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Saturday, December 1, 2012

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PJ Media » Since 2000, D.C. Area Wealth Grew at Twice National Average

PJ Media » Since 2000, D.C. Area Wealth Grew at Twice National Average: "From a recent Glenn Reynolds USA Today column:

So Washington gets fat, and it does so on money taken from the rest of the country.

Just how fat have Washington and the Beltway counties gotten? According to the latest U.S. Census data, between 2000 and 2010 the richest of the Washington, D.C., area have accrued about twice as much new wealth as those not living in or around the area.

Also, some Washington counties have gotten about twice as much new wealth as some of the other richest counties in the United States."

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It's All Bush's Fault

Of course.

GOP's Hatch: 'We've seen an utter lack of leadership from Pres. Obama' by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

GOP's Hatch: 'We've seen an utter lack of leadership from Pres. Obama' by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com: "But we’ve seen an utter lack of leadership from President Obama, and his allies on the left have shown little—very little—to no willingness to tackle real, structural entitlement reform. There is no manner of tax hike that can save Medicare or Medicaid—these programs can only be fixed with real reforms that go to the heart of how they work.  

Some on the left say that tinkering around the edges of Medicare and Medicaid with cuts to hospital and doctor payments would be enough—or that the President’s deeply flawed health law is entitlement reform. They argue that we don’t need to examine the structural problems that plague both of these programs."

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Susan Rice’s Enrichment Program, Cont. | Washington Free Beacon

Susan Rice’s Enrichment Program, Cont. | Washington Free Beacon: "Among the foreign entities in which Rice holds assets is Banco Santander. Santander and its investors lost more than $3.2 billion as a result of Bernie Madoff’s fraudulent Ponzi scheme. It is believed that Santander was aware of the fraudulent nature of Madoff’s scheme and continued to increase its investments anyway. A federal judge ruled that Santander could not be sued under U.S. securities law because, while the suit was filed in the U.S., the fraudulent acts were more readily apparent in Europe."

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Law Dean Takes to the New York Times Op-Ed Page to Blame Media for Declining Law School Applications « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site – News, Commentary, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law School, Law Suits, Judges and Courts

Law Dean Takes to the New York Times Op-Ed Page to Blame Media for Declining Law School Applications « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site – News, Commentary, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law School, Law Suits, Judges and Courts: "To be clear, the argument here is that some of the BRIGHTEST potential lawyers are acting “irrationally” by not going to law school, which I suppose leaves only some of the not-brightest potential lawyers as the ones who still believe op-eds from law school deans touting the value of law school."

Hoist by his own petard.

Patterico's Pontifications » The Untold Story of the Shenanigans in a Federal Prosecutor’s Office in Louisiana — and Why Eric Holder Should Be Asked About It

Patterico's Pontifications » The Untold Story of the Shenanigans in a Federal Prosecutor’s Office in Louisiana — and Why Eric Holder Should Be Asked About It: "Either way, the inadequacy of the investigation is a fair charge to place at Holder’s feet. And I think he should be asked about it. So spread the word about this order. It’s an entertaining story about shenanigans in the Louisiana U.S. Attorney’s Office that prosecuted James O’Keefe — but it’s also a story that raises deadly serious questions about whether Eric Holder is trying to keep his unethical lawyers in check."

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The U.N. Shouldn't Make Decisions About an Open Internet Behind Closed Doors | Wired Opinion | Wired.com

The U.N. Shouldn't Make Decisions About an Open Internet Behind Closed Doors | Wired Opinion | Wired.com: "Expanding affordable access and securing networks (which the ITU has stated are their main goals), are extremely important. And in a perfect world, all governments would arrive in Dubai with their citizens’ best interests in mind.

But that’s not what’s happening. Repressive governments want to assail the disruptive power of the internet, our common platform for expression, and they’re all jostling to get the upper hand through this treaty."

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NSA’s Marching Orders to Congress: Deceive the Public, Praise NSA Effusively | Cato @ Liberty

NSA’s Marching Orders to Congress: Deceive the Public, Praise NSA Effusively | Cato @ Liberty: "If I were one of the Intelligence Committee members who’d parroted these talking points, I’d be rather angry about being duped into deceiving the American people. But then, the committee members are politicians…"

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Student loan bailout would consume 62% of new Obama taxes | WashingtonExaminer.com

Student loan bailout would consume 62% of new Obama taxes | WashingtonExaminer.com: "Anxious Republicans skeptical of the president's fiscal cliff plan and proposed $1.6 trillion in new taxes, mostly on the wealthy, are worried that the administration is planning new spending programs, not debt payments with the money.

They are turning their attention to a Democratic proposal to pay off student loan debt and the president's focus on student loans during his many campaign stops at college campuses earlier this year."

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The White House’s Benghazi bungling is proving a disaster – Telegraph Blogs

The White House’s Benghazi bungling is proving a disaster – Telegraph Blogs: "Carney’s response, as the president’s official spokesman is extraordinarily dismissive of the concerns of the American people as well as the United States Congress, and is representative of the administration’s shambolic handling of the Benghazi attack. Susan Rice is the US Ambassador to the United Nations and Obama’s likely choice to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. What she misleadingly told millions of Americans on national television regarding the circumstances surrounding the first assassination of a US Ambassador since 1979 is of great public interest, and the nation deserves clear answers about what exactly the president and his top advisers knew before, during and after the Benghazi atrocity, and how they responded. As CBS’ Sharyl Attkisson asked earlier today, “who within the Obama administration deleted mention of "terrorism" and "al-Qaeda" from the CIA's talking points on the deadly Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi?”"

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