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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


And these labor unions – the shift from private to governmental unionization…the inherent legacy costs of that scenario is simply unsustainable. The free market cannot withstand the attack. It is collapsing all about us now and too many are simply not paying attention. The only hope for our recovery – the only hope, is our ability to grow our way out of this. That growth, along with massive cuts in government spending, is the only way. Nations such as Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain …they have come to this understanding, but have only been able to do so with the assistance of other nations who in turn are printing their own deficit dollars in order to do so. That situation cannot be sustained can it? And certainly not without growth. Do you know the number of payroll jobs in 1999 was approximately 130 million? That is the same number as in 2011. Zero growth. This economic stagnation is leading to economic decapitation and it is coming sooner not later. It is happening NOW. If this nation does not elect leaders with the political will to do battle with the entitlement status quo, to do battle with the monster that is the Federal Reserve, we are finished. Done. President Obama does not have the political will to do so. Far from it. Nor does he have the understanding of just how dire the situation is. Far from it. More of the same will only lead to the mutual destruction of both political parties and the nation.

Read more: from Ulsterman.

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