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Friday, August 31, 2012

Bill Whittle Broadsides Obama

Wham -- huge hit right amidships.

Interactive Obamanation Painting

Have a look here:

An interactive illustration on which the links make interesting reading.

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "But Obama did send a personal letter to rapper Heavy D’s family when he passed away."

A personal letter to the family of a "rapper", but form letters to the families of those Navy SEALs whose lives were lost arguably to Obama's and Biden's blabbing.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Something Is Rotten in the State of New York | Via Meadia

Something Is Rotten in the State of New York | Via Meadia: "We’re sure this would be a much bigger scandal if the figures involved had an “R” after their names, but it’s worth remembering that bad behavior and the exploitation of women know no political boundaries. Power protects itself. But something is clearly very wrong with the entrenched Democratic majority in the state assembly."

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Speak With Authority: "Shop Around?" Puh-lease!

Speak With Authority: "Shop Around?" Puh-lease!: "So who are these radicals, these out-of-touch elites who don't understand that competition chews up and spits out regular Americans?  Who are these people suggesting that top-of-the-line housing, medical care, and health insurance apparently are "luxuries reserved for the privileged few"?  How about, in order, Barack Obama, Democratic Senator Max Baucus, and Linda Douglass of the White House Office of Health Reform.

    Granted, in each case, these statements are accompanied by explanations of why government must be heavily involved in housing, medical care, and health insurance to ensure fair competition and affordability.  But when it comes to higher education, not only must the government be heavily involved (you can't expect the students themselves or their families to handle it, after all,) but price is no object.  As I wrote about earlier this week, even the Obama campaign seemed to realize perhaps they overdid it on their endorsement of educational extravagance.  But apparently in this case, they were unable to contain their disgust for that Walmartian-sounding advice "shop around." "

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is Holder's DOJ 'Community Organizing' Occupy Activists at the RNC?

Is Holder's DOJ 'Community Organizing' Occupy Activists at the RNC?: "The purpose of CRS is to mediate in ongoing disputes--not to foment them, or to become participants. However, there is evidence that the Obama administration may be using CRS as a quiet community organizing force. "

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Democratic National Convention to Host Islamic Jumah Prayers with Jibril Hough, Siraj Wahhaj | Video | TheBlaze.com

Democratic National Convention to Host Islamic Jumah Prayers with Jibril Hough, Siraj Wahhaj | Video | TheBlaze.com: "The host committee for the Democratic National Convention is raising a number of eyebrows after choosing to proceed with featuring Islamic “Jumah” prayers for two hours on the Friday of its convention, though Democrats earlier denied a Catholic cardinal’s request to say a prayer at the same event."

Ok, so they're out of the closet.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Barkin, Jackson Epitomize Liberalism's Darkest Impulses

Barkin, Jackson Epitomize Liberalism's Darkest Impulses: "Both Jackson and Barkin have perfectly articulated the true heart of modern liberalism's darkest side: If someone doesn’t agree with your politics, wish them harm. That’s right, the liberal left – the same group that fancies itself an all-loving, all-accepting, and all-peaceful entity."

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Judicial Watch Obtains Stack of ‘Overlooked’ CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Filmmakers | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Obtains Stack of ‘Overlooked’ CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Filmmakers | Judicial Watch: "“These new documents provide more backing to the serious charge that the Obama administration played fast and loose with national security information to help Hollywood filmmakers,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder we’ve had to fight one year of stonewalling from the administration.  These new documents show there is no doubt that Obama White House was intensely interested in this film that was set to portray President Obama as ‘gutsy.’”"

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Vote fraud & its beneficiaries—Glenn Reynolds - NYPOST.com

Vote fraud & its beneficiaries—Glenn Reynolds - NYPOST.com: "The irony is that it is precisely the people who Eric Holder et al. purport to speak for — poor, often black, inner-city residents — who suffer the most from voter fraud.

Many of America’s largest and worst-governed cities suffer from entrenched and corrupt political machines that maintain their position in no small part via voter fraud. Corrupt machines (like that of Detroit’s disgraced ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick) siphon off money that should go to essential services and instead divert it to political fatcats and their supporters. Efforts at reform are often defeated with fraudulent votes."

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New RNC convention video: “Switchers” « Hot Air

New RNC convention video: “Switchers” « Hot Air: "Romney was so bad for their business that in his final year in office, Olive Chase was able to realize her “long term goal” of buying a bakery.  What a nightmare!  After four years of Obama, we only have the worst bout of sustained unemployment since the Great Depression and the lowest civilian participation rate since Ronald Reagan’s first midterm election.  Yeah, that has to be good for business, right?"

Haah haah.  Another Obama campaign fail!

So, women have finally succeeded in becoming all they hate?

So, women have finally succeeded in becoming all they hate?: "How utterly depressing. The sexual revolution and its illusory notion of “having it all” has folded in upon itself to forge a chain-link of perfect irony: 21st Century women have become precisely the shallow, insincere, career-fixated, corporate people-users that early feminists decried.
Women were going to teach men how to be human, remember? Instead, they’ve become everything they claimed to hate."

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Articles: Pitchfork Protest Farmer Confronts Government Corruption and Retribution

Articles: Pitchfork Protest Farmer Confronts Government Corruption and Retribution: "Thousands of times per day, government violates the law, bullies its citizens, and compounds its grab of our property rights and individual liberties.  We don't hear about most of these incidents because most people fear government retribution and decide to cave in."

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The top four stories the media has downplayed to help Obama | The Daily Caller

The top four stories the media has downplayed to help Obama | The Daily Caller: "That the same party and political faction that endlessly shrieked about Bush’s eavesdropping and detention programs now tolerate Obama’s execution program is one of the most extreme and craven acts of dishonesty we’ve seen in quite some time."

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Video: Matthews accuses GOP of playing the race card against team that accused Romney of wanting to bring back slavery, or something « Hot Air

Video: Matthews accuses GOP of playing the race card against team that accused Romney of wanting to bring back slavery, or something « Hot Air: "  If debate over federal programs like welfare are suddenly evidence of latent racism, then we should end the program altogether so as to keep it from being a topic of national debate.  Absurd?  So is Matthews’ blanket assertion that discussing Obama’s executive order that weakened the bipartisan welfare reform signed by Bill Clinton into law amounts to a racist attack on Obama.  What’s next?  Will discussing the failure of Obama’s stimulus bill be racist?  Discussing an unemployment rate of 8.3%, a U-6 number back over 15%, and the lowest civilian participation rate in 30 years?"

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The PJ Tatler » Armed Citizen Stops Violent Attack on Cop

The PJ Tatler » Armed Citizen Stops Violent Attack on Cop: "FBI Supplemental Homicide Reports show that private citizens killed police attackers only three times annually since 2000. Yet an unusual and compelling story of self-defense by a concealed carry licensee gets mentioned only by local media. Media blackouts allow anti-rights propagandists to continue claiming that self-defense incidents are rare, so banning concealed carry wouldn’t be an imposition."

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

JustOneMinute: Tell It To The Ear

JustOneMinute: Tell It To The Ear: "There is a possibility that Barack Obama, know affectionately in some circles as the JEF, or Jug-Eared, uhh, Flop, is a bit sensitive about his cranial protuberances. Since Obama is laughably thin-skinned, commenter bgates has suggested the following speech for Romney:"

Heh heh.

The War on Children - National Review Online

The War on Children - National Review Online: "Given that in Afghanistan the U.S. and its allies have just taken eleven years to lose to goatherds with fertilizer, I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the global-conflagration chips falling our way next time round."

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

JustOneMinute: NY Times - Romney Has Been Paying Federal Taxes For Last Decade

JustOneMinute: NY Times - Romney Has Been Paying Federal Taxes For Last Decade: "Harry Reid's office maintains its devastating silence on his alleged pedophilia."

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Articles: Celebrating Ignorance

Articles: Celebrating Ignorance: " I think it's high time we have a conversation about ignorance in our political system.  And we could begin by talking about a Democrat Party that thinks you can spend your way out of debt; that boasts charismatic visionaries like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Joe Biden as their chosen leaders; that thinks it makes sense to forbid the death penalty for rapists but to allow the death penalty for the innocent child that is the product of the rape; that thinks an increase in food stamps stimulates economic growth or that extending unemployment checks is a sign the economy is on the rebound.  We could talk about a Democrat Party whose best policy ideas are the very ones that were attempted and failed throughout the 1930s and the 1960s, and that continue to bankrupt state and local governments around the nation. "

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An Effective Rebuttal

Writer "Economic Freedom" on the Financial Times, writes in response to an uninformed critic of U.S. medical care. See the whole thing here.

Jescamillo wrote: "Both Canadian and Brits have lower infant mortality . . . the UK and Canada trump the US hands down.

You're comparing apples to oranges: the US has a DIFFERENT DEFINITION of a "live birth" from that of Canada and the UK. In the US, if a baby of ANY WEIGHT WHATSOEVER — EVEN IF PREMATURE — is born and shows any signs of life — takes a breath, voluntary movements, has a heartbeat — it is defined as a "live birth". If the infant dies within the first 4 weeks — from low birth weight or having been premature — it is defined as "infant mortality": a live birth which then died.

Not so in the UK, Canada, Austria, Germany, Norway, and many other countries with seemingly low rates of infant mortality. In many of these countries, a premature baby weighing less than 500 grams is, BY DEFINITION, not considered a living child. It's defined as STILLBORN, so it doesn't get counted in the "infant mortality" statistics. How's that for statistical trickery?

In Hong Kong or Japan, if a child is born alive but dies within 24 hours of birth, it is reported as a "miscarriage," and therefore does not affect the official statistics for infant mortality. More statistical trickery.

A normal pregnancy is considered to be 37-41 weeks. In Belgium, France, and most other European Union countries — any baby born before 26 weeks is, BY DEFINITION, not considered alive, and therefore isn't counted in their reported infant mortality rates. More statistical trickery.

In Switzerland, if a baby is born less than 30 centimeters long, it is, BY DEFINITION, not counted as a live birth. Therefore — unlike the US, where it would be counted as a live birth — such a high-risk infant doesn't affect the Swiss infant mortality rate. More statistical trickery.

Efforts to save these infants are reflected in these figures: between 2000 and 2008, 42 of the world's 52 surviving babies weighing less than 400g (0.9 pounds) were born in the United States.

Ask the parents of those babies that survived and those parents whose babies were defined by their healthcare system as stillborn (even though born alive) and therefore not worth the effort to save, to compare notes on the merits of socialized medicine and see what results you get.

Summing up:
The reason the US appears to have a higher rate of infant mortality than other countries (especially those that brag about the humanity and cost-effectiveness of their socialized healthcare systems) is that the US counts every baby. Most other countries do not.

>>>>Jescamillo wrote: "And what of the cost? The US spends17% of GDP for healthcare."

So what. The US spends an even higher percentage on its GDP for automobiles. Why? We like automobiles, and there are lots of available options to choose from. We CHOOSE to spend a lot of our GDP on automobiles precisely because a large supply is available, and it's a supply that is, in general, increasing in quality, not just quantity.

We spend a lot on healthcare because there are many options that people can purchase voluntarily: lots of elective procedures, lots of new pharmaceuticals, new medical devices, etc. Like automobiles, it's a supply that is increasing in quality — due to innovation from the private sector — and not just in quantity.

Many people — especially from benighted countries like the UK — find it both inconceivable and incomprehensible that Americans voluntarily choose to spend lots of their own income on healthcare because there's lots of healthcare to choose from.

>>>>Jescamillo wrote: "Canada spends 9%. The UK, somewhere in between."

That's because Canada and the UK essentially RATION their healthcare so there's simply less healthcare options for a Canadian or a Brit to choose from; if there were more options available, you can bet the Canadians and the Brits would choose to spend more of their own income on a product or service they value, i.e., healthcare. In fact, however, the way in which Canadian and British consumers of healthcare expand their options is by seeking treatment outside their own countries.

Additionally, you have an unrealistically narrow definition of cost; you're assuming that it's measured only in terms of money. It isn't. It's also measured in terms of time. Socialized medicine vastly increases the demand for medical services and does nothing to increase the supply (in fact, it decreases the supply, as the current FT article makes clear). The result? Long waiting times. Under socialized medicine, you pay a price in terms of time, even if the price in terms of money is made artificially low.

Latest figures: the average waiting time between seeing a GP and a specialist in Canada is about 20 weeks.

Socialized medicine does not guarantee the "right of receiving medical care" to anyone. What it does is to guarantee the right of getting on a waiting list for receiving medical care. That's quite different.

That might explain why a Canadian male has about a 16% greater chance of dying from prostate cancer than an American; a Canadian female has about a 16% greater chance of dying from breast cancer than an American. It appears that cancer doesn't wait, even if Canadians and Brits have to.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it is no secret that almost all new medical devices and most new pharmaceuticals originate and are developed in the US (or by US companies residing abroad). Since successful treatment of disease by physicians around the world depends on a steady stream of improved medical technologies and drugs, it appears that US innovation essentially subsidizes everyone else, including those countries that love to boast about how their government-provided healthcare systems are so "humane" and "inexpensive."

Sure. "Humane" achieved by means of statistical and semantic trickery, and "inexpensive" achieved by means of shifting costs from the category of money to that of waiting time. That's nothing to be proud of.

Obama Campaign Breaking an Honored Gentlemen's Agreement

Obama Campaign Breaking an Honored Gentlemen's Agreement: " This year Obama is about to embark on a series of visits to Florida during the GOP convention despite the civil comportment of past candidates on both sides. This is a break from protocol that has existed for decades and proves that Obama is really running a gutter campaign.
Obama plans a full attack on Republicans by not only appearing in Florida himself, but by blanketing the Sunshine State with his gaffe-prone Vice President and a phalanx of surrogates. Obama's childish me-me-me attempt to take the focus off the GOP convention is simply another example of the low mien of his campaign."

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Articles: Obama Demands Race-Based School Discipline

Articles: Obama Demands Race-Based School Discipline: "President Barack Obama recently signed an executive order hiring race-sensitive bureaucrats to hold meetings and mandate racial discipline quotas.
The order charges his new racial justice team, in part, with "promoting a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools."  In plain English, that means that if different races have different incidences of disciplinary action, those of a favored race who act worse will be punished less, or those of a disfavored race who act better will be punished more, or both."


"Given these and similar statistics on practically every measure of academic success and self-discipline, the president wants to require schools to punish equal proportions of white and black students, regardless of how individual students behave.  That will mean overlooking infractions by black students or punishing more white students for pettier infractions.
Punishing students differently based on skin color -- that's not racist?
The president's reasoning is utterly incoherent: the superior performance of Asian students must indicate that schools are racist against whites, according to his thinking.  Requiring equal discipline outcomes as the president desires would punish good behavior by white, Asian, and Latino students and reward bad behavior by black students.  That is just a horrific moral example, teaching students that rewards and punishment should be dictated by race, which you cannot control, instead of behavior, which you can."

No Wonder Obama Can’t Move the Needle « Commentary Magazine

No Wonder Obama Can’t Move the Needle « Commentary Magazine: "John Podhoretz on Fox and Friends this morning noted that the Obama campaign has spent $120 million since June trying to tear down Mitt Romney. But in June, the Real Clear Politics average of polls had Obama ahead by two points and this morning he is ahead by less than 1 percent, not much of a return on his investment.

One reason for his failure to demonize Romney and pull away from him in the polls might be found here (h/t Instapundit). Since the so-called recovery began in June 2009, the median household income has fallen by 4.8 percent. That’s more than it fell during the recession (2.6 percent)."

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Friday, August 24, 2012

I Want to be a Crony

Nice video!

Immigration agents file suit against Napolitano over 'amnesty' program | Fox News

Immigration agents file suit against Napolitano over 'amnesty' program | Fox News: "Ten federal immigration agents have filed suit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claiming recent directives are forcing them to break the law and ignore their duties when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. "

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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "This week, the Congressional Budget Office issued a very dire warning about the economic disaster that will result from the so-called “fiscal cliff” or “Taxmageddon” at the end of this year.  According to the CBO, the damage from the policies in place now would cost 2 million jobs and create a “significant recession.”  One might think that this would interest the man currently holding the top job in the federal government and running for a second term. However, as Jake Tapper pointed out in a White House press briefing yesterday, Obama seemed to talk about everything but the fiscal cliff and the tanking economy this week:"

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Krauthammer Nails It

Sometimes Krauthammer hits it on the head. This is one of those times.

PolitiFact | Viral Internet story says Mitt Romney helped locate missing teen daughter of Bain Capital partner

PolitiFact | Viral Internet story says Mitt Romney helped locate missing teen daughter of Bain Capital partner: "Viral Internet story says Mitt Romney helped locate missing teen daughter of Bain Capital partner"


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Out of Mani, One - WSJ.com

Out of Mani, One - WSJ.com: ""What's going on," she said, "is you have billionaires who are trying to buy this election because they understand that Gov. Romney will put in place policies that put more dollars into their pockets while taking dollars out of the middle class. And you have contributors to President Obama's campaign who are doing it because they want to grow the economy for everyone in a fair and equitable way."

Note carefully what is being asserted here. It's not just that Democratic ideas are morally superior to Republican ones or that Barack Obama is a better president, or a better man, than Mitt Romney or would be, or is. Rather, the claim is that whereas billionaires who support Romney are greedy and selfish, those who back Obama are altruistic--or, to the extent they have a selfish motive, it is a relatively benign one, a simple desire to be in the presence of the Dear Leader."

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Articles: Dems Better Put Some Ice on That 'Rape' Talk

Articles: Dems Better Put Some Ice on That 'Rape' Talk: "You'd think the Dems would forgive Akin his ignorance on rape.  He does not have anywhere near their hands-on experience.  Bill Clinton, by contrast, always knew what to tell a rape victim: "You better put some ice on that.""

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Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers

Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers: "President Obama's Twitter account has 18.8 million followers -- but more than half of them really don't exist, according to reports.

A new Web tool has determined that 70% of Obama's crowd includes "fake followers," The New York Times reports in a story about how Twitter followers can be purchased."

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Barack Obama asks eurozone to keep Greece in until after election day - Europe - World - The Independent

Barack Obama asks eurozone to keep Greece in until after election day - Europe - World - The Independent: "The Obama administration will pressure European governments not to let Greece fall out of the eurozone before November's Presidential elections, British Government sources have suggested."


"They are urging eurozone Governments to hold off from taking any drastic action before then – fearing that the resulting market destabilisation could damage President Obama's re-election prospects. European leaders are thought to be sympathetic to the lobbying fearing that, under pressure from his party lin Congress, Mitt Romney would be a more isolationist president than Mr Obama."

Let the people suffer, just don't hurt Obama.

Gawker and Bain and the Caymans - By Kevin D. Williamson - The Corner - National Review Online

Gawker and Bain and the Caymans - By Kevin D. Williamson - The Corner - National Review Online: "So we have evil offshoring — exploiting those poor marginalized Hungarian nerds — baroque tax-minimizing schemes, assets that will not be repatriated because of U.S. taxes, and that favorite sin of the Left: hypocrisy. In my mind, hypocrisy is a lesser sin than stupidity, and it is sort of stupid to write up a breathless account about Romney’s doing the precise same thing your company does. Incidentally, there is nothing in the Gawker report or the accompanying documents suggesting that Romney or Bain did anything improper. And neither did Gawker, for that matter: U.S. tax practices create very powerful incentives to pursue avoidance strategies. Gawker’s owners apparently know that, even if its writers lack the guts or the intellectual capability to acknowledge as much."

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gawker Busts Romney for Managing Money Like Gawker

Gawker Busts Romney for Managing Money Like Gawker: "Gawker established itself as the publication of last resort for sleazy political attacks in 2010 when it ran a despicable story on Christine O'Donnell (Google it, I'm not linking). As recently as two days ago, I read a solid story at the site which suggested maybe they were worth a second look, but The Bain Files is a big step backward."

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Niall Ferguson Defends Newsweek Cover: Correct This, Bloggers - The Daily Beast

Niall Ferguson Defends Newsweek Cover: Correct This, Bloggers - The Daily Beast: "“We know no spectacle so ridiculous,” Lord Macaulay famously wrote, “as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality.” But the spectacle of the American liberal blogosphere in one of its almost daily fits of righteous indignation is not so much ridiculous as faintly sinister. Why? Because what I have encountered since the publication of my Newsweek article criticizing President Obama looks suspiciously like an orchestrated attempt to discredit me. "

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Barack Obama botches rank of top Navy SEAL William McRaven | Mail Online

Barack Obama botches rank of top Navy SEAL William McRaven | Mail Online: "Obama botches rank of top Navy SEAL"

Inter alia.  Read the article.

Cutter: I'm Just Going to Make S%&t Up about Jobs

Cutter: I'm Just Going to Make S%&t Up about Jobs: "When Obama took office, there were 142 million people employed. Last month, there were 142.2 million people employed. A tad under 200,000 more people have jobs today than had them when Obama was sworn in. In January 2009, 11.6 million people were unemployed. Today, 12.7 million are unemployed.
Those numbers are bad enough, but they are abysmal when you factor in population growth. We've added almost 10 million working age adults to the population since January 2009. The only thing keeping our unemployment rate from double-digits is that millions of people have simply given up. Since Obama took office, over 7 million people left the labor force.  If the same number of adults today were in the workforce as in 2009, the unemployment rate would be 11%. "

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Newsalert: Only Half of Fannie Mae's Previously Foreclosed Homes Are On The Market Or Being Prepared For Sale

Newsalert: Only Half of Fannie Mae's Previously Foreclosed Homes Are On The Market Or Being Prepared For Sale: "Only half of the previously foreclosed homes owned by Fannie Mae are either on the market or being prepared for sale. The remaining properties are currently locked away in some step of the foreclosure system.

The National Association of Realtors said in its existing home sales report Wednesday that its officials were pressuring government agencies to release more of their REO in markets short of inventory.

Many market participants long claimed the government – including Fannie, Freddie Mac and the Department of Housing and Urban Development – are deliberately holding these homes off the market in order to get more for them when home prices recover."

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Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year | Danger Room | Wired.com

Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year | Danger Room | Wired.com: "Border Patrol agents smuggling weed and coke. Immigration agents forging documents and robbing drug dealers. TSA employees caught with child porn. Those are just a few of the crimes perpetrated by Department of Homeland Security employees in just the past year."

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News From AP | TBO.com

News From AP | TBO.com: "A veteran Wall Street executive who performed an independent review that exonerated the Obama administration's program of loans to energy companies contributed $52,500 to re-elect President Barack Obama in the months since completing his work, according to an Associated Press review of campaign records. The executive defended the integrity of his conclusions and said he decided to donate to Obama after his work was finished."

Right.  Why? because it would look bad, so he thought "I'd better leave this donation to the guy I want reelected until after I finish this so-called 'investigation'".

White House Aide David Plouffe Takes Money Indirectly from Iran -- and Nobody Seems to Notice

White House Aide David Plouffe Takes Money Indirectly from Iran -- and Nobody Seems to Notice: "But now, in 2012, a White House aide in the Obama administration is revealed to have received a six-figure amount from a company connected to Iran, and nothing happens. The press doesn’t seem to care; the establishment is unruffled; even opposition Republicans have hardly noticed. If we, as a nation, had been this un-vigilant back during '30s or the '40s, America might not have survived.   "

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Obama Is Still a Likely Loser in November

Obama Is Still a Likely Loser in November: "No wonder the Democrats want to talk about political mechanics, citing the latest scraps of information suggesting the president's looking strong in Virginia or Ohio, rather than facing the administration's disastrous deficits, painfully high unemployment, and stalled economic growth. Most campaigns try to use crucial issues to influence public opinion on the state of the race, but the Obama team hopes to use public perceptions of the state of the race to sway the nation on the issues. They argue that the administration's record on spending and job creation can't possibly be as bad as it looks, since the president somehow maintains his competitive position in the polls and sustains the impression that he's a prohibitive favorite for reelection. "

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Obama's news conference was carefully staged to appear impromptu by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Obama's news conference was carefully staged to appear impromptu by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com: "He hasn't taken questions from Washington beat reporters in two months. Why? Because he doesn't want to answer carefully-crafted questions about the economy, the lousy unemployment rates among key sectors of voters like women, blacks and youths, the stunning tastelessness of the ads supporting his candidacy and why he's fallen so far behind the Republican ticket in recent money-raising."

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Reid Should Be Disciplined For Lying On The U.S. Senate Floor About Romney - Investors.com

Reid Should Be Disciplined For Lying On The U.S. Senate Floor About Romney - Investors.com: "Reid is tag-teaming with the White House and the Obama campaign to get voters thinking about soon-to-be Republican nominee Mitt Romney's imaginary tax offenses — instead of the very real 8.3% unemployment, a national debt that will soon exceed $16 trillion and the president's stated plans for more economic destruction via additional massive spending and tax increases if re-elected."

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Michelle Obama 'Guest Editor' for Website Featuring Sex Tips--Including from Prostitutes | CNSNews.com

Michelle Obama 'Guest Editor' for Website Featuring Sex Tips--Including from Prostitutes | CNSNews.com: "First Lady Michelle Obama this week is serving as guest editor for iVillage.com, NBC’s “community of online women” that offers sexually explicit material, including graphic sex tips from prostitutes, “20  kinky things you SO can do,” and a list of “naughty” apps for mobile devices."

They laughed at Nancy Reagan for "Just Say No".  So what are they going to say about "Just blow"?

New Black Panther Malik Shabazz Details Meeting With Ahmadinejad, Farrakhan | Video | TheBlaze.com

New Black Panther Malik Shabazz Details Meeting With Ahmadinejad, Farrakhan | Video | TheBlaze.com: "The Nation of Islam, the New Black Panthers, a rouge Iranian regime with nuclear capabilities and fifty radical Imams collude atop a Manhattan hotel. Sounds like a great setup to a Tom Clancy novel.  However, this meeting actually happened and the alliance was forged between the groups against their ‘common enemy’ is very real."

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EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times: "The scenario presented in Small Wars Journal isn’t a literary device but an operational lay-down intended to present the rationale and mechanisms for Americans to fight Americans. Col. Benson and Ms. Weber contend, “Army officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil.” This is a dark, pessimistic and wrongheaded view of what military leaders should spend their time studying.

A professor at the Joint Forces Staff College was relieved of duty in June for uttering the heresy that the United States is at war with Islam. The Obama administration contended the professor had to be relieved because what he was teaching was not U.S. policy. Because there is no disclaimer attached to the Small Wars piece, it is fair to ask, at least in Col. Benson’s case, whether his views reflect official policy regarding the use of U.S. military force against American citizens."

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Who Does The Government Intend To Shoot? | The Daily Caller

Who Does The Government Intend To Shoot? | The Daily Caller: "In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What’s the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public."

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President of South Africa: We will Shoot the White Man

Hillarious Clinton is giving them $2bn of our money for "green energy", yet...

Articles: Politics of Racial Division: Hillary and Obama Ignoring Genocide against Whites

Articles: Politics of Racial Division: Hillary and Obama Ignoring Genocide against Whites: "Over 3000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994. The South African police have not made investigation and prosecution of these farm murders a priority, dismissing them as crimes by common criminals.  The government has disbanded the commando units of white farmers that once protected their farms, and has passed laws to confiscate the farmers' weapons.  Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings."

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama: Like a banana-republic despot

Obama: Like a banana-republic despot: "When a president can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have “a government of laws, and not of men” but a president ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic."

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The Atlantic: Kill Boy Scouts Like Rabid Dogs

The Atlantic: Kill Boy Scouts Like Rabid Dogs: "Of course, Hamblin and all the other gay activists that want to impose their will on the Boy Scouts never do answer to the most American question of all. If you hate the Boy Scouts so much, why not start your own organization, one that will allow gays? That would be a solution in keeping with the American entrepreneurial spirit, wouldn't it?"

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Happy Kim Family Photo

Here they are in this cheery family photo with Dear Leader.

Can't you just see the joy in their faces?

Valerie Jarrett’s Bulging Bank Account - Valerie Jarrett - Fox Nation

Valerie Jarrett’s Bulging Bank Account - Valerie Jarrett - Fox Nation: "Jarrett currently owns an 11-percent equity interest in Kingsbury Plaza, a 46-story luxury apartment complex developed by Habitat between 2005 and 2007 at a cost of more than $100 million.

She valued the investment at between $1 million and $5 million on her 2011 financial disclosure form, up from $250,001 in 2010. A Jarrett spokesman told the Washington Times that the investment was “a direct result of her 13 years working for Habitat.”

Cook County records show the Kingsbury property is worth around $27.2 million, but thanks to a series of legal appeals beginning in 2003, the land and building are assessed at a much lower value for tax purposes. Since 2008, the property has been designated a “special commercial structure” and is taxed at a value of just $6.8 million, or 25 percent of the actual value."

The Chicago way.  One rule for me, another for thee.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Book: Obamacare law designed to unionize 21 million health care workers | The Daily Caller

Book: Obamacare law designed to unionize 21 million health care workers | The Daily Caller: "n ”Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind,” Mallory Factor describes a December 9, 2008 memo from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare president Dennis Rivera to the Obama-Biden transition team.

That memo outlined a legislative proposal calling for “increasing the capacity of the health care workforce” as part of a larger health care reform initiative."

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Enviro-disconnect: Climate change and poverty « Hot Air

Enviro-disconnect: Climate change and poverty « Hot Air: "I am truly irked when environmentalists look at poor communities and third-world countries as laboratories for their wildest green fantasies. There is nobody — nobody — who would benefit more from cheap, abundant, and reliable energy sources than poverty-stricken communities. While environmentalists often look at prosperity as the enemy of environmental quality, the opposite is actually true — third-world countries are some of the worst environmental offenders because they have neither the resources nor the luxury to consider their ecological impact."

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Left-Wing Non-Profits Paying Newspapers for 'News Gathering'

Left-Wing Non-Profits Paying Newspapers for 'News Gathering': "Several newspapers have recently announced that far left leaning, non-profit foundations such as The Ford Foundation have given them hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover "the news." Many wonder if this "coverage" is being programmed by these left-wing moneymen. Others note that the tax-exempt, left-wing foundations are essentially lending U.S. government subsidies once removed to both newspapers and NPR. Is this all merely a way to "save" the news gathering industry, or are left-wing organizations just buying the news and pushing their far left narrative through stealth?"

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

NYT: Obamacare 'Ambiguity' Could Make Health Care Too Costly for Millions

NYT: Obamacare 'Ambiguity' Could Make Health Care Too Costly for Millions: "The New York Times reports that an “ambiguity” in President Obama’s signature health care law may make the Affordable Care Act unaffordable for millions of American workers and their families."

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Liberal Bias Quantified

While he doesn't expose the details of his methods, the argument is plausible.

Articles: Twilight of the Olympic Idols

Articles: Twilight of the Olympic Idols: "The Olympics are not likely to sow disaster anymore than they are to forestall it.  But if the IOC really wants to right the wrongs that pervade the world today, it would be better to actually address them rather than ignore or, worse still, legitimize them.  On the whole, it would be judicious for the IOC, as steward of the Olympic Movement, to temper its political passions and to recognize its own limitations.  The Games should not be propagandized as a performance that will dispel discord from the world; rather, they should be glorified for what they are: an event where paragons of athleticism compete on the world stage and where the human body and spirit are exalted for all to see.  By doing so, the modern Olympics would do much more to honor the legacy of the Greeks and much less to tarnish its own."

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Friday, August 17, 2012


"Each bird saved costs around $70,000...

Hard-hitting Interview

Obama finally lays bare his plans for America.

AllPatriotsMedia » Dear Janeane Garofalo

AllPatriotsMedia » Dear Janeane Garofalo: "By the way, how is being a white woman who is calling black citizens idiots any less racist than what you accuse the Tea Party of doing to President Obama? I do believe that is the pot calling the kettle Angry Rich White Lady. Excuse you, but you don’t get to speak for us. You don’t get to tell me how I should think based on the color of my skin. How dare you? How insulting and implicitly racist."

This is old, but holy crap, it's great!

Obama Transforms State Department “Background Notes” Into Campaign Material

Obama Transforms State Department “Background Notes” Into Campaign Material: "Production by U.S. embassies of the State Department’s long-running series of annual “Background Notes” covering every country in the world had long been considered a useful service for the American public. Now, however, they appear to have morphed into yet another taxpayer-subsidized campaign commercial for the Obama Administration."

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CBS, AP: Dem chair of House Oversight covered up ties to Countrywide for himself, colleagues, and staff « Hot Air

CBS, AP: Dem chair of House Oversight covered up ties to Countrywide for himself, colleagues, and staff « Hot Air: "How did Countrywide end up as one of the worst villains in the housing-bubble collapse, which cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and nearly crushed the financial sector?  Simple: they bought political connections by offering sweetheart deals to people like Chris Dodd, who headed the Senate Banking Committee, and Towns, whose committee was supposed to keep corruption out of federal regulation of the market.  When the entire mess collapsed, people like Dodd and Towns were in position to manipulate the investigations in order to avoid detection.  Dodd was less successful at that effort than Towns, who got away with it as long as Democrats remained in charge of Congress — and the White House, which has been mighty incurious on the whole issue since running on populist outrage over the housing-bubble collapse.

Towns announced his retirement in April.  He should be expelled, and his pension benefits stripped for this coverup."

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

The GOP's Medicare Advantage | Karl Rove

The GOP's Medicare Advantage | Karl Rove: "Democrats have long had an issue advantage on Medicare. Republicans cowered in fear. This time it's different. The Romney-Ryan ticket is not only talking about Medicare, it is putting Mr. Obama on the defensive. If Republicans succeed, politics will never be the same."

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Articles: The GOP Now Owns the Medicare Issue

Articles: The GOP Now Owns the Medicare Issue: "It is ObamaCare that was specifically designed to destroy Medicare, and to herd seniors into a one-size-fits-all plan where care to them can be rationed with impunity.  And even Dr. Donald Berwick, President Obama's personal choice to run Medicare and Medicaid, admitted that this rationing is one of ObamaCare's ultimate aims, as did Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the president's chief health care advisers."

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Articles: Royal Waivers from Passed Law

Articles: Royal Waivers from Passed Law: "But if indeed President Obama studied constitutional law, it must not have been for future adherence purposes, but more in a fashion similar to the Chicago Bears' offense studying the Green Bay Packers' defense.  Where are the weaknesses?  How do we get around it?"

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Great news: Prominent Dem and Obama bundler probably won’t be prosecuted for $1B+ disappearance of customer funds « Hot Air

Great news: Prominent Dem and Obama bundler probably won’t be prosecuted for $1B+ disappearance of customer funds « Hot Air: "Ahem.  What kind of “porous risk controls” allowed MF Global to bet money that wasn’t theirs on Euro-zone debt?  That seems to have faded from view as the issue at MF Global.  It’s one thing for JP Morgan to bet the $6 billion farm on risky investments, but when a firm raids its customer accounts in an attempt to cover its own bad bets, that’s supposed to be a felony."

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Corzine, MF Global Will Face No Criminal Charges

Corzine, MF Global Will Face No Criminal Charges: "To date, despite Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s “get tough on Wall Street” rhetoric, the Department of Justice has not charged, prosecuted, or jailed a single Wall Street executive in the wake of the largest financial collapse in U.S. history.
As the New York Times sardonically noted in its report today, the “lack of charges in the largest Wall Street blowup since 2008."

From a commenter on Breitbart:

Dems LOVE to reward criminals:
1. Bailed out Corzine who "lost' close to 2 Billion dollars of invetors' money but of course wasn't MF Global a client of Holder's?
2. Spent trillions to bail out Fat Cat bankers and rewarded Dodd and Frank who were all involved in Dem sub prime mortgage scandal
3. Spent 90 Billion on green job scams that went to Obama donors while Dems knew those businesses would collaose
4. Just gave amnesty to 2 million illegals and refuse to protect US border
5. Killed XL Pipeline and then gave business to Buffet who is billionaire supporter of Dems who owes back taxes
6. Rewarded Tim Geithner the tax cheat who also broke the law while heading NY Fed when banks colluded on interest rates with promotion
7.  Lavish Fed workers with boondoggle benefits even though US Fed workers owe billions in back taxes
8. Gave 55 million bonus to GSA which openly flaunted its lavish abuse of tax payer dollars
9. Let New Black panthers off hook for blatant voter intimidation and then said nothing over threats they made against whites, white babies and RNC
10. Dems refer to Muslim shooting at Ft Hood as work place violence and refer to gay activist shooting at FRC  as shooting against hate
These are just a few...if I listed laws broken by Zero it would take all day...Dems LOVE breaking the law

Media Refuse to Connect the Dots on Violent Leftists

Media Refuse to Connect the Dots on Violent Leftists: "If police reports are accurate, the violence at a Conservative lobbying group in Washington DC was perpetuated by a radical leftist whose motive was purely political. He said so. He reportedly said he shot up the place because of what it stood for. It doesn't get more clear than that. It's like a guy going into a US Military Base yelling "Allahu Akbar" and the media still wondering what the motive is. Wait, that happened as well and the motive was ignored. "We don't know why Major Hasan did this," is what most media observers said. "

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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "First Ladies don’t get paid because Presidential Spouse isn’t a government position; it’s a circumstance of being married to the President … who, by the way, gets $400,000 a year in salary, a hefty pension even after just a single term that includes the kind of Cadillac-plan health care that Obama himself decried in the private sector, and lifetime a decade of free personal security.  If that’s not enough, then perhaps the Obamas should take this opportunity to retire so that Mrs. Obama can go back to work in the private sector."

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Obama's War on Middle Class: The Hidden Inflation 'Tax'

Obama's War on Middle Class: The Hidden Inflation 'Tax': "So what do we have to show for what Mark Steyn described as “pouring a trillion dollars into the Potomac and watching it float out to sea”? Anemic economic growth, unemployment (official) that has remained above 8% longer any period in modern history since the Great Depression, more Americans claiming Social Security disability than finding new employment,  an explosion in federal debt that will eventually fall upon posterity to pay off if ever, and all the while the loss of real purchasing power and diminished true value of savings in a ‘hidden tax’ that no one can escape unless they walk everywhere, don’t eat, don’t drink, and bundle up in their living rooms in wintertime.  All this at a time when the middle class can least afford it. "

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Examiner Editorial: To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices | WashingtonExaminer.com

Examiner Editorial: To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices | WashingtonExaminer.com: "Campaigning in Missouri Valley, Iowa, yesterday, President Obama announced yet another government spending program -- this time designed to inflate meat prices in Midwest swing states. "Today the Department of Agriculture announced that it will buy up to $100 million worth of pork products, $50 million worth of chicken, and $20 million worth of lamb and farm-raised catfish," Obama explained to reporters in front of a drought-stricken cornfield.

"Prices are low, farmers and ranchers need help, so it makes sense," Obama explained. "It makes sense for farmers who get to sell more of their product, and it makes sense for taxpayers who will save money because we're getting food we would have bought anyway at a better price.""

Ah, yes.  Central economic planning.  A good outcome guaranteed every time.

» Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "A rash of solicitations by federal agencies for hollow point bullets in recent months has stoked fears that the government is preparing for civil unrest caused by a financial collapse on a scale similar or even larger to scenes already witnessed in Europe over the last two years."

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NC college has problems with definitions « Hot Air

NC college has problems with definitions « Hot Air: "Remember when colleges actually taught knowledge and logic?  Or at least understood English?  Here’s a hint to the academics at Davidson: If you’re excluding in the name of “inclusiveness” or acting intolerant in the name of “tolerance,” you’re doing it wrong."

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Video: Bowles explains what the obstacle was for Simpson-Bowles plan « Hot Air

Video: Bowles explains what the obstacle was for Simpson-Bowles plan « Hot Air: "Why didn’t Obama seize that initiative?  Clearly, deficit control didn’t interest Obama then, and hasn’t since, either.  Obama thought he could seize the issue from the Tea Party with the Simpson-Bowles commission and avoid a disastrous outcome in the midterm elections.  Once the disaster occurred, though, Obama dropped deficit control as a talking point and instead began shifting back to a class-warfare strategy, blaming the wealthy for the skyrocketing deficits of his own term.

This is what passes for leadership in the Obama era."

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How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? - Betsy Woodruff - National Review Online

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? - Betsy Woodruff - National Review Online: "Try this thought experiment. Imagine that someone grows up in poverty, works his way through law school by holding the night shift as a Capitol Hill policeman, and spends all but two years of his career as a public servant. Now imagine that this person’s current salary — and he’s at the top of his game — is $193,400. You probably wouldn’t expect him to have millions in stocks, bonds, and real estate.

But, surprise, he does, if he’s our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to OpenSecrets.org."

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More Tax Preparers than First Responders

Compliance costs.

Actually, he's Just not Very Smart

Rudy calls it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Romney slams Obama in tough new speech - The Hill's Ballot Box

Romney slams Obama in tough new speech - The Hill's Ballot Box: ""This is an election in which we should be talking about the path ahead, but you don't hear any answers coming from President Obama’s re-election campaign. That’s because he's intellectually exhausted, out of ideas, and out of energy. And so his campaign has resorted to diversions and distractions, to demagoguing and defaming others. This is an old game in politics; what’s different this year is that the president is taking things to a new low.""

Models get cloud feedback wrong, but *only* by 70W/m2 (that’s 19 times larger than the CO2 effect) « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Models get cloud feedback wrong, but *only* by 70W/m2 (that’s 19 times larger than the CO2 effect) « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax: "Yet another paper shows that the climate models have flaws, described as “gross” “severe” and “disturbing”. The direct effect of doubling CO2 is theoretically 3.7W per square meter. The feedbacks supposedly are 2 -3 times as strong (according to the IPCC). But some scientists are trying to figure out those feedbacks with models which have flaws in the order of 70W per square meter. (How do we find that signal in noise that’s up to 19 times larger?)"

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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Too bad Obama comes from such a small hometown, or he might have done better than one-thirteenth of the crowd Ryan attracted."

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Guest Post By Madhav Khandekar “Climate Catastrophe Or Media Hype?” | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

Guest Post By Madhav Khandekar “Climate Catastrophe Or Media Hype?” | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.: "The current long, hot & dry summer in many parts of the US has prompted a number of climate scientists to sugget that this heat wave in the US and similar heat waves in Europe ( in 2010 & 2003) are linked to human-added CO2 over the past several years. I believe it is important to analyse past heat waves in the US and eslewhere before linking current heat wave to human-added CO2.

In the North American context, the decades of 1920s and 1930s ( known popularly as the Dust Bowl years) witnessed possibly the most anomalous climate of the 20th century, with recurring droughts and heat waves on the Great American Plains ( Canada as well as the US)."

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Monday, August 13, 2012


Looks like I may have moved without knowing it...

HANDRAHAN: Executive branch porn problem - Washington Times

HANDRAHAN: Executive branch porn problem - Washington Times: "The Colombia scandal was the president’s wake-up call. The White House needed to order an in-depth and urgent investigation into porn, child porn and prostitution in all government agencies. Mr. Obama did no such thing. Now America’s Missile Defense Agency may be exposing the core of our national security. So grave and unpatriotic is this violation, it might border on treason. Yet Mr. Obama remains unconcerned. Members of Congress are so alarmed by the president’s behavior that they recently passed an amendment preventing the administration from sharing missile-defense technology with Russia. The Missile Defense Agency may have done so already.

Thomas Jefferson once said he feared for his country when he reflected that God was just. I, too, fear for my country. No one is home in the Obama White House, and the Russians know this. Allen Dulles must be rolling in his grave. Americans should be extremely concerned."

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Erko Bowles, a Democrat, Endorses Ryan


Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "To recap – we spent $20-30 billion (depending on whether one thinks we’ll get even $20.65 per share once/if Treasury decides to let GM go), sold the smallest of the Big Three to the Italians, and, 3 years after the bailout started and 2 1/2 years after the economy “recovered”, had 13,000 fewer people employed in the automotive industry."

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Confused Why Goldman Will Face No Criminal Charges? Here's Why | ZeroHedge

Confused Why Goldman Will Face No Criminal Charges? Here's Why | ZeroHedge: ""Confused Why Goldman Will Face No Criminal Charges? Here's Why.""

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Milquetoast Mitt - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Milquetoast Mitt - Mark Steyn - National Review Online: "Obama does not “create” jobs, he creates disabled people: In the same period as 2.6 million Americans signed on with new employers, 3.1 million signed on at the Social Security Disability Office. Obama is the first president in history to create more disabled people than workers. He is the biggest creator of disabled people on the planet. He has disabled more people than the Japanese tsunami. More Americans have been disabled by Obama than have been given cancer by Mitt Romney. “Ask yourself, ‘Are you more disabled now than you were four years ago?’ Obama 2012.” Followed by the wheelchair logo with the Obama “O” where the wheel should be. In the Democrats’ Dependistan, the wheelchair ramp is downhill all the way."

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Milquetoast Mitt - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Milquetoast Mitt - Mark Steyn - National Review Online: "There are no precedents in history for a great power spending itself to death on the scale America is doing. Obama has added $5 trillion to the national debt, and has nothing to show for it. Do you know how difficult that is to do? Personal debt per citizen is currently about 50 grand, but at least you got a La-Z-Boy recliner and a gas-fired barbecue out of it."

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Friday, August 10, 2012

EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times: "At issue is an article in the respected Small Wars Journal titled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” It was written by retired Army Col. Kevin Benson of the Army's University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Jennifer Weber, a Civil War expert at the University of Kansas. It posits an “extremist militia motivated by the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” seizing control of Darlington, S.C., in 2016, “occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council and placing the mayor under house arrest.” The rebels set up checkpoints on Interstate 95 and Interstate 20 looking for illegal aliens. It’s a cartoonish and needlessly provocative scenario."

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USDA spends $2M, gets one intern, program fails | WashingtonExaminer.com

USDA spends $2M, gets one intern, program fails | WashingtonExaminer.com: "The result of that bureaucratic mismanagement? “[T]he Department’s information systems are still at risk, even after expending $63.4 million of funding increases received in FY 2010 and 2011,” the report found."

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Doug Ross @ Journal: Don't fear the fiscal cliff -- fear the welfare cliff

Doug Ross @ Journal: Don't fear the fiscal cliff -- fear the welfare cliff: "Thanks to the American Enterprise Institute, we now have a much more detailed picture showing the impact of redistribution programs on the incentive to earn more money."

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Michelle Malkin » Revisiting the DHS Smear of the Tea Party Movement

Michelle Malkin » Revisiting the DHS Smear of the Tea Party Movement: "Meanwhile, these ghouls remain radio-silent about actual domestic terror plots tied directly to the Democratic Party-embraced Occupy movement. Take the ring of self-identified Occupy leaders, members and anarchist organizers in Cleveland, Ohio, charged with plotting to bomb bridges in Ohio and kill potentially hundreds in order to sabotage local business and commerce. One pleaded guilty last month and will testify against the other four — who attempted to detonate what they thought was an improvised explosive device intended to blow up a local bridge and take the lives of untold commuters across the Cuyahoga River. Media apologists have gone out of their way to minimize the severity of the plot and to enable Occupy organizers to distance themselves from their violent anarchist members."

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Top Democrat: Obama Must 'Repudiate' 'Disgusting' Ad

Top Democrat: Obama Must 'Repudiate' 'Disgusting' Ad: "The evidence connecting the Obama campaign to Priorities USA, a super PAC that launched an appalling and blatantly false attack ad blaming a woman's death on Mitt Romney, is starting to pile up."

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West Denounces Ad Depicting Him Beating Woman: 'Plays on Stereotypes'

West Denounces Ad Depicting Him Beating Woman: 'Plays on Stereotypes': "By the way, the "About Us" section of the America Sunrise's website reads:

We believe in an America that is at the dawn of a new day, in which Congress is ready to refocus on creating family-supporting American jobs, addressing issues of fairness and equality, and reasserting the core progressive values that were the real foundation of our democracy.

You can believe it, too, because there's no question "core progressive values" involve racial stereotypes, violence, and defaming a veteran who fought for his country."

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Obama had Worst Grades at Harvard

Some guy called Rush Limbaugh and said he went went to Harvard with Obama. Sounds like he got bad grades and never went to class, but was passed anyway.

President Pays Price for Acrid Campaign Culture | Fox News

President Pays Price for Acrid Campaign Culture | Fox News: "Now, Obama finds himself with his campaign having been caught feigning ignorance about an unsavory ad produced by an organization he supports. For a sitting president whose pitch is so tied to reforming politics that he forgot to take a lamentation of "super PACs" out of his stump speech amid the controversy on Wednesday, this is not a good situation."

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Obama: Media Should Report Only One Side of The Story

Obama: Media Should Report Only One Side of The Story: "The Me-Myself-and-I President says that the press should just stop giving that "factually incorrect" side all that coverage. He is right and that is all the press needs to report. There is no "other side" to an issue. Just Obama's."

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Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air: "Maybe the first thought that should have been on his mind was hiring a Cliché Czar, someone who can keep up with these rhetorically lazy claims and juggle them properly.  However, his first thought yesterday was apparently on his backswing, which has become a cliché all of its own."

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Video: Obama campaign now pretending it didn’t know details of steelworker’s story — after featuring him in two ads « Hot Air

Video: Obama campaign now pretending it didn’t know details of steelworker’s story — after featuring him in two ads « Hot Air: "So eager is lifelike talking-points robot Stephanie Cutter to keep the campaign’s fingerprints off the cheap lies in the PAC ad that she claims at 4:00 below not to know the facts about when Soptic’s wife got sick or when she died. Minor problem: The campaign itself featured Soptic in not one but two ads several months ago and had him tell the story of his wife’s death after he lost his insurance during a conference call with — ta da — Stephanie Cutter."

But of course they're liars.  That's been obvious for a long, long time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Limbaugh's 'The Great Destroyer' Most Comprehensive Takedown of Obamaism Yet Written

Limbaugh's 'The Great Destroyer' Most Comprehensive Takedown of Obamaism Yet Written: "The Great Destroyer is the most comprehensive case against President Obama ever presented. And it’s done meticulously, thoroughly, completely rationally. It is not hyperbolic; no hyperbole is necessary to describe the utter disaster that has been the Obama administration. It is not hysterical – no hysterics are needed to lay out, in full color, just what Obama has done to the very notion of Americanism. The Great Destroyer is a calm, undeniable, point-by-point takedown of a president who can’t wait for us to become France – warts and all.

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Virginia farmer threatened with $5K fine for hosting child’s birthday party « Hot Air

Virginia farmer threatened with $5K fine for hosting child’s birthday party « Hot Air: "Martha Boneta, who owns a small local farm, found that out the hard way when she was threatened with $5,000 in fines for not getting the proper permit to sell produce and host 10-year-old’s birthday party on her property."

This is what happens when '60s hippie types become "the man".  So very sad.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Report: Cronyism behind Holder's failure to charge bankers | The Daily Caller

Report: Cronyism behind Holder's failure to charge bankers | The Daily Caller: "A new report from the conservative Government Accountability Institute (GAI) finds that President Barack Obama’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s failure to criminally charge any top Wall Street bankers is likely a result of cronyism inside the Department of Justice and political donations made to Obama’s campaign."

The Democratic Party... For the little guy.

HughHewitt.com Blog : Hugh Hewitt : "We've Been Warned: Obama ad candid about post-election plans --and it's scary" by Clark Judge

HughHewitt.com Blog : Hugh Hewitt : "We've Been Warned: Obama ad candid about post-election plans --and it's scary" by Clark Judge: "Now to the chilling part.  The president tells us he is raising taxes “[s]o that we can afford to invest in education, manufacturing, and homegrown American energy for good middle class jobs.”

The government will invest in manufacturing and energy exploration and development? Don’t we fund these with private investment?  "

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More Venezuela

From Breitbart:

In what may contradict testimony by Obama administration officials under oath and may be a violation of federal law, The Daily Caller obtained emails that show Timothy Geithner’s Treasury Department “was the driving force behind terminating the pensions of 20,000 salaried retirees at the Delphi auto parts manufacturing company,” and the move, according to The Daily Caller, “appears to have been made solely because those retirees were not members of labor unions.”

This is both chilling and sickening.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Root: Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ | TheBlaze.com

Root: Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ | TheBlaze.com: "If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

A)   He rarely ever attended class.

B)   His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.

C)   He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.

D)   He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia."

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Root: Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ | TheBlaze.com

Root: Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ | TheBlaze.com: "If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia has ever met him, saw him, or heard of him."

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NUGENT: Whacky Harry Reid talks trash about Romney - Washington Times

NUGENT: Whacky Harry Reid talks trash about Romney - Washington Times: "This administration is a complete and total disaster unless you are a Fedzillacrat who believes that $5 trillion in new debt and a tsunamilike growth in the federal government is a wonderful thing. If this administration were a medical doctor, he would shatter our knees with a tire iron while trying to convince us that he was actually trying to teach us to walk.

The real news is that the first good bailout has begun: The president’s insiders have begun to bail on him as they recognize he’s the captain of a rapidly sinking political ship."

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HURT: The smallness of the new Obama - Washington Times

HURT: The smallness of the new Obama - Washington Times: "But in his desperation to win again after making such a mess of things, he has resorted to those old, small tactics such as flipping his position on gay marriage to woo that faction. Or granting amnesty to illegals in hopes of rounding up Hispanic votes.

He’s become like an old, washed-up rock star, playing to small and smaller crowds but never quite able to get that old magic back.

And we are not talking Mick Jagger. We are talking Meat Loaf, all sad and sweaty and crashing around the stage, desperate to get one little flicker of his old fleeting glory days back again."

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WH Press Corps Goes Seven Weeks Without a Question | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

WH Press Corps Goes Seven Weeks Without a Question | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier: "President Obama has not taken a serious question from the White House press corps in nearly seven weeks, a remarkable string that points to a campaign-style White House operation that is seeking to insulate the candidate from tough cross examination.

The last substantive question Obama took from a White House reporter was during a June 20 press conference following the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico. Obama allowed only six questions during the event, which was nearly guaranteed to keep him out of political hot water as the focus was on foreign policy.

Since then, Obama has held no press conferences, given no interviews to White House reporters, and taken no questions at the White House events he has held where reporters have been present."

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Former Star of Anti-Bain Ad Turns on Obama - Barack Obama - Fox Nation

Former Star of Anti-Bain Ad Turns on Obama - Barack Obama - Fox Nation: "Donnie Box, a former employee at Kansas City's GST Steel, the steel plant closed by Bain capitol in 2001 during Romney's tenure with the company, appears in a pro-Obama super PAC ad in high circulation in swing states.

"I could really care less about Obama," Box said. "I think Obama is a jerk, a pantywaist, a lightweight, a blowhard. He hasn't done a goddamn thing that he said he would do. When he had a Democratic Senate and Democratic Congress, he didn't do a damn thing. He doesn't have the guts to say what’s on his mind.""

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Arthur Laffer: The Real 'Stimulus' Record - WSJ.com

Arthur Laffer: The Real 'Stimulus' Record - WSJ.com: "Often as not, the qualification for receiving stimulus funds is the absence of work or income—such as banks and companies that fail, solar energy companies that can't make it on their own, unemployment benefits and the like. Quite simply, government taxing people more who work and then giving more money to people who don't work is a surefire recipe for less work, less output and more unemployment.

Yet the notion that additional spending is a "stimulus" and less spending is "austerity" is the norm just about everywhere. Without ever thinking where the money comes from, politicians and many economists believe additional government spending adds to aggregate demand. You'd think that single-entry accounting were the God's truth and that, for the government at least, every check written has no offsetting debit."

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Philly Mayor Nutter quietly restores pay cuts to top staffers, blocks firefighter raises | Fox News

Philly Mayor Nutter quietly restores pay cuts to top staffers, blocks firefighter raises | Fox News: "Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is taking heat for quietly restoring salaries for high-ranking City Hall officials that were slashed several years ago in a budget-cutting effort while begrudging pay increases for municipal firefighters."

This is how progs operate.

There’s a Crack in THE DOME. How’s it Going to End? | RedState

There’s a Crack in THE DOME. How’s it Going to End? | RedState: "The symbolism of the Greek temple backdrop at his Democratic Convention speech should have been a warning to all watching. Greek temples are a symbol of idolatry, for raising one up above all of humanity to be worshipped. But sacrificial offerings must be made to appease the Gods. We are the sacrificial sheep and must submit to those that know best for us unless we choose to stand up now and refuse.

Our only hope of escaping this B-rated bad movie known as our fate, is to vote him out of office on Nov 6th in an overwhelming fashion to account for the margin of fraud. There is no other way out of this nightmare we have been cast into without our consent.

End The Obama Show this November or we may witness the worst Greek Tragedy ever: America as we know and love it."

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Bombshell: Obama chief of staff Daley briefed on Solyndra concerns six months before bankruptcy « Hot Air

Bombshell: Obama chief of staff Daley briefed on Solyndra concerns six months before bankruptcy « Hot Air: " This is the first time Obama’s inner circle has been tied to the restructuring and its illegal subordination of those taxpayer loans.  If Daley was briefed on the details of that restructuring before it got put in place and it still went forward, one can infer that Daley didn’t raise any objections to it.  It’s hard to imagine that Daley would have gone out on that limb without getting approval from the man to whom he directly reported — Barack Obama.

Even without the illegality in subordinating taxpayers, this is still very bad news for Obama.  The decision to move forward cost taxpayers an addition $380 million.  Did Obama give the personal OK to put that much more at risk on an already-failing company?  Again, it’s very difficult to imagine that Daley was making those kinds of calls without checking in with the boss."

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Debunking the myth of Obama’s regulatory record « Hot Air

Debunking the myth of Obama’s regulatory record « Hot Air: "Obama was misleading the American people. While talking about the total number of regulations, he failed to mention that his administration’s major new rules were far greater in number and costlier than those adopted under President George W. Bush. "

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Former Obama economic adviser on jobs report: What did you expect from our measly growth rate? « Hot Air

Former Obama economic adviser on jobs report: What did you expect from our measly growth rate? « Hot Air: "Here’s another fun fact: today’s 8.3% jobless rate is exactly what it was in February 2009, when Obama got his $838 billion stimulus package.  At that point, the civilian participation rate in the workforce was 65.8%.  Today’s was 63.7%.  In February 2009, we had 80.392 million people not participating in the workforce; as of July, that number has grown by almost eight million people, to 88.34 million, which took 42 months to grow.  The time it took previous to February 2009 to add eight million to those not in the workforce was 92 months, more than double the amount of time."

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