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Friday, March 23, 2012

Critical Race Theory Goes to the Polls

Critical Race Theory Goes to the Polls: "So, if voter ID does not put minority voters at an unfair disadvantage, why does the left persist in its opposition to even the most minimal efforts at ensuring that people who vote in our elections are legally entitled to do so? The most plausible answer comes from left-wing ideology, as we show in our book, Waking The Sleeping Giant.

The recently released video of the young Barack Obama embracing Derrick Bell, a leftist professor at Harvard who was central to the development of Critical Race Theory, triggered limited public interest in this racial version of Marxist social criticism. Few things can be as dry Marxist theory, but the real issue is that these academic theories tend to work their way from the universities out into society at large. The boring academic language is lost, and the practical application of Marxist theories hits us where we live."

'via Blog this'

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