Soledad O'Brien and CNN Fail to Challenge 'Separate But Equal': "Here is the exchange from the show (4:13 in the video below):
O’Brien: Would he have said that the civil rights movement was a sham? Or that Brown v. Board of Ed[ucation] was a sham?
Brown: He wouldn't say it was a sham but he has been very critical of civil rights cases like Brown v. Board of Education. And his argument, Professor Bell's argument was the solution did not get the children what the children needed, so perhaps the lawyers in the cases didn't spend enough time talking to the parents. So Professor Bell’s argument is, "You know, maybe if we had gotten fully funded separate but equal that might've been a better alternative to what we have today.”
You read that correctly — on national television, Prof. Dorothy Brown put forward Bell's idea that America would be better off with "separate but equal”, as long as it was "fully funded.”
At that point, Ms. O'Brien completely ignored the extraordinary and completely offensive offensive answer just given and went on to her next question."
Dumb as folk.
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