistan Gives Bin Laden Hero 33 Years, Obama Does Nothing
Pakistan Gives Bin Laden Hero 33 Years, Obama Does Nothing: "So the Obama Administration used Afridi to help find Bin Laden, spiked the football repeatedly about the Bin Laden killing, then abandoned Afridi by publicly confirming his participation. Now they weakly protest his imprisonment. Where is President Obama hiding when a man who put his life on the line for the United States is in danger? "
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Jesse Jackson Confirms NYT Launched 'Pre-Emptive Strike' On Anti-Obama Super PAC
Jesse Jackson Confirms NYT Launched 'Pre-Emptive Strike' On Anti-Obama Super PAC: "Yes, Virginia, there is still a JournOlist and the proof is this effective piece of journOlism.
How else to explain dozens of disparate newsrooms and hundreds of so-called journalists jumping on the exact same bandwagon at the exact same time to lead with the exact same story with the use of the exact same narrative?"
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How else to explain dozens of disparate newsrooms and hundreds of so-called journalists jumping on the exact same bandwagon at the exact same time to lead with the exact same story with the use of the exact same narrative?"
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Obama's Bain Attacks Reignite Battle for Future of Democrat Party
Obama's Bain Attacks Reignite Battle for Future of Democrat Party: "Recent election results in Kentucky and Arkansas demonstrate the degree to which Obama and his policies have gone too far left for many Americans. While both states are considered Republican-leaning, Obama's failure to gain the support of 60% of Democrats, even when running unopposed, tells you how far left he has gone. "
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Obama loses 40% of the vote in two Democratic primaries « Hot Air
Obama loses 40% of the vote in two Democratic primaries « Hot Air: "In 1968, a weak win in New Hampshire against a tough primary challenge was enough to convince LBJ that he couldn’t win a general election. I don’t expect Obama to retire, but barely winning states against no competition sends a very similar signal in 2012."
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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "If you think life is tough, Chicagoans, just consider the hard life of … Barack Obama. Angry that the NATO conference tied up traffic for hours? That’s nothing, says President Obama. Why, he had it so tough that he had to stay at a five-star hotel. And for that, Chicago should be grateful, Obama explained (video at the link):"
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Roger Ailes: Jon Stewart Told Me He's Basically a Socialist
Roger Ailes: Jon Stewart Told Me He's Basically a Socialist: "What is so appalling about Jon Stewart is that he is a jester for The State and for The Powerful and for The Establishment. Stewart protects Obama -- unless he isn't liberal enough. And Stewart is such an establishment toady that he can't even bring himself to see that Fox News is the outsider, the rebel, the upstart taking on the Goliath."
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Biggest Religious Lawsuit in U.S. History Launched, Liberal Evening News Shows Ignore It |
Biggest Religious Lawsuit in U.S. History Launched, Liberal Evening News Shows Ignore It | "This is not a mistake, nor is it an editorial oversight by the broadcast networks. This is a deliberate and insidious withholding of national news to protect the ‘Chosen One’ who ABC, CBS and NBC have worked so hard to elect and are now abusing their journalistic influence to reelect Obama. And when a network like CBS mentions the suit ever-so-briefly, they deliberately distort the issue by framing it as a contraception lawsuit instead of what they know it to be: a religious freedom issue. It’s bogus, dishonest – a flat out lie."
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Exclusive: The Vetting - Did Obama Have Lower SAT Scores Than George W. Bush?
Exclusive: The Vetting - Did Obama Have Lower SAT Scores Than George W. Bush?: "If Obama’s SAT scores were near the average of the transfer students entering Columbia in the fall of 1981, he would have scored significantly lower than George W. Bush, whose combined math and verbal scores were 1206 out of a possible 1600 points (as revealed by the New Yorker in 1999)."
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Wishful Thinking in the White House | Power Line
Wishful Thinking in the White House | Power Line: "Obama displays his trademark incoherence as he tries to explain why Bain Capital is central to the campaign. Asked a multi-part question that included his views on private capital, he starts to say that the distinctive feature of private capital is that the people who run such firms are focused on making a profit. Then you can see the wheels turning as he realizes that what he just said didn’t make any sense, since it didn’t distinguish private capital from any other business. "
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Obamacare small business tax credit falling just a little short of expectations « Hot Air
Obamacare small business tax credit falling just a little short of expectations « Hot Air: "This isn’t lost on larger businesses either and once government subsidies for the uninsured kick-in starting in 2014, expect more and more companies with low average wages to dump their employees on to the government-controlled insurances exchanges. With policies designed this poorly, some might wonder whether this was the intent all along."
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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "In other words, Obama’s the latest in the long line of incoherent public-sector officials who think they know better how to create jobs than people who do it for a living."
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Monday, May 21, 2012
Did the Obama administration try to silence whistleblower agency on energy policy? « Hot Air
Did the Obama administration try to silence whistleblower agency on energy policy? « Hot Air: "As the WSJ concludes, the FERC apparently wants NERC to protect the reliability of energy distribution without considering threats to its reliability. Or, probably more accurately, FERC doesn’t want NERC to publicly disagree with the Obama administration. Obama appointed Jon Wellinghoff as the chair of FERC, and he repaid the appointment by ordering the audit — without putting it to a vote by the board. Another Obama appointee, Cheryl LaFleur, criticized that move, but the message has already been sent: dissent from the Obama agenda will be punished severely."
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Sunday, May 20, 2012
New Documents Show Department of Justice Coordination with ACORN-Connected Project Vote | Judicial Watch
New Documents Show Department of Justice Coordination with ACORN-Connected Project Vote | Judicial Watch: "Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it obtained records detailing communications between the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Estelle Rogers, a former ACORN attorney currently serving as Director of Advocacy for the ACORN-connected organization Project Vote. (Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 11-1497)). Judicial Watch is investigating the DOJ’s partnering with Project Vote on a national campaign to use the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA) to register more individuals on public assistance, widely considered a key voting demographic for the Obama 2012 campaign. President Obama previously worked for Project Vote."
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2012 Election Integrity Project: Judicial Watch Announces Legal Campaign to Force Clean Up of Voter Registration Rolls | Judicial Watch
2012 Election Integrity Project: Judicial Watch Announces Legal Campaign to Force Clean Up of Voter Registration Rolls | Judicial Watch: "“President Obama and the Holder Justice Department evidently have no interest in clean elections this year, so this responsibility has now fallen to Judicial Watch. And given the rampant election fraud that occurred during the last two election cycles, this is a matter of the highest priority as we head into the 2012 election season. It is simply impossible to have any faith in the integrity of an election where dead people remain on the voting rolls. This is a recipe for voter fraud and stolen elections,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton."
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PJ Media » Lawlessness at the DOJ: Voting Section Told Not To Enforce Purging the Dead or Ineligible from Voting Rolls
PJ Media » Lawlessness at the DOJ: Voting Section Told Not To Enforce Purging the Dead or Ineligible from Voting Rolls: "In November 2009, the entire Voting Section was invited to a meeting with Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes, a political employee serving at the pleasure of the attorney general. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Motor Voter enforcement decisions.
The room was packed with dozens of Voting Section employees when she made her announcement regarding the provisions related to voter list integrity:
We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it."
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The room was packed with dozens of Voting Section employees when she made her announcement regarding the provisions related to voter list integrity:
We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it."
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53,000 Dead Registered Voters in Florida, Millions Nationwide
53,000 Dead Registered Voters in Florida, Millions Nationwide: "Federal law requires states to have a reasonable voter list maintenance program and gives the Eric Holder Justice Department the power to sue states that don’t. Not surprisingly, Holder’s DOJ has not brought a single case under the law to require states to clean up corrupted voter rolls. Indeed, when I served at the DOJ Voting Section, an announcement was made in November 2009 that this provision of the law would not be enforced. The political leadership was philosophically opposed to the law, and they said so."
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Saturday, May 19, 2012
Obama's 'Attack Watch' Attacks Breitbart News Over 'Kenya' Booklet Story
Obama's 'Attack Watch' Attacks Breitbart News Over 'Kenya' Booklet Story: "After what we've learned and are still learning about Elizabeth Warren, the number of questions worth asking about the "skillfully created self-portrait" of Barack Obama only grows. The media has made clear that what Mitt Romney did a half-century ago as a teenager is fair game. Barack Obama is a sitting United States president and was a grown man in 1991 (and in 2007). If either he or those around him were intentionally primping his biography, we have a right to know."
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TODAY Health - Diet, Fitness and Wellness Blog | Blogs - Does organic food turn people into jerks?
TODAY Health - Diet, Fitness and Wellness Blog | Blogs - Does organic food turn people into jerks?: "As it turns out, new research has determined that a judgmental attitude may just go hand in hand with exposure to organic foods. In fact, a new study published this week in the journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science, has found that organic food may just make people act a bit like jerks."
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Super. School fined $15K for selling soda. « Hot Air
Super. School fined $15K for selling soda. « Hot Air: "When they told me they were working on education reform at the same time as trying to fight obesity in the nation’s youth, I didn’t think they were talking about this."
Isn't the nanny state great?
Isn't the nanny state great?
Breaking! The House of Windsor is One of the Five Tribes - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online
Breaking! The House of Windsor is One of the Five Tribes - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online: "I’m confident Elizabeth Warren will eventually be able to prove she danced with a man who danced with a girl who danced with someone who once changed planes at a municipal airport accidentally built on a Cherokee burial ground."
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The Great Barry - Mark Steyn - National Review Online
The Great Barry - Mark Steyn - National Review Online: "The more autobiographies he writes, the less anybody knows. Like Gatsby presiding over his wild, lavish parties, Obama is aloof and remote: Let everyone else rave deliriously; he just has to be. He is in his way the apotheosis of the Age of American Incredibility. When just being who you are anyway is an incredible accomplishment, Obama managed to run and win on biography almost entirely unmoored from life. But then, like Gatsby, he knew a thing or two about “the unreality of reality.”"
Gold, as usual, from Steyn.
Gold, as usual, from Steyn.
The Great Barry - Mark Steyn - National Review Online
The Great Barry - Mark Steyn - National Review Online: "The recipes from “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee” include a crab dish with tomato mayonnaise. Mrs. Warren’s fictional Cherokee ancestors in Oklahoma were renowned for their ability to spear the fast-moving Oklahoma crab. It’s in the state song: “Ooooooklahoma! Where the crabs come sweepin’ down the plain . . . ” But then the white man came and now the Oklahoma crab is extinct, and at the Cherokee clambakes they have to make do with Mrs. Warren’s traditional Five Tribes recipe for Cherokee Lime Pie."
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Friday, May 18, 2012
$12,984--Increase in Debt Per Household Since First 2011 Bipartisan Spending Deal |
$12,984--Increase in Debt Per Household Since First 2011 Bipartisan Spending Deal | "That is an increase of $1,526,126,486,886.61.
Given that the Census Bureau estimates there are about 117,538,000 households in the United States, the per household increase in the federal debt since Congress enacted its March 4, 2011 bipartisan spending deal has been approximately $12,984."
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Given that the Census Bureau estimates there are about 117,538,000 households in the United States, the per household increase in the federal debt since Congress enacted its March 4, 2011 bipartisan spending deal has been approximately $12,984."
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Rubio to Geithner: The real crisis, is not admitting there’s a crisis « Hot Air
Rubio to Geithner: The real crisis, is not admitting there’s a crisis « Hot Air: "Wow. Want to know what else is “deeply irresponsible” and inflicts severe “economic damage”? Spending a trillion more dollars than we collect in a single year, racking up a more than 100 percent debt-to-GDP ratio, and showing zero political will to do anything even approaching balancing the budget (or, you know, just passing a budget). The Democrats are hyping this up like it’s all just some big political stunt without real material meaning, instead of sending us down a road of crippling debt and economic stagnation for generations to come. It takes two to tango, but of course, Republicans are the irresponsible ones for wanting to address why our credit status is even an issue."
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Media Works To Suppress Obama 'Born in Kenya' Bio
Media Works To Suppress Obama 'Born in Kenya' Bio: "Clearly, the mainstream media has better things to do than cover stories calling into question how the President of the United States has spent his life constructing and reconstructing his persona. Clearly, they are too busy to vet this president. That’s why Breitbart News does it."
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Fast and Furious Was Not Botched - Katie Pavlich - Townhall Conservative Columnists
Fast and Furious Was Not Botched - Katie Pavlich - Townhall Conservative Columnists: "“I was involved in this operation, we monitored as they purchased hand guns, AK-47 variants, and .50 caliber rifles almost daily. Rather than contradict any enforcement actions, we took notes, we recorded observations, we tracked movements of these individuals for a short time after their purchases, but nothing more. Knowing all the while, just days after these purchases, the guns that we saw these individuals buy would begin turning up at crime scenes in the United States and Mexico, we still did nothing,” Dodson said. “Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals, this was the plan. It was so mandated.”"
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Articles: Will the Word 'Likeable' Stick to Obama?
Articles: Will the Word 'Likeable' Stick to Obama?: "As long as the irrepressibly gullible, proudly uninformed, and obstinate believers cling to a narrative that never was, infatuated by a fabricated remembrance of things past, and hopelessly dream of utopia that will never be, the word "likeable" will stick to Barack Obama. If so, will the word "re-elected" stick to Obama's cocktail-circuit dinner jacket?"
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Articles: Why the Obama Campaign Is Blowing the Election
Articles: Why the Obama Campaign Is Blowing the Election: "I can only imagine that Mitt Romney and his staff are saying to themselves, "So many targets, so little time." But I hope he picks one or two, and then hammers and hammers and hammers on Obama, from multiple directions and sources, until the thin skin of our narcissist-in-chief is rubbed so raw that he starts making unforced errors -- and then realizes on the morning of November 7 that he has to remember to have Valerie Jarrett call the movers for him."
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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Good move, right? After all, nothing says which side of the war on women like, er … kicking a prominent woman out of the same speaking slot:
The original scheduled speaker, New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson, agreed to step aside to allow the president to headline the event.
Respect! Good thing that Obama replaced Ms. Abramson, because otherwise the graduates at Barnard might never have gotten a woman’s perspective on the world."
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The original scheduled speaker, New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson, agreed to step aside to allow the president to headline the event.
Respect! Good thing that Obama replaced Ms. Abramson, because otherwise the graduates at Barnard might never have gotten a woman’s perspective on the world."
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Thursday, May 17, 2012
Obama Made Mexican Maids Cry in College
Obama Made Mexican Maids Cry in College: "Dios Mio indeed. Obama, in college, completely trashed his California dorm room and left it for “Mexican” women to clean. It was so beyond the pale, including vomit, it brought the hard-working women, who had no doubt seen messes every day, to tears—in Barack Obama’s presence—but he did nothing and let the immigrant women clean up his vandalism and destruction.
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The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'
The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii': "Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." "
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Run for the hills: Yet another study informs us of the imminent end of life as we know it « Hot Air
Run for the hills: Yet another study informs us of the imminent end of life as we know it « Hot Air: "Here’s the real deal: The earth has never been a better place in which to live. Yes, I said it. Worldwide, people live longer, consume more calories, earn more money, bury fewer children, and enjoy more modern conveniences than ever before — even though the world population has more than doubled in less than half a century. And thanks to ever-improving efficiency, innovation, and new technologies, life can continue to get better, and our demand for oil may even flatten out eventually. What’s with all the gloom and doom? If catastrophe really is on it’s way, it’ll be because nobody seems to be able to lock it up and get their fiscal house in order, not because we need a second planet earth."
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An Example Of The Dissemination Of Incorrect Climate Science Information To Young Scientists | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
An Example Of The Dissemination Of Incorrect Climate Science Information To Young Scientists | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: " In answer to the question posed by Roger Pulwarty
“We have to ask ourselves, are we doing the right thing? Or are we using scientific information to do the wrong thing more precisely?”
the answer is clearly No. Scientific information is being misused as represented by the text I extracted from the McNeeley et al 2012 paper."
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“We have to ask ourselves, are we doing the right thing? Or are we using scientific information to do the wrong thing more precisely?”
the answer is clearly No. Scientific information is being misused as represented by the text I extracted from the McNeeley et al 2012 paper."
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Horses in the dining room? : Utah News from the Daily Herald Newspaper
Horses in the dining room? : Utah News from the Daily Herald Newspaper: "If we are serious about creating jobs and growing the economy, we have to reduce the regulatory burden on our most prolific job creators -- small businesses. Government cannot be all things to all people. We don't need a rule or regulation for everything that might possibly go wrong."
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Deputy Attorney General Writes Letter Responding to Issa's Contempt Charges
Deputy Attorney General Writes Letter Responding to Issa's Contempt Charges: "I hate to disappoint Mr. Cole, but the contempt is necessary. People have died, including American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. He and the hundreds of Mexicans who have lost their lives in connection with this operation deserve justice. Their families deserve answers.
Mr. Holder just needs to hand over the rest of the documents and this will be over. It’s that easy."
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Mr. Holder just needs to hand over the rest of the documents and this will be over. It’s that easy."
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Why are ‘progressives’ opposed to outsourcing? « The Greenroom
Why are ‘progressives’ opposed to outsourcing? « The Greenroom: "But much as the president and his liberal followers claim to be people of vision who embrace the future—a notion that was also implicit in the Obama campaign’s 2008 slogan “Hope and Change”—in at least one area, so-called progressives are anything but forward-looking. That area is outsourcing."
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Michelle Malkin » Obamcare cronyism: The First Lady’s patient-dumping, privacy-meddling scheme
Michelle Malkin » Obamcare cronyism: The First Lady’s patient-dumping, privacy-meddling scheme: "A shadowy $10 billion Obamacare agency with zero oversight just awarded first lady Michelle Obama’s pet patient-dumping scheme at the University of Chicago Medical Center a $5.9 million taxpayer-funded grant. It will enable Mrs. Obama’s cronies to build a government-sponsored electronic medical record-sharing system.
The Chicago program, known as the Urban Health Initiative, is run by one of President Obama’s closest golfing buddies, scandal magnet Eric Whitaker, who has been entangled with Illinois corruption celebrities Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko over the past decade."
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The Chicago program, known as the Urban Health Initiative, is run by one of President Obama’s closest golfing buddies, scandal magnet Eric Whitaker, who has been entangled with Illinois corruption celebrities Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko over the past decade."
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Articles: Globally Warmed Over: Hatred Unmasked at Last
Articles: Globally Warmed Over: Hatred Unmasked at Last: "The general outline of Hansen's modest proposal: the drivers of industrial society and modern technology, along with the wealthy in general ("the heaviest energy users"), shall be wiped out, with the spoils redistributed among the masses in an effort to solidify the support of these "beneficiaries" long enough to complete the "fundamental transformation" of America and the rest of civilization. Needless to say, a few "heavy energy users" will be spared; these are the global elitists themselves, who always have a built-in work-around plan for such eventualities. (In this case, however, they may be over-estimating what connections can do for you -- complete civilizational ruin tends to "accelerate out of control," if you will.)"
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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "As I noted yesterday, the apparent lesson here is that JFK created the Peace Corps while Obama created … a proclamation. That’s practically a self-indictment. "
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Chris Matthews Bombs on 'Jeopardy!' After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for How She'd Do |
Chris Matthews Bombs on 'Jeopardy!' After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for How She'd Do | "On at least four occasions, MSNBC's Chris Matthews mocked Sarah Palin for how he felt she'd do if she were ever on the hit television game show Jeopardy!.
In a delicious example of instant karma, the self-proclaimed brainiac got his chance to show America how smart he was in a special "Power Players" version of the show Monday, but came up quite short finishing dead last with the paltry sum of only $2,300 "
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In a delicious example of instant karma, the self-proclaimed brainiac got his chance to show America how smart he was in a special "Power Players" version of the show Monday, but came up quite short finishing dead last with the paltry sum of only $2,300 "
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American Narcissus | The Weekly Standard
American Narcissus | The Weekly Standard: "The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals.
The speech was given on June 3, 2008, and the epoch-making historical event to which “this moment” refers throughout is Barack Obama’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries."
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The speech was given on June 3, 2008, and the epoch-making historical event to which “this moment” refers throughout is Barack Obama’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries."
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American Narcissus | The Weekly Standard
American Narcissus | The Weekly Standard: "It’s troubling that a fellow whose electoral rationale was that he edited the Harvard Law Review and wrote a couple of memoirs was comparing himself to the man who saved the Union. But it tells you all you need to know about what Obama thinks of his political gifts and why he’s unperturbed about having led his party into political disaster in the midterms. He assumes that he’ll be able to reverse the political tide once he becomes the issue, in the presidential race in 2012. As he said to Harry Reid after the majority leader congratulated him on one particularly fine oration, “I have a gift, Harry.”"
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Obama vandalizes WH presidential biographies | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Obama vandalizes WH presidential biographies | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner: "Obviously, as president, Obama can use the tools of the White House to advance his goals. But at the same time, all presidents are to some extent guardians of the institution. Sure, a lot of the White House website is naturally going to be used to promote Obama, but there are some areas that should be considered neutral ground -- one of them being the history sections. White House presidential biographies are the type of thing that school kids read and they should be able to do so without being bombarded by propaganda for whoever is in power. I'm sure that during the Social Security debate in 2005, if President Bush had updated the biographical page to say that he was trying to preserve FDR's original vision for Social Security, liberals would have been up in arms. And if Mitt Romney wins in November, I'm sure liberals won't want him to use the presidential biographies for self-promotion, either."
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What the Washington Post Missed
What the Washington Post Missed: "Chances are the editors of the Post will not even be questioned about their judgment of what is newsworthy. So, when you see such stories in the hometown newspaper of our nation’s capital, you can only say: consider the source."
It's worthwhile to read the article.
It's worthwhile to read the article.
List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies
List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies: "Below is a list of Obama’s documented lies so far with the most recent lies first. "
Essential information in this election year.
Essential information in this election year.
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "In 2008, a video taken by a cell phone at a San Francisco fundraiser cost Barack Obama the Pennsylvania primary when it caught the candidate claiming that rural voters bitterly cling to guns and religion in tough times, as well as their xenophobia, as an explanation of why he wasn’t polling well in the Keystone State. One might think that Obama would have learned to stop saying foolishly arrogant comments about voters. Instead, he’s just learned to confiscate cell phones at fundraising events:"
They wouldn't want to have anybody record him saying what he really thinks, I guess...
They wouldn't want to have anybody record him saying what he really thinks, I guess...
Obama’s Politicized Commencement Speech
Obama’s Politicized Commencement Speech: "In a trend that I find particularly distasteful, “women” has become a political issue. Candidates are judged on their “support for women,” as if that has a clear set of policy decisions and opinions. Certain politicians are dubbed “anti-women,” and the GOP has supposedly declared a “War on Women.”
But what can this possibly mean, in a world where women make their own decisions and form their own opinions outside the confines of their gender? Some women are pro-life; some women are pro-choice. Some women are advocates for universal health care; some women are not. Some women support gun rights, others do not. Some women will vote for Barack Obama in 2012, and other women will not.
Truly supporting women means understanding that the opinions of one woman cannot be assumed based solely on her gender – or her choice of college. Supporting women does not mean dismissing each woman’s individual opinions for the ease of categorizing her gender. Supporting women does not mean delivering a commencement speech at a women’s college, in an election year, because it is a women’s college."
A well written and thoughtful article.
But what can this possibly mean, in a world where women make their own decisions and form their own opinions outside the confines of their gender? Some women are pro-life; some women are pro-choice. Some women are advocates for universal health care; some women are not. Some women support gun rights, others do not. Some women will vote for Barack Obama in 2012, and other women will not.
Truly supporting women means understanding that the opinions of one woman cannot be assumed based solely on her gender – or her choice of college. Supporting women does not mean dismissing each woman’s individual opinions for the ease of categorizing her gender. Supporting women does not mean delivering a commencement speech at a women’s college, in an election year, because it is a women’s college."
A well written and thoughtful article.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Report: Obama friend who allegedly tried to bribe Rev. Wright is same crony who just got $5.9 million HHS contract « Hot Air
Report: Obama friend who allegedly tried to bribe Rev. Wright is same crony who just got $5.9 million HHS contract « Hot Air: "Remember, the stories in the news yesterday about Wright being bribed in 2008 never named the person who supposedly made the offer. Wright is quoted as saying that it was “one of Barack’s closest friends” but without a name it’s hard to tell if that’s anything more than a bitter ex-mentor making something up to hurt his protege. A day later, though, here’s author Edward Klein on Hannity’s radio show providing the name after all: Allegedly it’s Eric Whitaker. That’s the same guy who runs the Urban Health Initiative at the University of Chicago Medical Center, where Michelle Obama got her big six-figure promotion coincidentally shortly after The One was elected to the Senate; the same guy who got a “glowing” reference from Obama for Tony Rezko, which led to Rod Blagojevich hiring Whitaker to be the state’s public health director; and the same guy whose UHI program just got nearly $6 million from HHS as one of 26 grantees in an applicant pool of 3,000. "
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Schmidt on FOI « Climate Audit
Schmidt on FOI « Climate Audit: "(In passing, given the usual vehemence with which climate scientists reject suggestions that alarmism is affected or influenced by grant-seeking, it’s ironic that CRU’s primary argument in this case depends on grant-seeking."
Convenient, isn't it?
Convenient, isn't it?
Desperate Newsweek Embarrasses President, Lies to America
Desperate Newsweek Embarrasses President, Lies to America: "Newsweek has provided a magazine cover that leaves one speechless. Not because of its amazing photography, nor for its deep intellectual insight. But rather because, in its attempt to praise President Obama for his coming out in favor of gay marriage, Newsweek has managed potentially to insult the President, to create campaign fodder that will haunt him until Election Day, and to deceive Americans into thinking the President has done something extraordinary. "
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Articles: Did Steven Chu Sabotage BP's Top Kill Effort Just as It Was Succeeding?
Articles: Did Steven Chu Sabotage BP's Top Kill Effort Just as It Was Succeeding?: "So the question before us is, did the administration deliberately sabotage BP's top kill efforts for political reasons? They were in the midst of trying to pass "Cap and Trade" legislation in the Senate so as to take control of the energy business through taxation and regulation and thereby promote their political crony capitalist allies in the "green energy" sector. If they have nothing to hide, they need to fully comply with the legal requests for documents from the various investigations in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the government. Let the public know the whole truth. That's the least we should expect from the "most transparent administration in history.""
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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "But it goes even further than that. Obama has been saying all along that he’s not to blame for the current state of the economy — that he inherited a much worse mess than people understood at the time, and it’s been a constant struggle to keep the US economy limping along even at this pace. If that were really true, would Obama ever forget how bad the Great Recession actually got? If it’s that forgettable, then maybe Obama should have had things fixed up by now … and if he couldn’t, why give him another four years to keep screwing it up?"
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Sunday, May 13, 2012
GAO: Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves' |
GAO: Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves' | " The Green River Formation, a largely vacant area of mostly federal land that covers the territory where Colorado, Utah and Wyoming come together, contains about as much recoverable oil as all the rest the world’s proven reserves combined, an auditor from the Government Accountability Office told Congress on Thursday."
Yet the government continues to try to make fracking impossible.
Yet the government continues to try to make fracking impossible.
Yemen underwear-bomb plot: I was right « Sister Toldjah
Yemen underwear-bomb plot: I was right « Sister Toldjah: "To top it all off, while the administration was apparently anxious to blab to all and sundry about the operation, they neglected to tell the ranking members of the Intelligence Committee, even though they’re required to do by statute. Probably shouldn’t be surprised, though; it’s not as if they’ve shown any respect for Congress’ oversight function in the past.
I’m tempted to quote again Bill Clinton on the amateurs in the White House, but that would be too flip. These amateurs aren’t just earnest bumblers; they’re doing real harm.
And it’s worrying."
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I’m tempted to quote again Bill Clinton on the amateurs in the White House, but that would be too flip. These amateurs aren’t just earnest bumblers; they’re doing real harm.
And it’s worrying."
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This Is Not a Joke: Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies - ABC News
This Is Not a Joke: Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies - ABC News: "The Pentagon was inundated with so many studies in 2010 that it commissioned a study to determine how much it cost to produce all those studies.
Now the Government Accountability Office has reviewed the Pentagon’s study and concluded in a report this week that it’s a flop."
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Now the Government Accountability Office has reviewed the Pentagon’s study and concluded in a report this week that it’s a flop."
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Obama Impugns Romney in a Flagrant Abuse of Power
Obama Impugns Romney in a Flagrant Abuse of Power: "In 1788 James Madison, one of the framers of our government, warned about Congressional attempts to issue political and legal punishments. He said, "Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligations of contracts, are contrary to the first principles of the social compact, and to every principle of sound legislation. ... The sober … have seen with regret and indignation that sudden changes and legislative interferences, in cases affecting personal rights, become jobs in the hands of enterprising and influential speculators, and snares to the more-industrious and less-informed part of the community.""
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Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate -
Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate - "There is only one solution to this growth-destroying, confiscatory tax-rate future: Control spending growth, especially of entitlements. Meaningful tax reform—not with higher rates as Mr. Obama proposes, but with lower rates on a broader base of economic activity and people—can be an especially effective complement to spending control. But without increased spending discipline, even the best tax reforms are doomed to be undone."
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Businessman Says He Lost Hundreds of Customers After Attacks by Obama Campaign | The Weekly Standard
Businessman Says He Lost Hundreds of Customers After Attacks by Obama Campaign | The Weekly Standard: "Businessman Frank Vandersloot, the CEO of Melaleuca, has been targeted by the Obama campaign after donating money to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. "Three weeks ago, an Obama campaign website, 'Keeping GOP Honest,' took the extraordinary step of publicly naming and assailing eight private citizens backing Mr. Romney," Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal reported. "Titled 'Behind the curtain: a brief history of Romney's donors,' the post accused the eight of being 'wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records.' Mr. VanderSloot was one of the eight, smeared particularly as being 'litigious, combative and a bitter foe of the gay rights movement.'"
The attacks are working. Vandersloot revealed in an interview on Fox News that his business practice is being hurt by the attacks from the Obama team.
"Those people that I know well weren't affected by this [attack]," said Vandersloot. "But for people who didn't know me, who are members of our business or customers, and they were reading this, then we got a barrage of phone calls of people cancelling their customer memberships with us.""
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The attacks are working. Vandersloot revealed in an interview on Fox News that his business practice is being hurt by the attacks from the Obama team.
"Those people that I know well weren't affected by this [attack]," said Vandersloot. "But for people who didn't know me, who are members of our business or customers, and they were reading this, then we got a barrage of phone calls of people cancelling their customer memberships with us.""
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Jeremiah Wright claims Obama ally offered $150,000 bribe in 2008 to shut up « Hot Air
Jeremiah Wright claims Obama ally offered $150,000 bribe in 2008 to shut up « Hot Air: "Sounds as though Obama knew full well what the “truth” was going to be once Wright started talking to the media, at least according to Wright’s version of events. Wright doesn’t have much to lose by telling the story now, but it should be noted in fairness that he might have a lot to gain. If the media takes more interest in Wright this time around, he’s going to be a pretty hot property for the next five months."
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Economist: 'Balanced Approach' Deficit Reduction Historically Fails
Economist: 'Balanced Approach' Deficit Reduction Historically Fails: "America is headed for economic calamity if we don't embrace serious reform and start putting things right. With their respective core constituencies and politics, are Democrats or Republicans, if pressured by an empowered base, in a better position to deliver the long-term changes most on the right believe we need? It's not a trick question. Watch the short video to see for yourself and learn more."
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Pigs Walking |
Pigs Walking | "It is an interesting feature of the Democrat Party (and indeed all leftist organizations) that it is a combination of the lower class (equal animals) and the upper class (the more equal animals). There are the poor minorities, the Union members, the illegal aliens – basically the sheep. And then there are the teachers and college professors and white rich folks, the shepherds. This makes propaganda basically inevitable because someone is always trying to fool someone.
The liberal elites must be convinced that by forcing Obama into this gay-marriage approval, they are not detonating his electoral chances among the masses. They must believe that the masses (and especially the black masses, so to speak) will basically give Obama a pass on this – for whatever reason.
To do otherwise would undermine the delusion upon which their entire operation is premised."
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The liberal elites must be convinced that by forcing Obama into this gay-marriage approval, they are not detonating his electoral chances among the masses. They must believe that the masses (and especially the black masses, so to speak) will basically give Obama a pass on this – for whatever reason.
To do otherwise would undermine the delusion upon which their entire operation is premised."
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Obama's Own Doctor Says ObamaCare 'Will Be a Setback'
Obama's Own Doctor Says ObamaCare 'Will Be a Setback': "In a world full of academicians who’ve turned to politics as an outlet for their passions, there’s always a danger that ordinary, everyday people will be sacrificed on the altar of progress, whether they like it or not. And while such “academic detachment” is often only on visible behind closed doors, President Obama’s physician claims ObamaCare has placed a spotlight on the fact that our Harvard-graduate-with-no-paper-trail-turned-president is thoroughly detached from reality and from the American people as well."
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Friday, May 11, 2012
Washington Post Romney 'Bullying' Profile Contradicted By... Automobile Magazine
Washington Post Romney 'Bullying' Profile Contradicted By... Automobile Magazine: "To summarize: two current articles based on interviews with some of the same former classmates. But they present two differing and largely inconsistent portraits, with Horowitz's Washington Post either failing to investigate, or deliberately omitting, crucial and relevant information revealed by Murray in Automobile Magazine about Romney's character in high school. It would seem that the Post’s investigative journalism standards leave much to be desired."
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New theory: Maybe Obama’s too smart and sensitive to be a good president « Hot Air
New theory: Maybe Obama’s too smart and sensitive to be a good president « Hot Air: "John Merline of IBD has a nice illustration of The One’s immense intellectual capacity to say whatever he needs to in order to benefit politically at any given moment. Exit question: Dick Morris thinks Romney’s winning this thing in a landslide, so … we’re pretty much guaranteed another term of Hopenchange then, huh?"
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Intelligence Community: Obama Spoiled Anti-Terror Mission to Spike Football
Intelligence Community: Obama Spoiled Anti-Terror Mission to Spike Football: "It can be baffling, that is, without this defining caveat: anything for a positive headline. This latest leak, as Scheur notes, is "inexplicable" unless one factors in "tawdry" politics. The timing of this leak screamed for coverage in the vein of "Saved by Obama, Who Also Killed bin Laden." Whether or not it would spoil an ally's intelligence program was irrelevant. The metrics used to measure the United States' safety are now the President's reelection poll numbers."
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Research Paper “Cleaner Air Brings Better Views, More Sunshine And Warmer Summer Days In The Netherlands” By van Beelen And Van Delden 2012 | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Research Paper “Cleaner Air Brings Better Views, More Sunshine And Warmer Summer Days In The Netherlands” By van Beelen And Van Delden 2012 | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "In addition to documenting the benefit of cleaning up regionally emitted particulate and gas emissions, this analysis suggests that a significant fraction of daytime warming that has been attributed to “global warming” may actually be due to the reduction of aerosols overhead."
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Washington Post Romney 'Bullying' Profile Contradicted By... Automobile Magazine
Washington Post Romney 'Bullying' Profile Contradicted By... Automobile Magazine: "To summarize: two current articles based on interviews with some of the same former classmates. But they present two differing and largely inconsistent portraits, with Horowitz's Washington Post either failing to investigate, or deliberately omitting, crucial and relevant information revealed by Murray in Automobile Magazine about Romney's character in high school. It would seem that the Post’s investigative journalism standards leave much to be desired."
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Washington Post Romney Hit Piece Implodes
<i>Washington Post</i> Romney Hit Piece Implodes: "Today’s unconscionable Washington Post story, which implied without evidence that Mitt Romney was a homophobic bully to one John Lauber back in his high school days five decades ago, has totally imploded."
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Obama's Public-Equity Record | Karl Rove
Obama's Public-Equity Record | Karl Rove: "There are differences between Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama. Mr. Romney rescued companies with private money collected from investors including union pension funds, college endowments and private individuals. He had to go through the normal process of laws and courts. His principal focus was on long-term growth for companies in which he invested his company's reputation and money. And he had to make a profit to be successful.
Mr. Obama's story is very different. The auto industry was bailed out with taxpayer money. The president restructured GM and Chrysler by fiat and then forced them into bankruptcy, presenting the courts with a fait accompli.
The president wanted the auto industry to survive, but he also wanted to reward political allies—so he gave 20% of General Motors and 55% of Chrysler to the United Auto Workers union. He stood by as the UAW forced the closure of a plant in Moraine, Ohio, where workers had joined a rival union."
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Mr. Obama's story is very different. The auto industry was bailed out with taxpayer money. The president restructured GM and Chrysler by fiat and then forced them into bankruptcy, presenting the courts with a fait accompli.
The president wanted the auto industry to survive, but he also wanted to reward political allies—so he gave 20% of General Motors and 55% of Chrysler to the United Auto Workers union. He stood by as the UAW forced the closure of a plant in Moraine, Ohio, where workers had joined a rival union."
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Boehner Gives Full Support to Issa's Fast and Furious Investigation
Boehner Gives Full Support to Issa's Fast and Furious Investigation: "After that statement a reporter asked Speaker Boehner if he was supporting the resolution (the contempt proceedings) Chairman Issa drafted against Attorney General Eric Holder.
“I’m supporting their efforts to hold those people in the Department of Justice accountable for what happened,” Boehner said. “The committee has work to do; they know what they have to do. They’re pursuing a lot of unanswered questions. And I would hope that they would continue that. All options are on the table.”"
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“I’m supporting their efforts to hold those people in the Department of Justice accountable for what happened,” Boehner said. “The committee has work to do; they know what they have to do. They’re pursuing a lot of unanswered questions. And I would hope that they would continue that. All options are on the table.”"
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WALL STREET INSIDER: Economic Doom To Follow Obama Re-Election… - The Ulsterman Report
WALL STREET INSIDER: Economic Doom To Follow Obama Re-Election… - The Ulsterman Report: "Should Mitt Romney be elected, there will still be pain for our economy. That is no longer avoidable. Far too much damage has been done over the course of these last few years. Some of this damage certainly pre-dates the Obama presidency, but he and the progressive leaders of the Democratic Party have quite effectively accelerated it, making it increasingly difficult, and now impossible, to manage. A President Romney provides at least the hope of a recovery that leaves most of what we know as American still intact. A President Obama second term leaves little to nothing we know as America intact. I cannot promise whether or not Mr. Romney has the fortitude necessary to face the challenge of what is coming in 2013. I do know that he genuinely wants to at least try. That cannot be said of Barack Obama."
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The social issues election? Really? « The Enterprise Blog
The social issues election? Really? « The Enterprise Blog: "A nice reminder from Pew about the state of the U.S. labor market (H/T to NRO’s The Agenda):"
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Jim Hansen’s 1981 Model Prediction Needs Scrutiny | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Jim Hansen’s 1981 Model Prediction Needs Scrutiny | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "Lets see if Jim, Gavin Schmidt, or other weblogs that communicate his viewpoint, such as Grant Foster at Tamino and Skeptical Science, respond to this observational study that illustrates a substantive disagreement with the climate model prediction of global warming. So far they have ignore this disparity between the real world and the models."
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Young Obama Bullied….A Girl | The Talk of the Times
Young Obama Bullied….A Girl | The Talk of the Times: "The above text comes directly from President Obama’s first memoir, “Dreams From My Father” and recounts an incident which occurred while he was in middle school. When our president became the subject of taunts from his fellow classmates, he decided to shove a little girl named Coretta. Although he chronicles his feelings of regret, he never does not offer her an apology."
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Flashback: Obama’s Sordid High School Past
Flashback: Obama’s Sordid High School Past: "The New York Times, however, went out of its way to find Obama’s classmates to testify that drugs played only a “bit part” in Obama’s youth. Yet Obama would later brag on the campaign trail that he “inhaled frequently … that was the point.”"
Yeah, but that evil old Romney cut someone's hair!!
Yeah, but that evil old Romney cut someone's hair!!
Obama's Soros-Controlled Energy Council
Obama's Soros-Controlled Energy Council: "But if natural gas is an already cheap and abundant source of energy, why would we subsidize it?
The answer may be that the Soros Fund Management, which is Soros' investment vehicle, owns more than $90 million of shares in a Vancouver, British Columbia company which produces the same natural gas-powered engines which the act would encourage the use of. "
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The answer may be that the Soros Fund Management, which is Soros' investment vehicle, owns more than $90 million of shares in a Vancouver, British Columbia company which produces the same natural gas-powered engines which the act would encourage the use of. "
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Is Obama's Federalist Stance on Same-Sex Marriage Racist?
Is Obama's Federalist Stance on Same-Sex Marriage Racist?: "How often has he evoked states' rights in the past? Not often, if ever. And what makes same-sex marriage any different in this regard than, say, health care? "
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
All of the above? « Hot Air
All of the above? « Hot Air: "What this graphic says is that Obama sees no role for coal in America’s energy future. What will replace it, and when? Obama and his administration have already been conducting a war on coal for the last three years. If they drive coal out of business, there isn’t anything ready to replace it except perhaps natural gas — which the Obama administration has been blocking with new rules and restrictions on fracking. That means energy prices will necessarily skyrocket, with shortages, brownouts, and rationing the rule rather than the exception across the US. And let’s not forget the half-million people employed by the coal industry who will find themselves out of work, too.
The Obama idea of “all of the above” comes up significantly short of all. It’s why his energy policy doesn’t add up."
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The Obama idea of “all of the above” comes up significantly short of all. It’s why his energy policy doesn’t add up."
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Obama: Public Employee Firings Are Me Cutting 'Bloated Government'
Obama: Public Employee Firings Are Me Cutting 'Bloated Government': "As the Washington Times pointed out, when Obama "took office in January 2009, there were about 2,064,000 federal workers, excluding the postal service. Last month, there were 2,202,400 such federal employees, an increase of 6.7 percent." So Obama is effectively taking credit for state cutbacks which his administration sought to prevent.
Obama's stimulus plan include millions of dollars aimed at keeping teachers employed. However, he has never argued that plan was tantamount to "bloated government." He seems content to have it both ways. If he spends tax money to employ state workers, that's purely pragmatic and proves nothing. But if he fails to spend tax money to employ state workers, that proves he's not a big government guy."
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Obama's stimulus plan include millions of dollars aimed at keeping teachers employed. However, he has never argued that plan was tantamount to "bloated government." He seems content to have it both ways. If he spends tax money to employ state workers, that's purely pragmatic and proves nothing. But if he fails to spend tax money to employ state workers, that proves he's not a big government guy."
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'Washington Post' Faces Circulation, Revenue Collapse
'Washington Post' Faces Circulation, Revenue Collapse: "Bottom line: People on the left and right are sick and tired of being lied to, and in the case of the Washington Post and CNN, the "lie" is this phony, dishonest, and transparent shield of objectivity these outlets hide behind in order to pummel Republicans and push a left-wing agenda."
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Unprecedented: Top DOJ Officials Were Obama Bundlers with Wall Street Ties
Unprecedented: Top DOJ Officials Were Obama Bundlers with Wall Street Ties: "Four of the top officials at the Department of Justice were all big money fundraisers for President Obama’s 2008 campaign with strong ties to Wall Street—the very entity the Obama Administration has said must be criminally prosecuted for bringing about the biggest financial crisis in U.S. history."
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The Left’s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed
The Left’s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed: "This report reveals the Left’s vote fraud strategy for the 2012 elections. Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multi-faceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama."
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Paul Ryan: You know compassion is about more than just spending « Hot Air
Paul Ryan: You know compassion is about more than just spending « Hot Air: " Conservatives should refuse to cede the compassion argument to the left. There is more to caring than pumping an ever-increasing share of taxpayer dollars into programs that do virtually nothing to lift people out of poverty. And there is certainly nothing compassionate about standing idly on the sidelines while these programs bankrupt the federal government. Democrats have no viable option to fully fund the major entitlement programs as they exist today without resorting to massive tax increases on the middle class. But they don’t like to talk about this. As Treasury Secretary Geithner said, they don’t have a plan of their own, they just know they don’t like Ryan’s. We’ll see what more of the American people think about Ryan’s plan in the coming months."
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Monday, May 7, 2012
The PJ Tatler » PJ Exclusive: The Obama/Holder Justice Department’s Ticket to Corruption
The PJ Tatler » PJ Exclusive: The Obama/Holder Justice Department’s Ticket to Corruption: "From a distance, the entire reinterpretation appears to be an insider deal: CEOs buy access with their donations, and states buy access with their politics and proximity to the administration. That the convenient reinterpretation of a fifty year old law coincides with so many hostile actions the Obama administration has taken against Republican states — suing Arizona for enforcing its border, smashing Texas’ energy industry via the EPA’s MACT rule and cross-border pollution rule — is too obvious to ignore. This administration is corrupting the rule of law, and in the case of the Wire Act, using the very department that is supposed to be the impartial guardian of our laws to do it."
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Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice? - The Daily Beast
Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice? - The Daily Beast: " To the dismay of many of Obama's supporters, nearly four years after the disaster, there has not been a single criminal charge filed by the federal government against any top executive of the elite financial institutions."
Corruption is the Chicago way.
Corruption is the Chicago way.
Leftist Group Finds Occupy's Lack of Diversity Disturbing
Leftist Group Finds Occupy's Lack of Diversity Disturbing: "The point here is that people of color within the movement are noting the largely white makeup of the group and its leadership. Back when the Tea Party was in the news, this sort of demographic analysis was considered a significant story. Now that the far left Occupy movement is facing the same problem, the media and groups like the NAACP have no interest. Shouldn't a neutral media treat similar stories about the racial make-up of populist political groups even-handedly? Why aren't they?"
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Sunday, May 6, 2012
Is Fast and Furious the Next Watergate? — Emerging Corruption
Is Fast and Furious the Next Watergate? — Emerging Corruption: "This culture of corruption is endemic to the Obama administration and as more and more examples become known it has been in full panic mode to suppress the truth. No matter what the outcome of the testimony of two of its top appointees, the only way to save America is to vote out President Obama in November and ensure that Mitt Romney has a Republican Congress."
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Why does ‘Composite Girl’ surprise anyone?
Why does ‘Composite Girl’ surprise anyone?: "In a “Vanity Fair” online excerpt from his forthcoming book on Obama, veteran Washington Post reporter David Maraniss dropped the seeming bombshell that the white “mystery woman” in Obama’s 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” is a composite."
Hmm. There's an idea. Maybe I should make a "composite" expense report...
Hmm. There's an idea. Maybe I should make a "composite" expense report...
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Obama Misleads on Ohio Bridge Repairs, Again
Obama Misleads on Ohio Bridge Repairs, Again: "Once again we see a president that makes outright false claims over and over again imagining that if he just says the lies enough people won't notice that he's lying any more. Still, Obama does know one thing. He knows that most news outlets will uncritically report his words as "news" without noting where he is lying and voters will hear his fantasy "facts" and imagine that he is telling them the truth.
In that case, he's right. All he has to do is tell any lie he wants and most of the time his words will be taken as fact whether they are or not. Bloomberg, for one, never noted that Obama lied in its report. Neither did ABC News. And neither did the National Journal which happily noted Obama's attacks on Republicans but didn't note his lies. In fact, only the WaPo Fact-Checker noted his outright lies at the union event. Many other followed suit reporting Obama’s words as if his claims were legitimate political points."
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In that case, he's right. All he has to do is tell any lie he wants and most of the time his words will be taken as fact whether they are or not. Bloomberg, for one, never noted that Obama lied in its report. Neither did ABC News. And neither did the National Journal which happily noted Obama's attacks on Republicans but didn't note his lies. In fact, only the WaPo Fact-Checker noted his outright lies at the union event. Many other followed suit reporting Obama’s words as if his claims were legitimate political points."
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Obama Launches Campaign in Empty Arena
Obama Launches Campaign in Empty Arena: " According to ABC News, the Obama campaign had expected an "overflow" of people. Instead, the arena looked half-empty. The Columbus Dispatch reports that Obama organizers even had people move from the seats to the floor of the gym in order to project a larger crowd on television. "
Friday, May 4, 2012
White House Cites Nazi Collaborator In Jewish Heritage Month Proclamation | Jewish & Israel News
White House Cites Nazi Collaborator In Jewish Heritage Month Proclamation | Jewish & Israel News "American Jewish artist and Nazi supporter Gertrude Stein was cited yesterday in a White House proclamation in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month 2012"
The Smartest Man in the Room strikes again.
The Smartest Man in the Room strikes again.
Another good video
I'm not cool enough to really appreciate the style of delivery, but the message is good.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Let’s see if we can connect a few dots, with the help of our friend Daniel Halper of the Weekly Standard. Barack Obama’s new campaign ad attacking Mitt Romney for his Swiss bank account at first hails Obama for his efforts to encourage “clean energy.” "
Solyndra removed from the map.
Solyndra removed from the map.
Enough Already: Contempt Process Begins Against Holder on Fast and Furious
Enough Already: Contempt Process Begins Against Holder on Fast and Furious: "Mr. Holder’s testimonies have changed many times and hardly give a straight answer. We don’t have answers to these simple questions: Who came up with this operation? Who approved this operation?
Absolutely no one within the DOJ has been held accountable for Operation Fast & Furious despite the murders of Agent Terry and 300 Mexicans.
Today is also the one-year anniversary of Mr. Holder’s first hearing on this operation."
It's about time they did something.
Absolutely no one within the DOJ has been held accountable for Operation Fast & Furious despite the murders of Agent Terry and 300 Mexicans.
Today is also the one-year anniversary of Mr. Holder’s first hearing on this operation."
It's about time they did something.
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