Articles: Washington's Message to Americans: 'We Own You': "The claims and actions of our current administration and its radically left allies are nothing new, but they have been a constant of history. The justifications for state control by omniscient elite have been the same for millennia. Egotistical rulers, reinforced by powerful bureaucracies and armies of the governments they control, are all clones, be they dead and in the antique past or living in the here and now. In fact, what we are seeing is a potential return to the governmental standards of antiquity. The neo-Assyrian, statist impulses that harassed the entire twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, be they pale imitators of fascism, communism, or any other "ism" which favors the almighty State, currently are rising right here in America.
We are seeing authoritarian political philosophies recycled and retrofitted for the consumption of Americans. The radical left and our president demote builders of businesses and followers of the American dream, building Washington into a virtual Babylon. And yes, they should be given the credit for building the American Babylon, the symbol of fundamental transformation into authoritarianism."
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